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197 - Shizuo Kaji 2021
We determine the mod $2$ cohomology over the Steenrod algebra of the classifying spaces of the free loop groups $LG$ for compact groups $G=Spin(7)$, $Spin(8)$, $Spin(9)$, and $F_4$. Then, we show that they are isomorphic as algebras over the Steenrod algebra to the mod $2$ cohomology of the corresponding Chevalley groups of type $G(q)$, where $q$ is an odd prime power. In a similar manner, we compute the cohomology of the free loop space over $BDI(4)$ and show that it is isomorphic to that of $BSol(q)$ as algebras over the Steenrod algebra.
Good parametrisations of affine transformations are essential to interpolation, deformation, and analysis of shape, motion, and animation. It has been one of the central research topics in computer graphics. However, there is no single perfect method and each one has both advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we propose a novel parametrisation of affine transformations, which is a generalisation to or an improvement of existing methods. Our method adds yet another choice to the existing toolbox and shows better performance in some applications. A C++ implementation is available to make our framework ready to use in various applications.
It is known that any $n$-variable function on a finite prime field of characteristic $p$ can be expressed as a polynomial over the same field with at most $p^n$ monomials. However, it is not obvious to determine the polynomial for a given concrete function. In this paper, we study the concrete polynomial expressions of the carries in addition and multiplication of $p$-ary integers. For the case of addition, our result gives a new family of symmetric polynomials, which generalizes the known result for the binary case $p = 2$ where the carries are given by elementary symmetric polynomials. On the other hand, for the case of multiplication of $n$ single-digit integers, we give a simple formula of the polynomial expression for the carry to the next digit using the Bernoulli numbers, and show that it has only $(n+1)(p-1)/2 + 1$ monomials, which is significantly fewer than the worst-case number $p^n$ of monomials for general functions. We also discuss applications of our results to cryptographic computation on encrypted data.
In this paper, we specify a class of mathematical problems, which we refer to as Function Density Problems (FDPs, in short), and point out novel connections of FDPs to the following two cryptographic topics; theoretical security evaluations of keyless hash functions (such as SHA-1), and constructions of provably secure pseudorandom generators (PRGs) with some enhanced security property introduced by Dubrov and Ishai [STOC 2006]. Our argument aims at proposing new theoretical frameworks for these topics (especially for the former) based on FDPs, rather than providing some concrete and practical results on the topics. We also give some examples of mathematical discussions on FDPs, which would be of independent interest from mathematical viewpoints. Finally, we discuss possible directions of future research on other cryptographic applications of FDPs and on mathematical studies on FDPs themselves.
We determine the Chow rings of the complex algebraic groups of the exceptional type E_6, E_7, and E_8, giving the explicit generators represented by the pull-back images of Schubert varieties of the corresponding flag varieties. This is a continuation of the work of R. Marlin on the computation of the Chow rings of SO_n, Spin_n, G_2, and F_4. Our method is based on Schubert calculus of the corresponding flag varieties, which has its own interest.
A p-compact group is a mod p homotopy theoretical analogue of a compact Lie group. It is determined the homotopy nilpotency class of a p-compact group having the homotopy type of the $p$-completion of the direct product of spheres.

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