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122 - E. Akiyama , T. Muto , N. Kusakabe 2015
We present a new Subaru/HiCIAO high-contrast H-band polarized intensity (PI) image of a nearby transitional disk associated with TW Hydrae. The scattered light from the disk was detected from 0.2 to 1.5 (11 - 81 AU) and the PI image shows a clear axisymmetric depression in polarized intensity at ~ 0.4 (~ 20 AU) from the central star, similar to the ~ 80 AU gap previously reported from HST images. Azimuthal polarized intensity profile also shows the disk beyond 0.2 is almost axisymmetric. We discuss two possible scenarios explaining the origin of the polarized intensity depression: 1) a gap structure may exist at ~ 20 AU from the central star because of shallow slope seen in the polarized intensity profile, and 2) grain growth may be occurring in the inner region of the disk. Multi-band observations at NIR and millimeter/sub-millimeter wavelengths play a complementary role in investigating dust opacity and may help reveal the origin of the gap more precisely.
We present the first near-IR scattered light detection of the transitional disk associated with the Herbig Ae star MWC 758 using data obtained as part of the Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru, and 1.1 micron HST/NICMOS data. While sub-millimeter studies suggested there is a dust-depleted cavity with r=0.35, we find scattered light as close as 0.1 (20-28 AU) from the star, with no visible cavity at H, K, or Ks. We find two small-scaled spiral structures which asymmetrically shadow the outer disk. We model one of the spirals using spiral density wave theory, and derive a disk aspect ratio of h ~ 0.18, indicating a dynamically warm disk. If the spiral pattern is excited by a perturber, we estimate its mass to be 5+3,-4 Mj, in the range where planet filtration models predict accretion continuing onto the star. Using a combination of non-redundant aperture masking data at L and angular differential imaging with Locally Optimized Combination of Images at K and Ks, we exclude stellar or massive brown dwarf companions within 300 mas of the Herbig Ae star, and all but planetary mass companions exterior to 0.5. We reach 5-sigma contrasts limiting companions to planetary masses, 3-4 MJ at 1.0 and 2 MJ at 1.55 using the COND models. Collectively, these data strengthen the case for MWC 758 already being a young planetary system.
We report high-resolution (0.07 arcsec) near-infrared polarized intensity images of the circumstellar disk around the star 2MASS J16042165-2130284 obtained with HiCIAO mounted on the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. We present our $H$-band data, which clearly exhibits a resolved, face-on disk with a large inner hole for the first time at infrared wavelengths. We detect the centrosymmetric polarization pattern in the circumstellar material as has been observed in other disks. Elliptical fitting gives the semimajor axis, semiminor axis, and position angle (P.A.) of the disk as 63 AU, 62 AU, and -14 $^{circ}$, respectively. The disk is asymmetric, with one dip located at P.A.s of $sim85^{circ}$. Our observed disk size agrees well with a previous study of dust and CO emission at submillimeter wavelength with Submillimeter Array. Hence, the near-infrared light is interpreted as scattered light reflected from the inner edge of the disk. Our observations also detect an elongated arc (50 AU) extending over the disk inner hole. It emanates at the inner edge of the western side of the disk, extending inward first, then curving to the northeast. We discuss the possibility that the inner hole, the dip, and the arc that we have observed may be related to the existence of unseen bodies within the disk.
67 - T. Tatsumi , T. Muto 2012
We discuss the cooling of hybrid stars by considering the neutrino emission from quark matter. As a current topic the appearance of various inhomogeneous chiral phases have been studied near the chiral transition. Here we consider the dual-chiral-density-wave (DCDW) specified by the spatially modulated quark condensates. Since the DCDW state can be represented as a chirally rotated state from the normal quark matter, the quark weak-current is accordingly transformed to have an additional phase factor which modifies the energy-momentum conservation at the vertex, and makes the quark direct Urca process possible. The direct evaluation of the neutrino emissivity shows that it is proportional to and the magnitude is comparable with the quark or pion cooling. Since the DCDW phase develops only in the limited density region, this novel mechanism may give an interesting scenario about cooling of hybrid stars that lower-mass stars should be cooler than higher-mass ones.
We present high-resolution, H-band, imaging observations, collected with Subaru/HiCIAO, of the scattered light from the transitional disk around SAO 206462 (HD 135344B). Although previous sub-mm imagery suggested the existence of the dust-depleted cavity at r~46AU, our observations reveal the presence of scattered light components as close as 0.2 (~28AU) from the star. Moreover, we have discovered two small-scale spiral structures lying within 0.5 (~70AU). We present models for the spiral structures using the spiral density wave theory, and derive a disk aspect ratio of h~0.1, which is consistent with previous sub-mm observations. This model can potentially give estimates of the temperature and rotation profiles of the disk based on dynamical processes, independently from sub-mm observations. It also predicts the evolution of the spiral structures, which can be observable on timescales of 10-20 years, providing conclusive tests of the model. While we cannot uniquely identify the origin of these spirals, planets embedded in the disk may be capable of exciting the observed morphology. Assuming that this is the case, we can make predictions on the locations and, possibly, the masses of the unseen planets. Such planets may be detected by future multi-wavelengths observations.
We report high-resolution 1.6 $micron$ polarized intensity ($PI$) images of the circumstellar disk around the Herbig Ae star AB Aur at a radial distance of 22 AU ($0.15$) up to 554 AU (3.$$85), which have been obtained by the high-contrast instrument HiCIAO with the dual-beam polarimetry. We revealed complicated and asymmetrical structures in the inner part ($lesssim$140 AU) of the disk, while confirming the previously reported outer ($r$ $gtrsim$200 AU) spiral structure. We have imaged a double ring structure at $sim$40 and $sim$100 AU and a ring-like gap between the two. We found a significant discrepancy of inclination angles between two rings, which may indicate that the disk of AB Aur is warped. Furthermore, we found seven dips (the typical size is $sim$45 AU or less) within two rings as well as three prominent $PI$ peaks at $sim$40 AU. The observed structures, including a bumpy double ring, a ring-like gap, and a warped disk in the innermost regions, provide essential information for understanding the formation mechanism of recently detected wide-orbit ($r$ $>$20 AU) planets.

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