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It is well known that a particle cannot freely share entanglement with two or more particles. This restriction is generally called monogamy. However the formal quantification of such restriction is only known for some measures of entanglement and for two-level systems. The first and broadly known monogamy relation was established by Coffman, Kundu, and Wootters for the square of the concurrence. Since then, it is usually said that the entanglement of formation is not monogamous, as it does not obey the same relation. We show here that despite that, the entanglement of formation cannot be freely shared and therefore should be said to be monogamous. Furthermore, the square of the entanglement of formation does obey the same relation of the squared concurrence, a fact recently noted for three particles and extended here for N particles. Therefore the entanglement of formation is as monogamous as the concurrence. We also numerically study how the entanglement is distributed in pure states of three qubits and the relation between the sum of the bipartite entanglement and the classical correlation.
We present an example where Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking may effect not only the behavior of the entanglement at Quantum Phase Transitions, but also the origin of the non-analyticity. In particular, in the XXZ model, we study the non analyticities in the concurrence between two spins, which was claimed to be accidental, since it had its origin in the optimization involved in the concurrence definition. We show that when one takes in account the effect of the Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, even tough the values of the entanglement measure does not change, the origin the the non-analytical behavior changes: it is not due to the optimization process anymore and in this sense it is a natural non-analyticity. This is a much more subtle influence of the Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking not noticed before. However the non-analytical behavior still suggests a second order quantum phase transition and not the first order that occurs and we explain why. We also show that the value of entanglement between one site and the rest of the chain does change when taking into account the Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking.
The nature of quantum correlations in strongly correlated systems has been a subject of intense research. In particular, it has been realized that entanglement and quantum discord are present at quantum phase transitions and able to characterize it. Surprisingly, it has been shown for a number of different systems that qubit pairwise states, even when highly entangled, do not violate Bells inequalities, being in this sense local. Here we show that such a local character of quantum correlations is in fact general for translation invariant systems and has its origins in the monogamy trade-off obeyed by tripartite Bell correlations. We illustrate this result in a quantum spin chain with a soft breaking of translation symmetry. In addition, we extend the monogamy inequality to the $N$-qubit scenario, showing that the bound increases with $N$ and providing examples of its saturation through uniformly generated random pure states.
Exploring an analytical expression for the convex roof of the pure state squared concurrence for rank 2 mixed states the entanglement of a system of three particles under decoherence is studied, using the monogamy inequality for mixed states and the residual entanglement obtained from it. The monogamy inequality is investigated both for the concurrence and the negativity in the case of local independent phase damping channel acting on generalized GHZ states of three particles and the local independent amplitude damping channel acting on generalized W state of three particles. It is shown that the bipartite entanglement between one qubit and the rest has a qualitative similar behavior to the entanglement between individual qubits, and that the residual entanglement in terms of the negativity cannot be a good entanglement measure for mixed states, since it can increase under local decoherence.
The power of matrix product states to describe infinite-size translational-invariant critical spin chains is investigated. At criticality, the accuracy with which they describe ground state properties of a system is limited by the size $chi$ of the matrices that form the approximation. This limitation is quantified in terms of the scaling of the half-chain entanglement entropy. In the case of the quantum Ising model, we find $S sim {1/6}log chi$ with high precision. This result can be understood as the emergence of an effective finite correlation length $xi_chi$ ruling of all the scaling properties in the system. We produce five extra pieces of evidence for this finite-$chi$ scaling, namely, the scaling of the correlation length, the scaling of magnetization, the shift of the critical point, and the scaling of the entanglement entropy for a finite block of spins. All our computations are consistent with a scaling relation of the form $xi_chisim chi^{kappa}$, with $kappa=2$ for the Ising model. In the case of the Heisenberg model, we find similar results with the value $kappasim 1.37$. We also show how finite-$chi$ scaling allow to extract critical exponents. These results are obtained using the infinite time evolved block decimation algorithm which works in the thermodynamical limit and are verified to agree with density matrix renormalization group results.
We analyze the bipartite and multipartite entanglement for the ground state of the one-dimensional XY model in a transverse magnetic field in the thermodynamical limit. We explicitly take into account the spontaneous symmetry breaking in order to explore the relation between entanglement and quantum phase transitions. As a result we show that while both bipartite and multipartite entanglement can be enhanced by spontaneous symmetry breaking deep into the ferromagnetic phase, only the latter is affected by it in the vicinity of the critical point. This result adds to the evidence that multipartite, and not bipartite, entanglement is the fundamental indicator of long range correlations in quantum phase transitions.

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