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We present a fully analytically solvable family of models with many-body cluster interaction and Ising interaction. This family exhibits two phases, dubbed cluster and Ising phases, respectively. The critical point turns out to be independent of the cluster size $n+2$ and is reached exactly when both interactions are equally weighted. For even $n$ we prove that the cluster phase corresponds to a nematic ordered phase and in the case of odd $n$ to a symmetry protected topological ordered phase. Though complex, we are able to quantify the multi-particle entanglement content of neighboring spins. We prove that there exists no bipartite or, in more detail, no $n+1$-partite entanglement. This is possible since the non-trivial symmetries of the Hamiltonian restrict the state space. Indeed, only if the Ising interaction is strong enough (local) genuine $n+2$-partite entanglement is built up. Due to their analytically solvableness the $n$-cluster-Ising models serve as a prototype for studying non trivial-spin orderings and due to their peculiar entanglement properties they serve as a potential reference system for the performance of quantum information tasks.
225 - A. Hamma , S. M. Giampaolo , 2015
We show that the metastable, symmetry-breaking ground states of quantum many-body Hamiltonians have vanishing quantum mutual information between macroscopically separated regions, and are thus the most classical ones among all possible quantum ground states. This statement is obvious only when the symmetry-breaking ground states are simple product states, e.g. at the factorization point. On the other hand, symmetry-breaking states are in general entangled along the entire ordered phase, and to show that they actually feature the least macroscopic correlations compared to their symmetric superpositions is highly non trivial. We prove this result in general, by considering the quantum mutual information based on the $2-$Renyi entanglement entropy and using a locality result stemming from quasi-adiabatic continuation. Moreover, in the paradigmatic case of the exactly solvable one-dimensional quantum $XY$ model, we further verify the general result by considering also the quantum mutual information based on the von Neumann entanglement entropy.
Frustration in quantum many body systems is quantified by the degree of incompatibility between the local and global orders associated, respectively, to the ground states of the local interaction terms and the global ground state of the total many-body Hamiltonian. This universal measure is bounded from below by the ground-state bipartite block entanglement. For many-body Hamiltonians that are sums of two-body interaction terms, a further inequality relates quantum frustration to the pairwise entanglement between the constituents of the local interaction terms. This additional bound is a consequence of the limits imposed by monogamy on entanglement shareability. We investigate the behavior of local pair frustration in quantum spin models with competing interactions on different length scales and show that valence bond solids associated to exact ground-state dimerization correspond to a transition from generic frustration, i.e. geometric, common to classical and quantum systems alike, to genuine quantum frustration, i.e. solely due to the non-commutativity of the different local interaction terms. We discuss how such frustration transitions separating genuinely quantum orders from classical-like ones are detected by observable quantities such as the static structure factor and the interferometric visibility.
Local unitary operations allow for a unifying approach to the quantification of quantum correlations among the constituents of a bipartite quantum system. For pure states, the distance between a given state and its image under least-perturbing local unitary operations is a bona fide measure of quantum entanglement, the so-called entanglement of response, which can be extended to mixed states via the convex roof construction. On the other hand, when defined directly on mixed states perturbed by local unitary operations, such a distance turns out to be a bona fide measure of quantum correlations, the so-called discord of response. Exploiting this unified framework, we perform a detailed comparison between two-body entanglement and two-body quantum discord in infinite XY quantum spin chains both in symmetry-preserving and symmetry-breaking ground states as well as in thermal states at finite temperature. The results of the investigation show that in symmetry-preserving ground states the two-point quantum discord dominates over the two-point entanglement, while in symmetrybreaking ground states the two-point quantum discord is strongly suppressed and the two-point entanglement is essentially unchanged. In thermal states, for certain regimes of Hamiltonian parameters, we show that the pairwise quantum discord and the pairwise entanglement can increase with increasing thermal fluctuations.
We investigate the nature of spontaneous symmetry breaking in complex quantum systems by conjecturing that the maximally symmetry breaking quantum ground states are the most classical ones corresponding to an ordered phase. We make this argument quantitatively precise by showing that the ground states which realize the maximum breaking of the Hamiltonian symmetries are the only ones that: I) are always locally convertible, i.e. can be obtained from all other ground states by local operations and classical communication, while the reverse is never possible; II) minimize the monogamy inequality for bipartite entanglement; III) minimize quantum correlations, as measured by the quantum discord, for all pairs of dynamical variables and are the only ground states for which the pairwise quantum correlations vanish asymptotically with the intra-pair distance.
The presence of quantum correlations in a quantum state is related to the state response to local unitary perturbations. Such response is quantified by the distance between the unperturbed and perturbed states, minimized with respect to suitably identified sets of local unitary operations. In order to be a bona fide measure of quantum correlations, the distance function must be chosen among those that are contractive under completely positive and trace preserving maps. The most relevant instances of such physically well behaved metrics include the trace, the Bures, and the Hellinger distance. To each of these metrics one can associate the corresponding discord of response, namely the trace, or Hellinger, or Bures minimum distance from the set of unitarily perturbed states. All these three discords of response satisfy the basic axioms for a proper measure of quantum correlations. In the present work we focus in particular on the Bures distance, which enjoys the unique property of being both Riemannian and contractive under completely positive and trace preserving maps, and admits important operational interpretations in terms of state distinguishability. We compute analytically the Bures discord of response for two-qubit states with maximally mixed marginals and we compare it with the corresponding Bures geometric discord, namely the geometric measure of quantum correlations defined as the Bures distance from the set of classically correlated quantum states. Finally, we investigate and identify the maximally quantum correlated two-qubit states according to the Bures discord of response. These states exhibit a remarkable nonlinear dependence on the global state purity.
We investigate the scaling of the entanglement spectrum and of the Renyi block entropies and determine its universal aspects in the ground state of critical and noncritical one-dimensional quantum spin models. In all cases, the scaling exhibits an oscillatory behavior that terminates at the factorization point and whose frequency is universal. Parity effects in the scaling of the Renyi entropies for gapless models at zero field are thus shown to be a particular case of such universal behavior. Likewise, the absence of oscillations for the Ising chain in transverse field is due to the vanishing value of the factorizing field for this particular model. In general, the transition occurring at the factorizing field between two different scaling regimes of the entanglement spectrum corresponds to a quantum transition to the formation of finite-range, ordered structures of quasi-dimers, quasi-trimers, and quasi-polymers. This entanglement-driven transition is superimposed to and independent of the long-range magnetic order in the broken symmetry phase. Therefore, it conforms to recent generalizations that identify and classify the quantum phases of matter according to the structure of ground-state entanglement patterns. We characterize this form of quantum order by a global order parameter of entanglement defined as the integral, over blocks of all lengths, of the Renyi entropy of infinite order. Equivalently, it can be defined as the integral of the bipartite single-copy or geometric entanglement. The global entanglement order parameter remains always finite at fields below the factorization point and vanishes identically above it.
We investigate theoretically systems of ions in segmented linear Paul traps for the quantum simulation of quantum spin models with tunable interactions. The scheme is entirely general and can be applied to the realization of arbitrary spin-spin interactions. As a specific application we discuss in detail the quantum simulation of models that exhibit long-distance entanglement in the ground state. We show how tailoring of the axial trapping potential allows for generating spin-spin coupling patterns that are suitable to create long-distance entanglement. We discuss how suitable sequences of microwave pulses can implement Trotter expansions and realize various kinds of effective spin-spin interactions. The corresponding Hamiltonians can be varied on adjustable time scales, thereby allowing the controlled adiabatic preparation of their ground states.
We derive an exact lower bound to a universal measure of frustration in degenerate ground states of quantum many-body systems. The bound results in the sum of two contributions: entanglement and classical correlations arising from local measurements. We show that average frustration properties are completely determined by the behavior of the maximally mixed ground state. We identify sufficient conditions for a quantum spin system to saturate the bound, and for models with twofold degeneracy we prove that average and local frustration coincide.
We study the ground-state entanglement in systems of spins forming the boundary of a quantum spin network in arbitrary geometries and dimensionality. We show that as long as they are weakly coupled to the bulk of the network, the surface spins are strongly entangled, even when distant and non directly interacting, thereby generalizing the phenomenon of long-distance entanglement occurring in quantum spin chains. Depending on the structure of the couplings between surface and bulk spins, we discuss in detail how the patterns of surface entanglement can range from multi-pair bipartite to fully multipartite. In the context of quantum information and communication, these results find immediate application to the implementation of quantum routers, that is devices able to distribute quantum correlations on demand among multiple network nodes.

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