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We demonstrate that for a cosmic variance limited experiment, CMB E polarization alone places stronger constraints on cosmological parameters than CMB temperature. For example, we show that EE can constrain parameters better than TT by up to a factor 2.8 when a multipole range of l=30-2500 is considered. We expose the physical effects at play behind this remarkable result and study how it depends on the multipole range included in the analysis. In most relevant cases, TE or EE surpass the TT based cosmological constraints. This result is important as the small scale astrophysical foregrounds are expected to have a much reduced impact on polarization, thus opening the possibility of building cleaner and more stringent constraints of the LCDM model. This is relevant specially for proposed future CMB satellite missions, such as CORE or PRISM, that are designed to be cosmic variance limited in polarization till very large multipoles. We perform the same analysis for a Planck-like experiment, and conclude that even in this case TE alone should determine the constraint on $Omega_ch^2$ better than TT by 15%, while determining $Omega_bh^2$, $n_s$ and $theta$ with comparable accuracy. Finally, we explore a few classical extensions of the LCDM model and show again that CMB polarization alone provides more stringent constraints than CMB temperature in case of a cosmic variance limited experiment.
Anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have proven to be a very powerful tool to constrain dark matter annihilation at the epoch of recombination. However, CMB constraints are currently derived using a number of reasonable but yet un-tested assumptions that could potentially lead to a misestimation of the true bounds. In this paper we examine the potential impact of these systematic effects. In particular, we separately study the propagation of the secondary particles produced by annihilation in two energy regimes; first following the shower from the initial particle energy to the keV scale, and then tracking the resulting secondary particles from this scale to the absorption of their energy as heat, ionization, or excitation of the medium. We improve both the high and low energy parts of the calculation, in particular finding that our more accurate treatment of losses to sub-10.2 eV photons produced by scattering of high-energy electrons weakens the constraints on particular DM annihilation models by up to a factor of two. On the other hand, we find that the uncertainties we examine for the low energy propagation do not significantly affect the results for current and upcoming CMB data. We include the evaluation of the precise amount of excitation energy, in the form of Lyman-alpha photons, produced by the propagation of the shower, and examine the effects of varying the Helium fraction and Helium ionization fraction. In the recent literature, simple approximations for the fraction of energy absorbed in different channels have often been used to derive CMB constraints: we assess the impact of using accurate versus approximate energy fractions. Finally we check that the choice of recombination code (between RECFAST v1.5 and COSMOREC), to calculate the evolution of the free electron fraction in the presence of dark matter annihilation, introduces negligible differences.
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) have recently provided new, very precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy damping tail. The values of the cosmological parameters inferred from these measurements, while broadly consistent with the expectations of the standard cosmological model, are providing interesting possible indications for new physics that are definitely worth of investigation. The ACT results, while compatible with the standard expectation of three neutrino families, indicate a level of CMB lensing, parametrized by the lensing amplitude parameter A_L, that is about 70% higher than expected. If not a systematic, this anomalous lensing amplitude could be produced by modifications of general relativity or coupled dark energy. Vice-versa, the SPT experiment, while compatible with a standard level of CMB lensing, prefers an excess of dark radiation, parametrized by the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom N_eff. Here we perform a new analysis of these experiments allowing simultaneous variations in both these, non-standard, parameters. We also combine these experiments, for the first time in the literature, with the recent WMAP9 data, one at a time. Including the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) prior on the Hubble constant and information from baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) surveys provides the following constraints from ACT: N_eff=3.23pm0.47, A_L=1.65pm0.33 at 68% c.l., while for SPT we have N_eff=3.76pm0.34, A_L=0.81pm0.12 at 68% c.l.. In particular, the A_L estimates from the two experiments, even when a variation in N_eff is allowed, are in tension at more than 95% c.l..
200 - Silvia Galli 2012
We propose a new method to probe for variations in the fine structure constant alpha using clusters of galaxies, opening up a window on a new redshift range for such constraints. Hot clusters shine in the X-ray mainly due to bremsstrahlung, while they leave an imprint on the CMB frequency spectrum through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. These two physical processes can be characterized by the integrated Comptonization parameter Y_SZ DA^2 and its X-ray counterpart, the Y_X parameter. The ratio of these two quantities is expected to be constant from numerical simulations and current observations. We show that this fact can be exploited to constrain alpha, as the ratio of the two parameters depends on the fine structure constant as alpha^{3.5}. We determine current constraints from a combination of Planck SZ and XMM-Newton data, testing different models of variation of alpha. When fitting for a constant value of alpha, we find that current constraints are at the 1% level, comparable with current CMB constraints. We discuss strategies for further improving these constraints by almost an order of magnitude.
The injection of secondary particles produced by Dark Matter (DM) annihilation at redshift 100<z<1000 affects the process of recombination, leaving an imprint on Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies. Here we provide a new assessment of the constraints set by CMB data on the mass and self-annihilation cross-section of DM particles. Our new analysis includes the most recent WMAP (7-year) and ACT data, as well as an improved treatment of the time-dependent coupling between the DM annihilation energy with the thermal gas. We show in particular that the improved measurement of the polarization signal places already stringent constraints on light DM particles, ruling out thermal WIMPs with mass less then about 10 GeV.
We present new constraints on cosmic variations of Newtons gravitational constant by making use of the latest CMB data from WMAP, BOOMERANG, CBI and ACBAR experiments and independent constraints coming from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We found that current CMB data provide constraints at the 10% level, that can be improved to 3% by including BBN data. We show that future data expected from the Planck satellite could constrain G at the 1.5% level while an ultimate, cosmic variance limited, CMB experiment could reach a precision of about 0.4%, competitive with current laboratory measurements.

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