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We study supersymmetric domain walls of four dimensional $SU(N)$ SQCD with $N$ and $N+1$ flavors. In $4d$ we analyze the BPS differential equations numerically. In $3d$ we propose the $mathcal{N}=1$ Chern-Simons-Matter gauge theories living on the walls. Compared with the previously studied regime of $F<N$ flavors, we encounter a couple of novelties: with $N$ flavors, there are solutions/vacua breaking the $U(1)$ baryonic symmetry; with $N+1$ flavors, our $3d$ proposal includes a linear monopole operator in the superpotential.
We consider supersymmetric domain walls of four-dimensional $mathcal{N}!=!1$ $Sp(N)$ SQCD with $F!=!N+1$ and $F!=!N+2$ flavors. First, we study numerically the differential equations defining the walls, classifying the solutions. When $F!=!N+2$, in the special case of the parity-invariant walls, the naive analysis does not provide all the expected solutions. We show that an infinitesimal deformation of the differential equations sheds some light on this issue. Second, we discuss the $3d$ $mathcal{N}!=!1$ Chern-Simons-matter theories that should describe the effective dynamics on the walls. These proposals pass various tests, including dualities and matching of the vacua of the massive $3d$ theory with the $4d$ analysis. However, for $F!=!N+2$, the semiclassical analysis of the vacua is only partially successful, suggesting that yet-to-be-understood strong coupling phenomena are into play in our $3d$ $mathcal{N}!=!1$ gauge theories.
We consider $3d$ $mathcal{N}!=!2$ gauge theories with fundamental matter plus a single field in a rank-$2$ representation. Using iteratively a process of deconfinement of the rank-$2$ field, we produce a sequence of Seiberg-dual quiver theories. We detail this process in two examples with zero superpotential: $Usp(2N)$ gauge theory with an antisymmetric field and $U(N)$ gauge theory with an adjoint field. The fully deconfined dual quiver has $N$ nodes, and can be interpreted as an Aharony dual of theories with rank-$2$ matter. All chiral ring generators of the original theory are mapped into gauge singlet fields of the fully deconfined quiver dual.
Seiberg-like dualities in $2+1$d quiver gauge theories with $4$ supercharges are investigated. We consider quivers made of various combinations of classical gauge groups $U(N)$, $Sp(N)$, $SO(N)$ and $SU(N)$. Our main focus is the mapping of the supersymmetric monopole operators across the dual theories. There is a simple general rule that encodes the mapping of the monopoles upon dualising a single node. This rule dictates the mapping of all the monopoles which are not dressed by baryonic operators. We also study more general situations involving baryons and baryon-monopoles, focussing on three examples: $SU-Sp$, $SO-SO$ and $SO-Sp$ quivers.
We consider Quantum Electrodynamics in $2{+}1$ dimensions with $N_f$ fermionic or bosonic flavors, allowing for interactions that respect the global symmetry $U(N_f/2)^2$. There are four bosonic and four fermionic fixed points, which we analyze using the large $N_f$ expansion. We systematically compute, at order $O(1/N_f)$, the scaling dimensions of quadratic and quartic mesonic operators. We also consider Quantum Electrodynamics with minimal supersymmetry. In this case the large $N_f$ scaling dimensions, extrapolated at $N_f{=}2$, agree quite well with the scaling dimensions of a dual supersymmetric Gross-Neveu-Yukawa model. This provides a quantitative check of the conjectured duality.
We study BPS domain walls in four-dimensional $mathcal{N}=1$ massive SQCD with gauge group $SU(N)$ and $F<N$ flavors. We propose a class of three-dimensional Chern-Simons-matter theories to describe the effective dynamics on the walls. Our proposal passes several checks, including the exact matching between its vacua and the solutions to the four-dimensional BPS domain wall equations, that we solve in the small mass regime. As the flavor mass is varied, domain walls undergo a second-order phase transition, where multiple vacua coalesce into a single one. For special values of the parameters, the phase transition exhibits supersymmetry enhancement. Our proposal includes and extends previous results in the literature, providing a complete picture of BPS domain walls for $F<N$ massive SQCD. A similar picture holds also for SQCD with gauge group $Sp(N)$ and $F < N+1$ flavors.
We consider Quantum Electrodynamics with an even number $N_f$ of bosonic or fermionic flavors, allowing for interactions respecting at least $U(N_f/2)^2$ global symmetry. Both in the bosonic and in the fermionic case, we find four interacting fixed points: two with $U(N_f/2)^2$ symmetry, two with $U(N_f)$ symmetry. Large $N_f$ arguments suggest that, lowering $N_f$, all these fixed points merge pairwise and become complex CFTs. In the bosonic QEDs the merging happens around $N_fsim 9{-}11$ and does not break the global symmetry. In the fermionic QEDs the merging happens around $N_fsim3{-}7$ and breaks $U(N_f)$ to $U(N_f/2)^2$. When $N_f=2$, we show that all four bosonic fixed points are one-to-one dual to the fermionic fixed points. The merging pattern suggested at large $N_f$ is consistent with the four $N_f=2$ boson $lra$ fermion dualities, providing support to the validity of the scenario.
We consider three-dimensional sQED with 2 flavors and minimal supersymmetry. We discuss various models which are dual to Gross-Neveu-Yukawa theories. The $U(2)$ ultraviolet global symmetry is often enhanced in the infrared, for instance to $O(4)$ or $SU(3)$. This is analogous to the conjectured behaviour of non-supersymmetric QED with 2 flavors. A perturbative analysis of the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa models in the $D = 4 - varepsilon$ expansion shows that the $U(2)$ preserving superpotential deformations of the sQED (modulo tuning mass terms to zero) are irrelevant, so the fixed points with enhanced symmetry are stable. We also construct an example of $mathcal{N} = 2$ sQED with 4 flavors that exhibits enhanced $SO(6)$ symmetry.
We consider minimally supersymmetric QCD in 2+1 dimensions, with Chern-Simons and superpotential interactions. We propose an infrared $SU(N) leftrightarrow U(k)$ duality involving gauge-singlet fields on one of the two sides. It shares qualitative features both with 3d bosonization and with 4d Seiberg duality. We provide a few consistency checks of the proposal, mapping the structure of vacua and performing perturbative computations in the $varepsilon$-expansion.

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