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203 - Scott Tremaine 2015
The final giant-impact phase of terrestrial planet formation is believed to begin with a large number of planetary embryos on nearly circular, coplanar orbits. Mutual gravitational interactions gradually excite their eccentricities until their orbits cross and they collide and merge; through this process the number of surviving bodies declines until the system contains a small number of planets on well-separated, stable orbits. In this paper we explore a simple statistical model for the orbit distribution of planets formed by this process, based on the sheared-sheet approximation and the ansatz that the planets explore uniformly all of the stable region of phase space. The model provides analytic predictions for the distribution of eccentricities and semimajor axis differences, correlations between orbital elements of nearby planets, and the complete N-planet distribution function, in terms of a single parameter, the dynamical temperature, that is determined by the planetary masses. The predicted properties are generally consistent with N-body simulations of the giant-impact phase and with the distribution of semimajor axis differences in the Kepler catalog of extrasolar planets. A similar model may apply to the orbits of giant planets if these orbits are determined mainly by dynamical evolution after the planets have formed and the gas disk has disappeared.
63 - Scott Tremaine 2014
This article reviews Michel Henons contributions to a diverse set of problems in astrophysical dynamics, including violent relaxation, Saturns rings, roundoff error in orbit integrations, and planet formation.
48 - Scott Tremaine 2014
Quasars emit more energy than any other objects in the universe, yet are not much bigger than the solar system. We are almost certain that quasars are powered by giant black holes of up to $10^{10}$ times the mass of the Sun, and that black holes of between $10^6$ and $10^{10}$ solar masses---dead quasars---are present at the centers of most galaxies. Our own galaxy contains a black hole of $4.3times10^6$ solar masses. The mass of the central black hole appears to be closely related to other properties of its host galaxy, such as the total mass in stars, but the origin of this relation and the role that black holes play in the formation of galaxies are still mysteries.
489 - Scott Tremaine 2014
The broad emission lines commonly seen in quasar spectra have velocity widths of a few per cent of the speed of light, so special- and general-relativistic effects have a significant influence on the line profile. We have determined the redshift of the broad H-beta line in the quasar rest frame (determined from the core component of the [OIII] line) for over 20,000 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 quasar catalog. The mean redshift as a function of line width is approximately consistent with the relativistic redshift that is expected if the line originates in a randomly oriented Keplerian disk that is obscured when the inclination of the disk to the line of sight exceeds ~30-45 degrees, consistent with simple AGN unification schemes. This result also implies that the net line-of-sight inflow/outflow velocities in the broad-line region are much less than the Keplerian velocity when averaged over a large sample of quasars with a given line width.
Many exoplanets in close-in orbits are observed to have relatively high eccentricities and large stellar obliquities. We explore the possibility that these result from planet-planet scattering by studying the dynamical outcomes from a large number of orbit integrations in systems with two and three gas-giant planets in close-in orbits (0.05 AU < a < 0.15 AU). We find that at these orbital separations, unstable systems starting with low eccentricities and mutual inclinations ($elesssim0.1$, $ilesssim0.1$) generally lead to planet-planet collisions in which the collision product is a planet on a low-eccentricity, low-inclination orbit. This result is inconsistent with the observations. We conclude that eccentricity and inclination excitation from planet-planet scattering must precede migration of planets into short-period orbits. This result constrains theories of planet migration: the semi-major axis must shrink by 1-2 orders of magnitude without damping the eccentricity and inclination.
We study the linear perturbations of collisionless near-Keplerian discs. Such systems are models for debris discs around stars and the stellar discs surrounding supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies. Using a finite-element method, we solve the linearized collisionless Boltzmann equation and Poissons equation for a wide range of disc masses and rms orbital eccentricities to obtain the eigenfrequencies and shapes of normal modes. We find that these discs can support large-scale `slow modes, in which the frequency is proportional to the disc mass. Slow modes are present for arbitrarily small disc mass so long as the self-gravity of the disc is the dominant source of apsidal precession. We find that slow modes are of two general types: parent modes and hybrid child modes, the latter arising from resonant interactions between parent modes and singular van Kampen modes. The most prominent slow modes have azimuthal wavenumbers $m=1$ and $m=2$. We illustrate how slow modes in debris discs are excited during a fly-by of a neighbouring star. Many of the non-axisymmetric features seen in debris discs (clumps, eccentricity, spiral waves) that are commonly attributed to planets could instead arise from slow modes; the two hypotheses can be distinguished by long-term measurements of the pattern speed of the features.
We examine the possibility that the observed relation between black-hole mass and host-galaxy stellar velocity dispersion (the M-sigma relation) is biased by an observational selection effect, the difficulty of detecting a black hole whose sphere of influence is smaller than the telescope resolution. In particular, we critically investigate recent claims that the M-sigma relation only represents the upper limit to a broad distribution of black-hole masses in galaxies of a given velocity dispersion. We find that this hypothesis can be rejected at a high confidence level, at least for the early-type galaxies with relatively high velocity dispersions (median 268 km/s) that comprise most of our sample. We also describe a general procedure for incorporating observational selection effects in estimates of the properties of the M-sigma relation. Applying this procedure we find results that are consistent with earlier estimates that did not account for selection effects, although with larger error bars. In particular, (i) the width of the M-sigma relation is not significantly increased; (ii) the slope and normalization of the M-sigma relation are not significantly changed; (iii) most or all luminous early-type galaxies contain central black holes at zero redshift. Our results may not apply to late-type or small galaxies, which are not well-represented in our sample.
We describe a new finite element method (FEM) to construct continuous equilibrium distribution functions of stellar systems. The method is a generalization of Schwarzschilds orbit superposition method from the space of discrete functions to continuous ones. In contrast to Schwarzschilds method, FEM produces a continuous distribution function (DF) and satisfies the intra element continuity and Jeans equations. The method employs two finite-element meshes, one in configuration space and one in action space. The DF is represented by its values at the nodes of the action-space mesh and by interpolating functions inside the elements. The Galerkin projection of all equations that involve the DF leads to a linear system of equations, which can be solved for the nodal values of the DF using linear or quadratic programming, or other optimization methods. We illustrate the superior performance of FEM by constructing ergodic and anisotropic equilibrium DFs for spherical stellar systems (Hernquist models). We also show that explicitly constraining the DF by the Jeans equations leads to smoother and/or more accurate solutions with both Schwarzschilds method and FEM.
Programs to observe evolution in the Mbh-sigma or Mbh-L relations typically compare black-hole masses, Mbh, in high-redshift galaxies selected by nuclear activity to Mbh in local galaxies selected by luminosity L, or stellar velocity dispersion sigma. Because AGN luminosity is likely to depend on Mbh, selection effects are different for high-redshift and local samples, potentially producing a false signal of evolution. This bias arises because cosmic scatter in the Mbh-sigma and Mbh-L relations means that the mean log(L) or log(sigma) among galaxies that host a black hole of given Mbh, may be substantially different than the log(L) or log(sigma) obtained from inverting the Mbh-L or Mbh-sigma relations for the same nominal Mbh. The bias is particularly strong at high Mbh, where the luminosity and dispersion functions of galaxies are falling rapidly. The most massive black holes occur more often as rare outliers in galaxies of modest mass than in the even rarer high-mass galaxies, which would otherwise be the sole location of such black holes in the absence of cosmic scatter. Because of this bias, Mbh will typically appear to be too large in the distant sample for a given L or sigma. For the largest black holes and the largest plausible cosmic scatter, the bias can reach a factor of 3 in Mbh for the Mbh-sigma relation and a factor of 9 for the Mbh-L relation. Unfortunately, the actual cosmic scatter is not known well enough to correct for the bias. Measuring evolution of the Mbh and galaxy property relations requires object selection to be precisely defined and exactly the same at all redshifts.

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