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We mini-review the role of fundamental spin-0 bosons as bosonic coherent motion (BCM) in the Universe. The fundamental spin-0 bosons have the potential to account for the baryon number generation, cold dark matter (CDM) via BCM, dark energy, and inflation. Among these, here we focus on the CDM possibility because it can be experimentally tested with the current experimental techniques. We also comment briefly on the panoply of the other roles of spin-0 bosons.
We review the effective field theory of modified gravity in which the Lagrangian involves three dimensional geometric quantities appearing in the 3+1 decomposition of space-time. On the flat isotropic cosmological background we expand a general action up to second order in the perturbations of geometric scalars, by taking into account spatial derivatives higher than two. Our analysis covers a wide range of gravitational theories-- including Horndeski theory/its recent generalizations and the projectable/non-projectab
The prospects for direct measurements of inflationary gravitational waves by next generation interferometric detectors inferred from the possible detection of B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background are studied. We compute the spectra of the gravitational wave background and the signal-to-noise ratios by two interferometric detectors (DECIGO and BBO) for large-field inflationary models in which the tensor-to-scalar ratio is greater than the order of 0.01. If the reheating temperature $T_{rm RH}$ of chaotic inflation with the quadratic potential is high ($T_{rm RH}>7.9times10^6$ GeV for upgraded DECIGO and $T_{rm RH}> 1.8times 10^{6}$ GeV for BBO), it will be possible to reach the sensitivity of the gravitational background in future experiments at $3sigma$ confidence level. The direct detection is also possible for natural inflation with the potential $V(phi)=Lambda^4 [1-cos(phi/f)]$, provided that $f>4.2 M_{rm pl}$ (upgraded DECIGO) and $f>3.6 M_{rm pl}$ (BBO) with $T_{rm RH}$ higher than $10^8$ GeV. The quartic potential $V(phi)=lambda phi^4/4$ with a non-minimal coupling $xi$ between the inflaton field $phi$ and the Ricci scalar $R$ gives rise to a detectable level of gravitational waves for $|xi|$ smaller than the order of 0.01, irrespective of the reheating temperature.
210 - Shinji Tsujikawa 2014
The effective field theory (EFT) of cosmological perturbations is a useful framework to deal with the low-energy degrees of freedom present for inflation and dark energy. We review the EFT for modified gravitational theories by starting from the most general action in unitary gauge that involves the lapse function and the three-dimensional geometric scalar quantities appearing in the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) formalism. Expanding the action up to quadratic order in the perturbations and imposing conditions for the elimination of spatial derivatives higher than second order, we obtain the Lagrangian of curvature perturbations and gravitational waves with a single scalar degree of freedom. The resulting second-order Lagrangian is exploited for computing the scalar and tensor power spectra generated during inflation. We also show that the most general scalar-tensor theory with second-order equations of motion-Horndeski theory-belongs to the action of our general EFT framework and that the background equations of motion in Horndeski theory can be conveniently expressed in terms of three EFT parameters. Finally we study the equations of matter density perturbations and the effective gravitational coupling for dark energy models based on Horndeski theory, to confront the models with the observations of large-scale structures and weak lensing.
It is known that power-law k-inflation can be realized for the Lagrangian $P=Xg(Y)$, where $X=-(partial phi)^2/2$ is the kinetic energy of a scalar field $phi$ and $g$ is an arbitrary function in terms of $Y=Xe^{lambda phi/M_{pl}}$ ($lambda$ is a constant and $M_{pl}$ is the reduced Planck mass). In the presence of a vector field coupled to the inflaton with an exponential coupling $f(phi) propto e^{mu phi/M_{pl}}$, we show that the models with the Lagrangian $P=Xg(Y)$ generally give rise to anisotropic inflationary solutions with $Sigma/H=constant$, where $Sigma$ is an anisotropic shear and $H$ is an isotropic expansion rate. Provided these anisotropic solutions exist in the regime where the ratio $Sigma/H$ is much smaller than 1, they are stable attractors irrespective of the forms of $g(Y)$. We apply our results to concrete models of k-inflation such as the generalized dilatonic ghost condensate/the DBI model and we numerically show that the solutions with different initial conditions converge to the anisotropic power-law inflationary attractors. Even in the de Sitter limit ($lambda to 0$) such solutions can exist, but in this case the null energy condition is generally violated. The latter property is consistent with the Walds cosmic conjecture stating that the anisotropic hair does not survive on the de Sitter background in the presence of matter respecting the dominant/strong energy conditions.
We study observational signatures of two classes of anisotropic inflationary models in which an inflaton field couples to (i) a vector kinetic term F_{mu nu}F^{mu nu} and (ii) a two-form kinetic term H_{mu nu lambda}H^{mu nu lambda}. We compute the corrections from the anisotropic sources to the power spectrum of gravitational waves as well as the two-point cross correlation between scalar and tensor perturbations. The signs of the anisotropic parameter g_* are different depending on the vector and the two-form models, but the statistical anisotropies generally lead to a suppressed tensor-to-scalar ratio r and a smaller scalar spectral index n_s in both models. In the light of the recent Planck bounds of n_s and r, we place observational constraints on several different inflaton potentials such as those in chaotic and natural inflation in the presence of anisotropic interactions. In the two-form model we also find that there is no cross correlation between scalar and tensor perturbations, while in the vector model the cross correlation does not vanish. The non-linear estimator f_{NL} of scalar non-Gaussianities in the two-form model is generally smaller than that in the vector model for the same orders of |g_*|, so that the former is easier to be compatible with observational bounds of non-Gaussianities than the latter.
We study an inflationary scenario with a two-form field to which an inflaton couples non-trivially. First, we show that anisotropic inflation can be realized as an attractor solution and that the two-form hair remains during inflation. A statistical anisotropy can be developed because of a cumulative anisotropic interaction induced by the background two-form field. The power spectrum of curvature perturbations has a prolate-type anisotropy, in contrast to the vector models having an oblate-type anisotropy. We also evaluate the bispectrum and trispectrum of curvature perturbations by employing the in-in formalism based on the interacting Hamiltonians. We find that the non-linear estimators $f_{NL}$ and $tau_{NL}$ are correlated with the amplitude $g_*$ of the statistical anisotropy in the power spectrum. Unlike the vector models, both $f_{NL}$ and $tau_{NL}$ vanish in the squeezed limit. However, the estimator $f_{NL}$ can reach the order of 10 in the equilateral and enfolded limits. These results are consistent with the latest bounds on $f_{NL}$ constrained by Planck.
The growth rate of matter density perturbations has been measured from redshift-space distortion (RSD) in the galaxy power spectrum. We constrain the model parameter space for representative modified gravity models to explain the dark energy problem, by using the recent data of f_m(z)sigma_8(z) at the redshifts z = 0.06--0.8 measured by WiggleZ, SDSS LRG, BOSS, and 6dFGRS. We first test the Hu-Sawickis f(R) dark energy model, and find that only the parameter region close to the standard Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda-CDM) model is allowed (lambda > 12 and 5 for n = 1.5 and 2, respectively, at 95% CL). We then investigate the covariant Galileon model and show that the parameter space consistent with the background expansion history is excluded by the RSD data at more than 10 sigma because of the too large growth rate predicted by the theory. Finally, we consider the extended Galileon scenario, and we find that, in contrast to the covariant Galileon, there is a model parameter space for a tracker solution that is consistent with the RSD data within a 2 sigma level.
We study chaotic inflation in the context of modified gravitational theories. Our analysis covers models based on (i) a field coupling $omega(phi)$ with the kinetic energy $X$ and a nonmimimal coupling $zeta phi^{2} R/2$ with a Ricci scalar $R$, (ii) Brans-Dicke (BD) theories, (iii) Gauss-Bonnet (GB) gravity, and (iv) gravity with a Galileon correction. Dilatonic coupling with the kinetic energy and/or negative nonminimal coupling are shown to lead to compatibility with observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies for the self-coupling inflaton potential $V(phi)=lambda phi^{4}/4$. BD theory with a quadratic inflaton potential, which covers Starobinskys $f(R)$ model $f(R)=R+R^{2}/(6M^{2})$ with the BD parameter $omega_{BD}=0$, gives rise to a smaller tensor-to-scalar ratio for decreasing $omega_{BD}$. In the presence of a GB term coupled to the field $phi$, we express the scalar/tensor spectral indices $n_{s}$ and $n_{t}$ as well as the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ in terms of two slow-roll parameters and place bounds on the strength of the GB coupling from the joint data analysis of WMAP 7yr combined with other observations. We also study the Galileon-like self-interaction $Phi(phi) X squarephi$ with exponential coupling $Phi(phi) propto e^{muphi}$. Using a CMB likelihood analysis we put bounds on the strength of the Galileon coupling and show that the self coupling potential can in fact be made compatible with observations in the presence of the exponential coupling with $mu>0$.
We study constraints on f(R) dark energy models from solar system experiments combined with experiments on the violation of equivalence principle. When the mass of an equivalent scalar field degree of freedom is heavy in a region with high density, a spherically symmetric body has a thin-shell so that an effective coupling of the fifth force is suppressed through a chameleon mechanism. We place experimental bounds on the cosmologically viable models recently proposed in literature which have an asymptotic form f(R)=R-lambda R_c [1-(R_c/R)^{2n}] in the regime R >> R_c. From the solar-system constraints on the post-Newtonian parameter gamma, we derive the bound n>0.5, whereas the constraints from the violations of weak and strong equivalence principles give the bound n>0.9. This allows a possibility to find the deviation from the LambdaCDM cosmological model. For the model f(R)=R-lambda R_c(R/R_c)^p with 0<p<1 the severest constraint is found to be p<10^{-10}, which shows that this model is hardly distinguishable from the LambdaCDM cosmology.

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