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In order to infer the impact of the small-scale physics to the large-scale properties of the universe, we use a series of cosmological $N$-body simulations of self-gravitating matter inhomogeneities to measure, for the first time, the response function of such a system defined as a functional derivative of the nonlinear power spectrum with respect to its linear counterpart. Its measured shape and amplitude are found to be in good agreement with perturbation theory predictions except for the coupling from small to large-scale perturbations. The latter is found to be significantly damped, following a Lorentzian form. These results shed light on validity regime of perturbation theory calculations giving a useful guideline for regularization of small scale effects in analytical modeling. Most importantly our result indicates that the statistical properties of the large-scale structure of the universe are remarkably insensitive to the details of the small-scale physics, astrophysical or gravitational, paving the way for the derivation of robust estimates of theoretical uncertainties on the determination of cosmological parameters from large-scale survey observations.
The cosmological power spectrum of the coherent matter flow is measured exploiting an improved prescription for the apparent anisotropic clustering pattern in redshift space. New statistical analysis is presented to provide an optimal observational platform to link the improved redshift distortion theoretical model to future real datasets. The statistical power as well as robustness of our method are tested against 60 realizations of 8 Gpc/h^3 dark matter simulation maps mocking the precision level of upcoming wide--deep surveys. We showed that we can accurately extract the velocity power spectrum up to quasi linear scales of k~0.1 h/Mpc at z = 0.35 and up to k~0.15 h/Mpc at higher redshifts within a couple of percentage precision level. Our understanding of redshift space distortion is proved to be appropriate for precision cosmology, and our statistical method will guide us to righteous path to meet the real world.
We use a series of cosmological N-body simulations and various analytic models to study the evolution of the matter power spectrum in real space in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter universe. We compare the results of N-body simulations against three analytical model predictions; standard perturbation theory, renormalized perturbation theory, and the closure approximation. We include the effects from finite simulation box size in the comparison. We determine the values of the maximum wavenumbers, k^{lim}_{1%} and k^{lim}_{3%}, below which the analytic models and the simulation results agree to within 1 and 3 percent, respectively. We then provide a simple empirical function which describes the convergence regime determined by comparison between our simulations and the analytical models. We find that if we use the Fourier modes within the convergence regime alone, the characteristic scale of baryon acoustic oscillations can be determined within 1% accuracy from future surveys with a volume of a few h^{-3}Gpc^3 at zsim1 or zsim3 in the absence of any systematic distortion of the power spectrum.
An acoustic oscillation of the primeval photon-baryon fluid around the decoupling time imprints a characteristic scale in the galaxy distribution today, known as the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale. Several on-going and/or future galaxy surveys aim at detecting and precisely determining the BAO scale so as to trace the expansion history of the universe. We consider nonlinear and redshift-space distortion effects on the shifts of the BAO scale in $k$-space using perturbation theory. The resulting shifts are indeed sensitive to different choices of the definition of the BAO scale, which needs to be kept in mind in the data analysis. We present a toy model to explain the physical behavior of the shifts. We find that the BAO scale defined as in Percival et al. (2007) indeed shows very small shifts ($lesssim$ 1%) relative to the prediction in {it linear theory} in real space. The shifts can be predicted accurately for scales where the perturbation theory is reliable.

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