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Recent CMS searches for di-leptoquark production report local excesses of 2.4$sigma$ in a $eejj$ channel and 2.6$sigma$ in a $ejj$ missing $p_T$ channel. Here, we simultaneously explain both excesses with resonant slepton production in ${mathcal R}-$parity violating supersymmetry (SUSY). We consider resonant slepton production, which decays to a lepton and a chargino/neutralino, followed by three-body decays of the neutralino/chargino via an $mathcal{R}-$parity violating coupling. There are regions of parameter space which are also compatible at the 95% confidence level (CL) with a 2.8$sigma$ $eejj$ excess in a recent CMS $W_R$ search, while being compatible with other direct search constraints. Phase-II of the GERDA neutrinoless double beta decay ($0 ubetabeta$) experiment will probe a sizeable portion of the good-fit region.
We report quantitative measurements of the impact of alloy disorder on the $ u=5/2$ fractional quantum Hall state. Alloy disorder is controlled by the aluminum content $x$ in the Al$_x$Ga$_{1-x}$As channel of a quantum well. We find that the $ u=5/2$ state is suppressed with alloy scattering. To our surprise, in samples with alloy disorder the $ u=5/2$ state appears at significantly reduced mobilities when compared to samples in which alloy disorder is not the dominant scattering mechanism. Our results highlight the distinct roles of the different types of disorder present in these samples, such as the short-range alloy and the long-range Coulomb disorder.
157 - S. Mondal , C.C. Lin , W. P. Chen 2010
The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey (TAOS) project has collected more than a billion photometric measurements since 2005 January. These sky survey data-covering timescales from a fraction of a second to a few hundred days-are a useful source to study stellar variability. A total of 167 star fields, mostly along the ecliptic plane, have been selected for photometric monitoring with the TAOS telescopes. This paper presents our initial analysis of a search for periodic variable stars from the time-series TAOS data on one particular TAOS field, No. 151 (RA = 17$^{rm h}30^{rm m}6fs$67, Dec = 27degr17arcmin 30arcsec, J2000), which had been observed over 47 epochs in 2005. A total of 81 candidate variables are identified in the 3 square degree field, with magnitudes in the range 8 < R < 16. On the basis of the periodicity and shape of the lightcurves, 29 variables, 15 of which were previously unknown, are classified as RR Lyrae, Cepheid, delta Scuti, SX Phonencis, semi-regular and eclipsing binaries.

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