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We report the observation of quantum reflection from a narrow, attractive, potential using bright solitary matter-waves formed from a 85Rb Bose-Einstein condensate. We create narrow potentials using a tightly focused, red-detuned laser beam, and observe reflection of up to 25% of the atoms, along with the trapping of atoms at the position of the beam. We show that the observed reflected fraction is much larger than theoretical predictions for a narrow Gaussian potential well; a more detailed model of bright soliton propagation, accounting for the generic presence of small subsidiary intensity maxima in the red-detuned beam, suggests that these small intensity maxima are the cause of this enhanced reflection.
We explore the possible regimes of decaying two-dimensional quantum turbulence, and elucidate the nature of spectral energy transport by introducing a dissipative point-vortex model with phenomenological vortex-sound interactions. The model is valid for a large system with weak dissipation, and also for systems with strong dissipation, and allows us to extract a meaningful and unambiguous spectral energy flux associated with quantum vortex motion. For weak dissipation and large system size we find a regime of hydrodynamic vortex turbulence in which energy is transported to large spatial scales, resembling the phenomenology of the transient inverse cascade observed in decaying turbulence in classical incompressible fluids. For strong dissipation the vortex dynamics are dominated by dipole recombination and exhibit no appreciable spectral transport of energy.
The Reynolds number provides a characterization of the transition to turbulent flow, with wide application in classical fluid dynamics. Identifying such a parameter in superfluid systems is challenging due to their fundamentally inviscid nature. Performing a systematic study of superfluid cylinder wakes in two dimensions, we observe dynamical similarity of the frequency of vortex shedding by a cylindrical obstacle. The universality of the turbulent wake dynamics is revealed by expressing shedding frequencies in terms of an appropriately defined superfluid Reynolds number, ${rm Re}_s$, that accounts for the breakdown of superfluid flow through quantum vortex shedding. For large obstacles, the dimensionless shedding frequency exhibits a universal form that is well-fitted by a classical empirical relation. In this regime the transition to turbulence occurs at ${rm Re}_sapprox 0.7$, irrespective of obstacle width.
We study the sensitivity of coupled condensate formation dynamics on the history of initial stochastic domain formation in the context of instantaneously quenched elongated harmonically-trapped immiscible two-component atomic Bose gases. The spontaneous generation of defects in the fastest condensing component, and subsequent coarse-graining dynamics, can lead to a deep oscillating microtrap into which the other component condenses, thereby establishing a long-lived composite defect in the form of a dark-bright solitary wave. We numerically map out diverse key aspects of these competing growth dynamics, focussing on the role of shot-to-shot fluctuations and global parameter changes (initial state choices, quench parameters and condensate growth rates). We conclude that phase-separated structures observable on experimental timescales are likely to be metastable states whose form is influenced by the stability and dynamics of the spontaneously-emerging dark-bright solitary wave.
Solitons are non-dispersive wave solutions that arise in a diverse range of nonlinear systems, stablised by a focussing or defocussing nonlinearity. First observed in shallow water, solitons have subsequently been studied in many other fields including nonlinear optics, biophysics, astrophysics, plasma and particle physics. They are characterised by well localised wavepackets that maintain their initial shape and amplitude for all time, even following collisions with other solitons. Here we report the controlled formation of bright solitary matter-waves, the 3D analog to solitons, from Bose-Einstein condensates of 85Rb and observe their propagation in an optical waveguide. These results pave the way for new experimental studies of bright solitary matterwave dynamics to elucidate the wealth of existing theoretical work and to explore an array of potential applications including novel interferometric devices, the study of short-range atom-surface potentials and the realisation of Schru007fodingercat states.
We investigate the mean--field equilibrium solutions for a two--species immiscible Bose--Einstein condensate confined by a harmonic confinement with additional linear perturbations. We observe a range of equilibrium density structures, including `ball and shell formations and axially/radially separated states, with a marked sensitivity to the potential perturbations and the relative atom number in each species. Incorporation of linear trap perturbations, albeit weak, are found to be essential to match the range of equilibrium density profiles observed in a recent Rb-87 - Cs-133 Bose-Einstein condensate experiment [D. J. McCarron et al., Phys. Rev. A, 84, 011603(R) (2011)]. Our analysis of this experiment demonstrates that sensitivity to linear trap perturbations is likely to be important factor in interpreting the results of similar experiments in the future.
In recent years, bright soliton-like structures composed of gaseous Bose-Einstein condensates have been generated at ultracold temperature. The experimental capacity to precisely engineer the nonlinearity and potential landscape experienced by these solitary waves offers an attractive platform for fundamental study of solitonic structures. The presence of three spatial dimensions and trapping implies that these are strictly distinct objects to the true soliton solutions. Working within the zero-temperature mean-field description, we explore the solutions and stability of bright solitary waves, as well as their interactions. Emphasis is placed on elucidating their similarities and differences to the true bright soliton. The rich behaviour introduced in the bright solitary waves includes the collapse instability and symmetry-breaking collisions. We review the experimental formation and observation of bright solitary matter waves to date, and compare to theoretical predictions. Finally we discuss the current state-of-the-art of this area, including beyond-mean-field descriptions, exotic bright solitary waves, and proposals to exploit bright solitary waves in interferometry and as surface probes.
While the Gross--Pitaevskii equation is well-established as the canonical dynamical description of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) at zero-temperature, describing the dynamics of BECs at finite temperatures remains a difficult theoretical problem, particularly when considering low-temperature, non-equilibrium systems in which depletion of the condensate occurs dynamically as a result of external driving. In this paper, we describe a fully time-dependent numerical implementation of a second-order, number-conserving description of finite-temperature BEC dynamics. This description consists of equations of motion describing the coupled dynamics of the condensate and non-condensate fractions in a self-consistent manner, and is ideally suited for the study of low-temperature, non-equilibrium, driven systems. The delta-kicked-rotor BEC provides a prototypical example of such a system, and we demonstrate the efficacy of our numerical implementation by investigating its dynamics at finite temperature. We demonstrate that the qualitative features of the system dynamics at zero temperature are generally preserved at finite temperatures, and predict a quantitative finite-temperature shift of resonance frequencies which would be relevant for, and could be verified by, future experiments.
We consider the ground state of an attractively-interacting atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in a prolate, cylindrically symmetric harmonic trap. If a true quasi-one-dimensional limit is realized, then for sufficiently weak axial trapping this ground state takes the form of a bright soliton solution of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation. Using analytic variational and highly accurate numerical solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation we systematically and quantitatively assess how soliton-like this ground state is, over a wide range of trap and interaction strengths. Our analysis reveals that the regime in which the ground state is highly soliton-like is significantly restricted, and occurs only for experimentally challenging trap anisotropies. This result, and our broader identification of regimes in which the ground state is well-approximated by our simple analytic variational solution, are relevant to a range of potential experiments involving attractively-interacting Bose-Einstein condensates.
We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate driven by periodic delta-kicks. In contrast to first-order descriptions, which predict rapid, unbounded growth of the noncondensate in resonant parameter regimes, the consistent treatment of condensate depletion in our fully-time-dependent, second-order description acts to damp this growth, leading to oscillations in the (non)condensate population and the coherence of the system.

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