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For the periodic sphaleron potential in the electroweak theory, we find the one-dimensional time-independent Schr{o}dinger equation with the Chern-Simons number as the coordinate, construct the Bloch wave function and determine the corresponding conducting (pass) band structure. We show that the baryon-lepton number violating processes can take place without the exponential tunneling suppression (at zero temperature) at energies around and above the barrier height (sphaleron energy) at 9.0 TeV. Phenomenologically, probable detection of such processes at LHC is discussed.
Recent BICEP2 detection of low-multipole B-mode polarization anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation supports the inflationary universe scenario and suggests a large inflaton field range. The latter feature can be achieved with axion fields in the framework of string theory. We present such a helical model which naturally becomes a model with a single cosine potential, and which in turn reduces to the (quadratic) chaotic inflation model in the super-Planckian limit. The slightly smaller tensor/scalar ratio $r$ of models of this type provides a signature of the periodic nature of an axion potential. We present a simple way to quantify this distinctive feature. As axions are intimately related to strings/vortices and strings are ubiquitous in string theory, we explore the possibility that cosmic strings may be contributing to the B-mode polarization anisotropy observed.
We study a racetrack model in the presence of the leading alpha-correction in flux compactification in Type IIB string theory, for the purpose of getting conceivable de-Sitter vacua in the large compactified volume approximation. Unlike the Kahler Uplift model studied previously, the alpha-correction is more controllable for the meta-stable de-Sitter vacua in the racetrack case since the constraint on the compactified volume size is very much relaxed. We find that the vacuum energy density Lambda for de-Sitter vacua approaches zero exponentially as the volume grows. We also analyze properties of the probability distribution of Lambda in this class of models. As in other cases studied earlier, the probability distribution again peaks sharply at Lambda=0. We also study the Racetrack Kahler Uplift model in the Swiss-Cheese type model.
We study the probability distribution P(Lambda) of the cosmological constant Lambda in a specific set of KKLT type models of supersymmetric IIB vacua. We show that, as we sweep through the quantized flux values in this flux compactification, P(Lambda) behaves divergent at Lambda =0^- and the median magnitude of Lambda drops exponentially as the number of complex structure moduli h^{2,1} increases. Also, owing to the hierarchical and approximate no-scale structure, the probability of having a positive Hessian (mass squared matrix) approaches unity as h^{2,1} increases.
Based on the properties of probability distributions of functions of random variables, we proposed earlier a simple stringy mechanism that prefers the meta-stable vacua with a small cosmological constant Lambda. As an illustration of this approach, we study in this paper particularly simple but non-trivial models of the Kahler uplift in the large volume flux compactification scenario in Type IIB string theory, where all parameters introduced in the model are treated either as fixed constants motivated by physics, or as random variables with some given uniform probability distributions. We determine the value w_0 of the superpotential W_0 at the supersymmetric minima, and find that the resulting probability distribution P(w_0) peaks at w_0=0; furthermore, this peaking behavior strengthens as the number of complex structure moduli increases. The resulting probability distribution P(Lambda) for meta-stable vacua also peaks as Lambda -> 0, for both positive and negative Lambda. This peaking/divergent behavior of P(Lambda) strengthens as the number of moduli increases. In some scenarios for Lambda > 0, the likely value of Lambda decreases exponentially as the number of moduli increases. The light cosmological moduli issue accompanying a very small Lambda is also mentioned.
Based on the probability distributions of products of random variables, we propose a simple stringy mechanism that prefers the meta-stable vacua with a small cosmological constant. We state some relevant properties of the probability distributions of functions of random variables. We then illustrate the mechanism within the flux compactification models in Type IIB string theory. As a result of the stringy dynamics, we argue that the generic probability distribution for the meta-stable vacua typically peaks with a divergent behavior at the zero value of the cosmological constant. However, its suppression in the single modulus model studied here is modest.
We argue that classical transitions can be the key to explaining the long standing puzzle of the fast A-B phase transition observed in superfluid Helium 3 while standard theory expects it to be unobservably slow. Collisions between domain walls are shown to be capable of reaching phases inaccessible through homogenous nucleation on the measured timescales. We demonstrate qualitative agreements with prior observations and provide a definite, distinctive prediction that could be verified through future experiments or, perhaps, a specific analysis of existing data.
The $A$ phase and the $B$ phase of superfluid He-3 are well studied, both theoretically and experimentally. The decay time scale of the $A$ phase to the $B$ phase of a typical supercooled superfluid $^3$He-A sample is calculated to be $10^{20,000}$ years or longer, yet the actual first-order phase transition of supercooled $A$ phase happens very rapidly (in seconds to minutes) in the laboratory. We propose that this very fast phase transition puzzle can be explained by the resonant tunneling effect in field theory, which generically happens since the degeneracies of both the $A$ and the $B$ phases are lifted by many small interaction effects. This explanation predicts the existence of peaks in the $A to B$ transition rate for certain values of the temperature, pressure, and magnetic field. Away from these peaks, the transition simply will not happen.
We comment on Weinbergs interesting analysis of asymptotically safe inflation (arXiv:0911.3165). We find that even if the gravity theory exhibits an ultraviolet fixed point, the energy scale during inflation is way too low to drive the theory close to the fixed point value. We choose the specific renormalization groupflow away from the fixed point towards the infrared region that reproduces the Newtons constant and todays cosmological constant. We follow this RG flow path to scales below the Planck scale to study the stability of the inflationary scenario. Again, we find that some fine tuning is necessary to get enough efolds of infflation in the asymptotically safe inflationary scenario.
Recently, Bjerrum-Bohr, Damgaard, Feng and Sondergaard derived a set of new interesting quadratic identities of the Yang-Mills tree scattering amplitudes. Here we comment that these quadratic identities of YM amplitudes actually follow directly from the KLT relation for graviton-dilaton-axion scattering amplitudes (in 4 dimensional spacetime). This clarifies their physical origin and also provides a simpler version of the new identities. We also comment that the recently discovered Bern-Carrasco-Johansson identities of YM helicity amplitudes can be verified by using (repeatedly) the Schouten identity. We also point out additional quadratic identities that can be written down from the KLT relations.

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