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The standard process for the production of strongly squeezed states of light is optical parametric amplification (OPA) below threshold in dielectric media such as LiNbO3 or periodically poled KTP. Here, we present a graphical description of squeezed light generation via OPA. It visualizes the interaction between the nonlinear dielectric polarization of the medium and the electromagnetic quantum field. We explicitly focus on the transfer from the fields ground state to a squeezed vacuum state and from a coherent state to a bright squeezed state by the mediums secondorder nonlinearity, respectively. Our pictures visualize the phase dependent amplification and deamplification of quantum uncertainties and give the phase relations between all propagating electro-magnetic fields as well as the internally induced dielectric polarizations. The graphical description can also be used to describe the generation of nonclassical states of light via higherorder effects of the non-linear dielectric polarization such as four-wave mixing and the optical Kerr effect.
The quantum state of light changes its nature when being reflected off a mechanical oscillator due to the latters susceptibility to radiation pressure. As a result, a coherent state can transform into a squeezed state and can get entangled with the motion of the oscillator. The complete tomographic reconstruction of the state of light requires the ability to readout arbitrary quadratures. Here we demonstrate such a readout by applying a balanced homodyne detector to an interferometric position measurement of a thermally excited high-Q silicon nitride membrane in a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer. A readout noise of $unit{1.9 cdot 10^{-16}}{metre/sqrt{hertz}}$ around the membranes fundamental oscillation mode at $unit{133}{kilohertz}$ has been achieved, going below the peak value of the standard quantum limit by a factor of 8.2 (9 dB). The readout noise was entirely dominated by shot noise in a rather broad frequency range around the mechanical resonance.
The AEI 10 m prototype interferometer facility is currently being constructed at the Albert Einstein Institute in Hannover, Germany. It aims to perform experiments for future gravitational wave detectors using advanced techniques. Seismically isolated benches are planned to be interferometrically interconnected and stabilized, forming a low-noise testbed inside a 100 m^3 ultra-high vacuum system. A well-stabilized high power laser will perform differential position readout of 100 g test masses in a 10 m suspended arm-cavity enhanced Michelson interferometer at the crossover of measurement (shot) noise and backaction (quantum radiation pressure) noise, the so-called Standard Quantum Limit (SQL). Such a sensitivity enables experiments in the highly topical field of macroscopic quantum mechanics. In this article we introduce the experimental facility and describe the methods employed, technical details of subsystems will be covered in future papers.
Here we report on the realization of a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer whose purpose is the precise characterization of the motion of membranes showing significant light transmission. Our interferometer has a readout noise spectral density (imprecision) of 3E-16 m/sqrt(Hz) at frequencies around the fundamental resonance of a SiN_x membrane at about 100 kHz, without using optical cavities. The readout noise demonstrated is more than 16 dB below the peak value of the membranes standard quantum limit (SQL). This reduction is significantly higher than those of previous works with nano-wires [Teufel et al., Nature Nano. 4, 820 (2009); Anetsberger et al., Nature Phys. 5, 909 (2009)]. We discuss the meaning of the SQL for force measurements and its relation to the readout performance and conclude that neither our nor previous experiments achieved a total noise spectral density as low as the SQL.
Quantum fluctuations in the radiation pressure of light can excite stochastic motions of mechanical oscillators thereby realizing a linear quantum opto-mechanical coupling. When performing a precise measurement of the position of an oscillator, this coupling results in quantum radiation pressure noise. Up to now this effect has not been observed yet. Generally speaking, the strength of radiation pressure noise increases when the effective mass of the oscillator is decreased or when the power of the reflected light is increased. Recently, extremely light SiN membranes with high mechanical Q-values at room temperature have attracted attention as low thermal noise mechanical oscillators. However, the power reflectance of these membranes is much lower than unity which makes the use of advanced interferometer recycling techniques to amplify the radiation pressure noise in a standard Michelson interferometer inefficient. Here, we propose and theoretically analyze a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer that includes the membrane as a common end mirror for the Michelson interferometer part. In this new topology, both, power- and signal-recycling can be used even if the reflectance of the membrane is much lower than unity. In particular, signal-recycling is a useful tool because it does not involve a power increase at the membrane. We derive the formulas for the quantum radiation pressure noise and the shot-noise of an oscillator position measurement and compare them with theoretical models of the thermal noise of a SiN membrane with a fundamental resonant frequency of 75 kHz and an effective mass of 125 ng. We find that quantum radiation pressure noise should be observable with a power of 1 W at the central beam splitter of the interferometer and a membrane temperature of 1 K.

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