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512 - Simona Cocco 2014
Experiments indicate that unbinding rates of proteins from DNA can depend on the concentration of proteins in nearby solution. Here we present a theory of multi-step replacement of DNA-bound proteins by solution-phase proteins. For four different kinetic scenarios we calculate the depen- dence of protein unbinding and replacement rates on solution protein concentration. We find (1) strong effects of progressive rezipping of the solution-phase protein onto DNA sites liberated by unzipping of the originally bound protein; (2) that a model in which solution-phase proteins bind non-specifically to DNA can describe experiments on exchanges between the non specific DNA- binding proteins Fis-Fis and Fis-HU; (3) that a binding specific model describes experiments on the exchange of CueR proteins on specific binding sites.
Various approaches have explored the covariation of residues in multiple-sequence alignments of homologous proteins to extract functional and structural information. Among those are principal component analysis (PCA), which identifies the most correlated groups of residues, and direct coupling analysis (DCA), a global inference method based on the maximum entropy principle, which aims at predicting residue-residue contacts. In this paper, inspired by the statistical physics of disordered systems, we introduce the Hopfield-Potts model to naturally interpolate between these two approaches. The Hopfield-Potts model allows us to identify relevant patterns of residues from the knowledge of the eigenmodes and eigenvalues of the residue-residue correlation matrix. We show how the computation of such statistical patterns makes it possible to accurately predict residue-residue contacts with a much smaller number of parameters than DCA. This dimensional reduction allows us to avoid overfitting and to extract contact information from multiple-sequence alignments of reduced size. In addition, we show that low-eigenvalue correlation modes, discarded by PCA, are important to recover structural information: the corresponding patterns are highly localized, that is, they are concentrated in few sites, which we find to be in close contact in the three-dimensional protein fold.
141 - Simona Cocco 2011
We consider the problem of inferring the interactions between a set of N binary variables from the knowledge of their frequencies and pairwise correlations. The inference framework is based on the Hopfield model, a special case of the Ising model where the interaction matrix is defined through a set of patterns in the variable space, and is of rank much smaller than N. We show that Maximum Lik elihood inference is deeply related to Principal Component Analysis when the amp litude of the pattern components, xi, is negligible compared to N^1/2. Using techniques from statistical mechanics, we calculate the corrections to the patterns to the first order in xi/N^1/2. We stress that it is important to generalize the Hopfield model and include both attractive and repulsive patterns, to correctly infer networks with sparse and strong interactions. We present a simple geometrical criterion to decide how many attractive and repulsive patterns should be considered as a function of the sampling noise. We moreover discuss how many sampled configurations are required for a good inference, as a function of the system size, N and of the amplitude, xi. The inference approach is illustrated on synthetic and biological data.
153 - Remi Monasson 2011
We present two Bayesian procedures to infer the interactions and external currents in an assembly of stochastic integrate-and-fire neurons from the recording of their spiking activity. The first procedure is based on the exact calculation of the most likely time courses of the neuron membrane potentials conditioned by the recorded spikes, and is exact for a vanishing noise variance and for an instantaneous synaptic integration. The second procedure takes into account the presence of fluctuations around the most likely time courses of the potentials, and can deal with moderate noise levels. The running time of both procedures is proportional to the number S of spikes multiplied by the squared number N of neurons. The algorithms are validated on synthetic data generated by networks with known couplings and currents. We also reanalyze previously published recordings of the activity of the salamander retina (including from 32 to 40 neurons, and from 65,000 to 170,000 spikes). We study the dependence of the inferred interactions on the membrane leaking time; the differences and similarities with the classical cross-correlation analysis are discussed.
The complementary strands of DNA molecules can be separated when stretched apart by a force; the unzipping signal is correlated to the base content of the sequence but is affected by thermal and instrumental noise. We consider here the ideal case where opening events are known to a very good time resolution (very large bandwidth), and study how the sequence can be reconstructed from the unzipping data. Our approach relies on the use of statistical Bayesian inference and of Viterbi decoding algorithm. Performances are studied numerically on Monte Carlo generated data, and analytically. We show how multiple unzippings of the same molecule may be exploited to improve the quality of the prediction, and calculate analytically the number of required unzippings as a function of the bandwidth, the sequence content, the elasticity parameters of the unzipped strands.
180 - Simona Cocco 2007
The problem of how many trajectories of a random walker in a potential are needed to reconstruct the values of this potential is studied. We show that this problem can be solved by calculating the probability of survival of an abstract random walker in a partially absorbing potential. The approach is illustrated on the discrete Sinai (random force) model with a drift. We determine the parameter (temperature, duration of each trajectory, ...) values making reconstruction as fast as possible.

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