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We aim at characterising the structure of the gas and dust around the high mass X-ray binary GX 301-2, a highly obscured X-ray binary hosting a hypergiant star and a neutron star, in order to better constrain its evolution. We used Herschel PACS to observe GX 301-2 in the far infrared and completed the spectral energy distribution of the source using published data or catalogs, from the optical to the radio range (0.4 to 4x10^4 micrometer). GX 301-2 is detected for the first time at 70 and 100 micrometer. We fitted different models of circumstellar environments to the data. All tested models are statistically acceptable, and consistent with a hypergiant star at ~3 kpc. We found that the addition of a free-free emission component from the strong stellar wind is required and could dominate the far infrared flux. Through comparisons with similar systems and discussion on the estimated model parameters, we favour a disk-like circumstellar environment of ~8 AU that would enshroud the binary system. The temperature goes down to ~200 K at the edge of the disk, allowing for dust formation. This disk is probably a rimmed viscous disk with an inner rim at the temperature of the dust sublimation temperature (~1500 K). The similarities between the hypergiant GX 301-2, B[e] supergiants and the highly obscured X-ray binaries (in particular IGR J16318-4848) are strengthened. GX 301-2 might represent a transition stage in the evolution of massive stars in binary systems, connecting supergiant B[e] systems to luminous blue variables.
165 - Sylvain Chaty 2014
In this review I first describe the nature of the three kinds of High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs), accreting through: (i) Be circumstellar disc, (ii) supergiant stellar wind, and (iii) Roche lobe filling supergiants. I then report on the discovery of two new populations of HMXBs hosting supergiant stars, recently revealed by a wealth of new observations, coming from the high energy side (INTEGRAL, Swift, XMM, Chandra satellites), and complemented by multi-wavelength optical/infrared observations (mainly ESO facilities). The first population is constituted of obscured supergiant HMXBs, the second one of supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs), exhibiting short and intense X-ray flares. I finally discuss the formation and evolution of HMXBs, constrain the accretion models (e.g. clumpy winds, transitory accretion disc, magneto-centrifugal barrier), show evidences suggesting the existence of an evolutionary link, include comparisons with population synthesis models, and finally build a consistent scenario explaining the various characteristics of these extreme celestial sources. Because they are the likely progenitors of Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs), and also of neutron star/black hole binary mergers, related to short/hard gamma-ray bursts, the knowledge of the nature, formation and evolution of these HMXB populations is of prime importance.
Since it started observing the sky, the INTEGRAL satellite has discovered new categories of high mass X-ray binaries (HMXB) in our Galaxy. These observations raise important questions on the formation and evolution of these rare and short-lived objects. We present here new infrared observations from which to reveal or constrain the nature of 15 INTEGRAL sources, which allow us to update and discuss the Galactic HMXB population statistics. After previous photometric and spectroscopic observing campaigns in the optical and near-infrared, new photometry and spectroscopy was performed in the near-infrared with the SofI instrument on the ESO/NTT telescope in 2008 and 2010 on a sample of INTEGRAL sources. These observations, and specifically the detection of certain features in the spectra, allow the identification of these high-energy objects by comparison with published nIR spectral atlases of O and B stars. We present photometric data of nine sources (IGR J10101-5654, IGR J11187-5438, IGR J11435-6109, IGR J14331-6112, IGR J16328-4726, IGR J17200-3116, IGR J17354-3255, IGR J17404-3655, and IGR J17586-2129) and spectroscopic observations of 13 sources (IGR J10101-5654, IGR J11435-6109, IGR J13020-6359, IGR J14331-6112, IGR J14488-5942, IGR J16195-4945, IGR J16318-4848, IGR J16320-4751, IGR J16328-4726, IGR J16418-4532, IGR J17354-3255, IGR J17404-3655, and IGR J17586-2129). Our spectroscopic measurements indicate that: five of these objects are Oe/Be high-mass X-ray binaries (BeHMXB), six are supergiant high-mass X-ray binaries (sgHMXB), and two are sgB[e]. From a statistical point of view, we estimate the proportion of confirmed sgHMXB to be 42% and that of the confirmed BeHMXB to be 49%. The remaining 9% are peculiar HMXB.
The nature of ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), which are off-nuclear extragalactic X-ray sources that exceed the Eddington luminosity for a stellar-mass black hole, is still largely unknown. They might be black hole X-ray binaries in a super-Eddington accretion state, possibly with significant beaming of their emission, or they might harbor a black hole of intermediate mass (10^2 to 10^5 solar masses). Due to the enormous amount of energy radiated, ULXs can have strong interactions with their environment, particularly if the emission is not beamed and if they host a massive black hole. We present early results of a project that uses archival Herschel infrared observations of galaxies hosting bright ULXs in order to constrain the nature of the environment surrounding the ULXs and possible interactions. We already observe a spatial correlation between ULXs and dense clouds of cold material, that will be quantified in subsequent work. Those observations will allow us to test the similarities with the environment of Galactic high mass X-ray binaries. This project will also shed light on the nature of the host galaxies, and the possible factors that could favor the presence of a ULX in a galaxy.
166 - Sylvain Chaty 2013
We describe here the nature, formation and evolution of the supergiant high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) population, i.e. systems accreting the stellar wind of supergiant stars. There are now many new observations, from the high-energy side (mainly from the INTEGRAL satellite), complemented by multi-wavelength observations (mainly in the optical, near and mid-infrared from ESO facilities), showing that a new population of supergiant HMXBs has been recently revealed. We report here on the observational facts about the different categories of HMXBs, allowing to build a consistent scenario explaining the various characteristics of these sources, based on models of accretion in these sources (e.g. transitory accretion disc versus clumpy winds). We also mention new observations suggesting the existence of evolutionary links between Be and stellar wind accreting supergiant X-ray binaries.
We present preliminary results on Herschel/PACS mid/far-infrared photometric observations of INTEGRAL supergiant High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs), with the aim of detecting the presence and characterizing the nature of absorbing material (dust and/or cold gas), either enshrouding the whole binary systems, or surrounding the sources within their close environment. These unique observations allow us to better characterize the nature of these HMXBs, to constrain the link with their environment (impact and feedback), and finally to get a better understanding of the formation and evolution of such rare and short-living supergiant HMXBs in our Galaxy.
A new class of X-ray binaries has been recently discovered by the high energy observatory, INTEGRAL. It is composed of intrinsically obscured supergiant high mass X-ray binaries, unveiled by means of multi-wavelength X-ray, optical, near- and mid-infrared observations, in particular photometric and spectroscopic observations using ESO facilities. However the fundamental questions about these intriguing sources, namely their formation, evolution, and the nature of their environment, are still unsolved. Among them, IGR J16318-4848 - a compact object orbiting around a supergiant B[e] star - seems to be one of the most extraordinary celestial sources of our Galaxy. We present here new ESO/VLT VISIR mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopic observations of this source. First, line diagnostics allow us to confirm the presence of absorbing material (dust and cold gas) enshrouding the whole binary system, and to characterise the nature of this material. Second, by fitting broadband near to mid-infrared Spectral Energy Distribution - including ESO NTT/SofI, VLT/VISIR and Spitzer data - with a phenomenological model for sgB[e] stars, we show that the star is surrounded by an irradiated rim heated to a temperature of 3800-5500 K, along with a viscous disk component at an inner temperature of 750 K. VISIR data allow us to exclude the spherical geometry for the dust component. This detailed study will allow us in the future to get better constraints on the formation and evolution of such rare and short-living high mass X-ray binary systems in our Galaxy.
We present and analyze the optical photometric and spectroscopic data of the Be/X-ray binary MXB 0656-072 from 2006 to 2009. A 101.2-day orbital period is found, for the first time, from the present public X-ray data(Swift/BAT and RXTE/ASM). The anti-correlation between the H$alpha$ emission and the $UBV$ brightness of MXB 0656$-$072 during our 2007 observations indicates that a mass ejection event took place in the system. After the mass ejection, a low-density region might develop around the Oe star. With the outward motion of the circumstellar disk, the outer part of the disk interacted with the neutron star around its periastron passage and a series of the X-ray outbursts were triggered between MJD 54350 and MJD 54850. The PCA--HEXTE spectra during the 2007-2008 X-ray outbursts could be well fitted by a cut-off power law with low energy absorption, together with an iron line around 6.4 keV, and a broad cyclotron resonance feature around 30 keV. The same variability of the soft and hard X-ray colors in 2.3-21 keV indicated that there were no overall changes in the spectral shape during the X-ray outbursts, which might be only connected with the changes of the mass-accretion rate onto the neutron star.
221 - Sylvain Chaty 2011
The aim of this review is to describe the nature, formation and evolution of the three kinds of high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) population: i. systems hosting Be stars (BeHMXBs), ii. systems accreting the stellar wind of supergiant stars (sgHMXBs), and iii. supergiant stars overflowing their Roche lobe. There are now many new observations, from the high-energy side (mainly from the INTEGRAL satellite), complemented by multi-wavelength observations (mainly in the optical, near and mid-infrared from ESO facilities), showing that a new population of supergiant HMXBs has been recently revealed. New observations also suggest the existence of evolutionary links between Be and stellar wind accreting supergiant X-ray binaries. I describe here the observational facts about the different categories of HMXBs, discuss the different models of accretion in these sources (e.g. transitory accretion disc versus clumpy winds), show the evidences of a link between different kinds of HMXBs, and finally compare observations with population synthesis models.
We report on 0.3-10 keV X-ray observations by the Chandra X-ray Observatory of the fields of 22 sources that were discovered as hard X-ray (20-100 keV) sources by the INTEGRAL satellite (IGR sources). The purpose of the Chandra observations is to localize the sources and to measure their soft X-ray spectra in order to determine the nature of the sources. We find very likely Chandra counterparts for 18 of the 22 sources. We discuss the implications for each source, considering previous results and new optical or IR identifications, and we identify or suggest identifications for the nature of 16 of the sources. Two of the sources, IGR J14003-6326 and IGR J17448-3232, are extended on arcminute scales. We identify the former as a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) with a surrounding supernova remnant (SNR) and the latter as a SNR. In the group of 242 IGR sources, there is only one other source that has previously been identified as a SNR. We confirm a previous identification of IGR J14331-6112 as an High-Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB), and we suggest that IGR J17404-3655, IGR J16287-5021, IGR J17354-3255, IGR J17507-2647, IGR J17586-2129, and IGR J13186-6257 are candidate HMXBs. Our results indicate or confirm that IGR J19267+1325, IGR J18173-2509, and IGR J18308-1232 are Cataclysmic Variables (CVs), and we suggest that IGR J15529-5029 may also be a CV. We confirm that IGR J14471-6414 is an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), and we also suggest that IGR J19443+2117 and IGR J18485-0047 may be AGN. Finally, we found Chandra counterparts for IGR J11098-6457 and IGR J18134-1636, but more information is required to determine the nature of these two sources.

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