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We propose a modified voter model with locally conserved magnetization and investigate its phase ordering dynamics in two dimensions in numerical simulations. Imposing a local constraint on the dynamics has the surprising effect of speeding up the phase ordering process. The system is shown to exhibit a scaling regime characterized by algebraic domain growth, at odds with the logarithmic coarsening of the standard voter model. A phenomenological approach based on cluster diffusion and similar to Smoluchowski ripening correctly predicts the observed scaling regime. Our analysis exposes unexpected complexity in the phase ordering dynamics without thermodynamic potential.
We study the stochastic dynamics of evolutionary games, and focus on the so-called `stochastic slowdown effect, previously observed in (Altrock et. al, 2010) for simple evolutionary dynamics. Slowdown here refers to the fact that a beneficial mutation may take longer to fixate than a neutral one. More precisely, the fixation time conditioned on the mutant taking over can show a maximum at intermediate selection strength. We show that this phenomenon is present in the prisoners dilemma, and also discuss counterintuitive slowdown and speedup in coexistence games. In order to establish the microscopic origins of these phenomena, we calculate the average sojourn times. This allows us to identify the transient states which contribute most to the slowdown effect, and enables us to provide an understanding of slowdown in the takeover of a small group of cooperators by defectors: Defection spreads quickly initially, but the final steps to takeover can be delayed substantially. The analysis of coexistence games reveals even more intricate behavior. In small populations, the conditional average fixation time can show multiple extrema as a function of the selection strength, e.g., slowdown, speedup, and slowdown again. We classify two-player games with respect to the possibility to observe non-monotonic behavior of the conditional average fixation time as a function of selection strength.
We study stochastic effects on the lagging anchor dynamics, a reinforcement learning algorithm used to learn successful strategies in iterated games, which is known to converge to Nash points in the absence of noise. The dynamics is stochastic when players only have limited information about their opponents strategic propensities. The effects of this noise are studied analytically in the case where it is small but finite, and we show that the statistics and correlation properties of fluctuations can be computed to a high accuracy. We find that the system can exhibit quasicycles, driven by intrinsic noise. If players are asymmetric and use different parameters for their learning, a net payoff advantage can be achieved due to these stochastic oscillations around the deterministic equilibrium.
The existence of a phase transition with diverging susceptibility in batch Minority Games (MGs) is the mark of informationally efficient regimes and is linked to the specifics of the agents learning rules. Here we study how the standard scenario is affected in a mixed population game in which agents with the `optimal learning rule (i.e. the one leading to efficiency) coexist with ones whose adaptive dynamics is sub-optimal. Our generic finding is that any non-vanishing intensive fraction of optimal agents guarantees the existence of an efficient phase. Specifically, we calculate the dependence of the critical point on the fraction $q$ of `optimal agents focusing our analysis on three cases: MGs with market impact correction, grand-canonical MGs and MGs with heterogeneous comfort levels.

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