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Bow shocks are ubiquitous astrophysical phenomena resulting from the supersonic passage of an object through a gas. Recently, pre-transit absorption in UV metal transitions of the hot Jupiter exoplanets HD 189733b and WASP12-b have been interpreted as being caused by material compressed in a planetary bow shock. Here we present a robust detection of a time-resolved pre-transit, as well as in-transit, absorption signature around the hot Jupiter exoplanet HD 189733b using high spectral resolution observations of several hydrogen Balmer lines. The line shape of the pre-transit feature and the shape of the time series absorption provide the strongest constraints on the morphology and physical characteristics of extended structures around an exoplanet. The in-transit measurements confirm the previous exospheric H-alpha detection although the absorption depth measured here is ~50% lower. The pre-transit absorption feature occurs 125 minutes before the predicted optical transit, a projected linear distance from the planet to the stellar disk of 7.2 planetary radii. The absorption strength observed in the Balmer lines indicates an optically thick, but physically small, geometry. We model this signal as the early ingress of a planetary bow shock. If the bow shock is mediated by a planetary magnetosphere, the large standoff distance derived from the model suggests a large equatorial planetary magnetic field strength of 28 G. Better knowledge of exoplanet magnetic field strengths is crucial to understanding the role these fields play in planetary evolution and the potential development of life on planets in the habitable zone.
We present a comprehensive survey of CII* absorption detections toward stars within 100 pc in order to measure the distribution of electron densities present in the local interstellar medium (LISM). Using high spectral resolution observations of nearby stars obtained by GHRS and STIS onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we identify 13 sight lines with 23 individual CII* absorption components, which provide electron density measurements, the vast majority of which are new. We employ several strategies to determine more accurate CII column densities from the saturated CII resonance line, including, constraints of the line width from the optically thin CII* line, constraints from independent temperature measurements of the LISM gas based on line widths of other ions, and third, using measured SII column densities as a proxy for CII column densities. The sample of electron densities appears consistent with a log-normal distribution and an unweighted mean value of n_e(CII_SII) = 0.11^+0.10_-0.05 cm^-3. Seven individual sight lines probe the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), and all present a similar value for the electron density, with a weighted mean of n_e(LIC) = 0.12 +/- 0.04 cm^-3. The Hyades Cloud, a decelerated cloud at the leading edge of the platoon of LISM clouds, has a significantly higher electron density than the LIC. Observed toward G191-B2B, the high electron density may be caused by the lack of shielding from such a strong radiation source. Given some simple assumptions, the range of observed electron densities translates into a range of thermal pressures, P/k = 3300^+5500_-1900 K cm^-3. This work greatly expands the number of electron density measurements and provides important constraints on the ionization, abundance, and evolutionary models of the local interstellar medium. (abridged)

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