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The under-abundance of very massive galaxies in the universe is frequently attributed to the effect of galactic winds. Although ionized galactic winds are readily observable most of the expelled mass is likely in cooler atomic and molecular phases. Expanding molecular shells observed in starburst systems such as NGC 253 and M 82 may facilitate the entrainment of molecular gas in the wind. While shell properties are well constrained, determining the amount of outflowing gas emerging from such shells and the connection between this gas and the ionized wind requires spatial resolution <100 pc coupled with sensitivity to a wide range of spatial scales, hitherto not available. Here we report observations of NGC 253, a nearby starburst galaxy (D~3.4 Mpc) known to possess a wind, which trace the cool molecular wind at 50 pc resolution. At this resolution the extraplanar molecular gas closely tracks the H{alpha} filaments, and it appears connected to molecular expanding shells located in the starburst region. These observations allow us to directly measure the molecular outflow rate to be > 3 Msun/yr and likely ~9 Msun/yr. This implies a ratio of mass-outflow rate to star formation rate of at least {eta}~1-3, establishing the importance of the starburst-driven wind in limiting the star formation activity and the final stellar content.
HI line widths are typically interpreted as a measure of ISM turbulence, which is potentially driven by star formation. In an effort to better understand the possible connections between line widths and star formation, we have characterized hi{} kinematics in a sample of nearby dwarf galaxies by co-adding line-of-sight spectra after removing the rotational velocity to produce an average, global hi{} line profile. These superprofiles are composed of a central narrow peak (~6-10 km/s) with higher-velocity wings to either side that contain ~10-15% of the total flux. The superprofiles are all very similar, indicating a universal global HI profile for dwarf galaxies. We compare characteristics of the superprofiles to various galaxy properties, such as mass and measures of star formation (SF), with the assumption that the superprofile represents a turbulent peak with energetic wings to either side. We use these quantities to derive average scale heights for the sample galaxies. When comparing to physical properties, we find that the velocity dispersion of the central peak is correlated with $<Sigma_mathrm{HI}>$. The fraction of mass and characteristic velocity of the high velocity wings are correlated with measures of SF, consistent with the picture that SF drives surrounding HI to higher velocities. While gravitational instabilities provide too little energy, the SF in the sample galaxies does provide enough energy through supernovae, with realistic estimates of the coupling efficiency, to produce the observed superprofiles.
We present the Very Large Array survey of Advanced Camera for Surveys Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury galaxies (VLA-ANGST). VLA-ANGST is a National Radio Astronomy Observatory Large Program consisting of high spectral (0.6-2.6 km/s) and spatial (~6) resolution observations of neutral, atomic hydrogen (HI) emission toward 35 nearby dwarf galaxies from the ANGST survey. ANGST is a systematic HST survey to establish a legacy of uniform multi-color photometry of resolved stars for a volume-limited sample of nearby galaxies (Dlesssim4 Mpc). VLA-ANGST provides VLA HI observations of the sub-sample of ANGST galaxies with recent star formation that are observable from the northern hemisphere and that were not observed in the The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). The overarching scientific goal of VLA-ANGST is to investigate fundamental characteristics of the neutral interstellar medium (ISM) of dwarf galaxies. Here we describe the VLA observations, the data reduction, and the final VLA-ANGST data products. We present an atlas of the integrated HI maps, the intensity-weighted velocity fields, the second moment maps as a measure for the velocity dispersion of the HI, individual channel maps, and integrated HI spectra for each VLA-ANGST galaxy. We closely follow the observational setup and data reduction of THINGS to achieve comparable sensitivity and angular resolution. A major difference, however, is the high velocity resolution of the VLA-ANGST observations (0.65 and 1.3km/s for the majority of the galaxies). The VLA-ANGST data products are made publicly available at: With available star formation histories from resolved stellar populations and lower resolution ancillary observations from the FIR to the UV, VLA-ANGST will enable detailed studies of the relationship between the ISM and star formation in dwarf galaxies on a ~100 pc scale.
We analyze line-of-sight atomic hydrogen (HI) line profiles of 31 nearby, low-mass galaxies selected from the Very Large Array - ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury (VLA-ANGST) and The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS) to trace regions containing cold (T $lesssim$ 1400 K) HI from observations with a uniform linear scale of 200 pc/beam. Our galaxy sample spans four orders of magnitude in total HI mass and nine magnitudes in M_B. We fit single and multiple component functions to each spectrum to isolate the cold, neutral medium given by a low dispersion (<6 km/s) component of the spectrum. Most HI spectra are adequately fit by a single Gaussian with a dispersion of 8-12 km/s. Cold HI is found in 23 of 27 (~85%) galaxies after a reduction of the sample size due to quality control cuts. The cold HI contributes ~20% of the total line-of-sight flux when found with warm HI. Spectra best fit by a single Gaussian, but dominated by cold HI emission (i.e., have velocity dispersions <6 km/s) are found primarily beyond the optical radius of the host galaxy. The cold HI is typically found in localized regions and is generally not coincident with the very highest surface density peaks of the global HI distribution (which are usually areas of recent star formation). We find a lower limit for the mass fraction of cold-to-total HI gas of only a few percent in each galaxy.
The origin of kpc-scale holes in the atomic hydrogen (H I) distributions of some nearby dwarf irregular galaxies presents an intriguing problem. Star formation histories (SFHs) derived from resolved stars give us the unique opportunity to study past star forming events that may have helped shape the currently visible H I distribution. Our sample of five nearby dwarf irregular galaxies spans over an order of magnitude in both total H I mass and absolute B-band magnitude and is at the low mass end of previously studied systems. We use Very Large Array H I line data to estimate the energy required to create the centrally dominant hole in each galaxy. We compare this energy estimate to the past energy released by the underlying stellar populations computed from SFHs derived from data taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. The inferred integrated stellar energy released within the characteristic ages exceeds our energy estimates for creating the holes in all cases, assuming expected efficiencies. Therefore, it appears that stellar feedback provides sufficient energy to produce the observed holes. However, we find no obvious signature of single star forming events responsible for the observed structures when comparing the global SFHs of each galaxy in our sample to each other or to those of dwarf irregular galaxies reported in the literature. We also fail to find evidence of a central star cluster in FUV or Halpha imaging. We conclude that large H I holes are likely formed from multiple generations of star formation and only under suitable interstellar medium conditions.
Near infrared spectra of 133 red giant stars from ten Galactic open clusters and two Galactic globular clusters spanning 2.2 dex in metallicity and 11 Gyr in age are presented. We combine this sample with ten clusters from Cole and collaborators to investigate the Ca II triplet line strengths and their relation to cluster metallicity and position along the red giant branch. We show that characterizing the stellar surface gravity using Ks band photometry (relative to the horizontal branch) taken from the Two Micron All-Sky Survey allows for metallicity measurements at least as precise as those derived using V or I band data. This has the great advantage that uniform photometry and reliable astrometry is available for a large number of clusters. Using Ks band photometry also reduces the effect of differential reddening within a given cluster. We find no significant evidence for age or metallicity effects to the linear Ca II triplet - metallicity relationship over the small range in magnitudes studied when homogeneous reference metallicities are used. We derive the first spectroscopic metallicity and new radial velocity estimates for five open clusters: Berkeley 81, Berkeley 99, IC 1311, King 2, and NGC 7044. King 2 has an anomalous radial velocity compared with the local disk population. We discuss the possibility that it is part of the Monoceros tidal stream.

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