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54 - Shay Zucker 2015
We introduce and test several novel approaches for periodicity detection in unevenly-spaced sparse datasets. Specifically, we examine five different kinds of periodicity metrics, which are based on non-parametric measures of serial dependence of the phase-folded data. We test the metrics through simulations in which we assess their performance in various situations, including various periodic signal shapes, different numbers of data points and different signal to noise ratios. One of the periodicity metrics we introduce seems to perform significantly better than the classical ones in some settings of interest to astronomers. We suggest that this periodicity metric - the Hoeffding-test periodicity metric - should be used in addition to the traditional methods, to increase periodicity detection probability.
185 - Rennan Barkana 2014
Understanding the formation and evolution of the first stars and galaxies represents one of the most exciting frontiers in astronomy. Since the universe was filled with neutral hydrogen at early times, the most promising method for observing the epoch of the first stars is using the prominent 21-cm spectral line of the hydrogen atom. Current observational efforts are focused on the reionization era (cosmic age t~500 Myr), with earlier times considered much more challenging. However, the next frontier of even earlier galaxy formation (t~200 Myr) is emerging as a promising observational target. This is made possible by a recently noticed effect of a significant relative velocity between the baryons and dark matter at early times. The velocity difference significantly suppresses star formation. The spatial variation of this suppression enhances large-scale clustering and produces a prominent cosmic web on 100 comoving Mpc scales in the 21-cm intensity distribution. This structure makes it much more feasible for radio astronomers to detect these early stars, and should drive a new focus on this era, which is rich with little-explored astrophysics.
173 - Dovi Poznanski 2013
Three lines of evidence indicate that in the most common type of core collapse supernovae, the energy deposited in the ejecta by the exploding core is approximately proportional to the progenitor mass cubed. This results stems from an observed uniformity of light curve plateau duration, a correlation between mass and ejecta velocity, and the known correlation between luminosity and velocity. This result ties in analytical and numerical models together with observations, providing us with clues as to the mechanism via which the explosion of the core deposits a small fraction of its energy into the hurled envelope.
227 - Rennan Barkana 2013
Understanding the formation and evolution of the first stars and galaxies represents one of the most exciting frontiers in astronomy. Since the universe was filled with neutral hydrogen at early times, the most promising method for observing the epoch of the first stars is using the prominent 21-cm spectral line of the hydrogen atom. Current observational efforts are focused on the reionization era (cosmic age t ~ 500 Myr), with earlier times considered much more challenging. However, the next frontier of even earlier galaxy formation (t ~ 200 Myr) is emerging as a promising observational target. This is made possible by a recently noticed effect of a significant relative velocity between the baryons and dark matter at early times. The velocity difference suppresses star formation, causing a unique form of early luminosity bias. The spatial variation of this suppression enhances large-scale clustering and produces a prominent cosmic web on 100 comoving Mpc scales in the 21-cm intensity distribution. This structure makes it much more feasible for radio astronomers to detect these early stars, and should drive a new focus on this era, which is rich with little-explored astrophysics.
The modeling of UV and optical spectra emitted from the symbiotic system AG Draconis, adopting collision of the winds, predicts soft X-ray bremsstrahlung from nebulae downstream of the reverse shock with velocities > 150 km/s and intensities comparable to those of the white dwarf black body flux. At outbursts, the envelop of debris, which corresponds to the nebula downstream of the high velocity shocks (700-1000 km/s) accompanying the blast wave, absorbs the black body soft X-ray flux from the white dwarf, explains the broad component of the H and He lines, and leads to low optical-UV-X-ray continuum fluxes. The high optical-UV flux observed at the outbursts is explained by bremsstrahlung downstream of the reverse shock between the stars. The depletion of C, N, O, and Mg relative to H indicates that they are trapped into dust grains and/or into diatomic molecules, suggesting that the collision of the wind from the white dwarf with the dusty shells, ejected from the red giant with about 1 year periodicity, leads to the U-band fluctuations during the major bursts.
194 - Rennan Barkana 2010
Baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) modulate the density ratio of baryons to dark matter across large regions of the Universe. We show that the associated variation in the mass-to-light ratio of galaxies should generate an oscillatory, scale-dependent bias of galaxies relative to the underlying distribution of dark matter. A measurement of this effect would calibrate the dependence of the characteristic mass-to-light ratio of galaxies on the baryon mass fraction in their large scale environment. This bias, though, is unlikely to significantly affect measurements of BAO peak positions.
In this article, we study the thermalizability of a system consisting of two atoms in a circular, transversely harmonic waveguide in the multimode regime. While showing some signatures of the quantum-chaotic behavior, the system fails to reach a thermal equilibrium in a relaxation from an initial state, even when the interaction between the atoms is infinitely strong. We relate this phenomenon to the previously addressed unattainability of a complete quantum chaos in the Seba billiard [P. Seba, Phys. Rev. Lett., 64, 1855 (1990)], and we conjecture the absence of a complete thermalization to be a generic property of integrable quantum systems perturbed by a non-integrable but well localized perturbation.
78 - Rennan Barkana 2009
Gravitational lensing observations of massive X-ray clusters imply a steep characteristic density profile marked by a central concentration of dark matter. The observed mass fraction within a projected radius of 150 kpc is twice that found in state-of-the-art dark matter simulations of the standard Lambda-CDM cosmology. A central baryon enhancement that could explain this discrepancy is not observed, leaving a major puzzle. We propose a solution based on the merger histories of clusters. A significant fraction of the final dark matter content of a cluster halo originates within galaxy-sized halos, in which gas can cool and compress the dark matter core to high densities. The subsequent tidal stripping of this compressed dark matter occurs in denser regions that are closer to the center of the cluster halo. Eventually, the originally cooled gas must be dispersed into the intracluster medium through feedback, for consistency with observations that do not find central baryon enhancements in clusters. Still, the early adiabatic compression of the galactic dark matter leaves a net effect on the cluster. Using a simple model for this process, we show that the central cluster profile is substantially modified, potentially explaining the observed discrepancy.
We visualize the fundamental property of pQCD: the smaller size of the colorless quark-gluon configurations leads to a more rapid increase of its interaction with energy. Within the frame of dipole model we use the $k_t$ factorization theorem to generalize the DGLAP approximation and/or leading $ln(x_0/x)$ approximation and evaluate the interaction of quark dipole with a target. In the limit of fixed $Q^2$ and $xto 0$ we found the increase with energy of transverse momenta of quark(antiquark) within q$bar q$ pair produced by strongly virtual photon. The average $p^2_t$ is evaluated analytically within the double logarithmic approximation. We demonstrate that the invariant mass$^2$ of the q$bar q$ pair increases with the energy as $M^2_0(x_0/x)^{lambda}$, where $lambdasim 0.4alpha_sN_c/pi$ for transverse photons, and as $sim M^2_0 exp{0.17[(4alpha_sN_c/pi)log(x_0/x)]^{1/2}}$ for longitudinal photons, where $M^2_0 approx 0.7Q^2$ at the energies of the order $s_0sim 10^4$ GeV$^2$ ($x_0sim 10^{-2}$). The magnitude of the effect depends strongly on the small $x$ behavior of the gluon distribution. Similar pattern of the energy dependence of $M^2$ is found in the LO DGLAP approximation generalized to account for $k_t$ factorization. We discuss the impact of the found phenomenon on the dependence of the coherence length on the initial energy and demonstrate that the shape of final hadron state in DIS has biconcave form instead of pancake. Some implications of the found phenomena for the hard processes in pp collisions are discussed.
The BK equation in the conformal basis is considered and analyzed. It is shown that at high energy a factorization of the coordinate and rapidity dependence should hold. This allows to simplify significantly the from of the equation under discussion. An analytical ansatz for the solution to the BK equation at high energies is proposed and analyzed. This analytical ansatz satisfies the initial condition at low energy and does not depend on both rapidity and the initial condition in the high energy limit. The case of the final rapidity being not too large is discussed and the properties of the transition region between small and large final rapidities have been studied.

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