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Universal aspects in the behavior of the entanglement spectrum in one dimension: scaling transition at the factorization point and ordered entangled structures

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 Added by Fabrizio Illuminati
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the scaling of the entanglement spectrum and of the Renyi block entropies and determine its universal aspects in the ground state of critical and noncritical one-dimensional quantum spin models. In all cases, the scaling exhibits an oscillatory behavior that terminates at the factorization point and whose frequency is universal. Parity effects in the scaling of the Renyi entropies for gapless models at zero field are thus shown to be a particular case of such universal behavior. Likewise, the absence of oscillations for the Ising chain in transverse field is due to the vanishing value of the factorizing field for this particular model. In general, the transition occurring at the factorizing field between two different scaling regimes of the entanglement spectrum corresponds to a quantum transition to the formation of finite-range, ordered structures of quasi-dimers, quasi-trimers, and quasi-polymers. This entanglement-driven transition is superimposed to and independent of the long-range magnetic order in the broken symmetry phase. Therefore, it conforms to recent generalizations that identify and classify the quantum phases of matter according to the structure of ground-state entanglement patterns. We characterize this form of quantum order by a global order parameter of entanglement defined as the integral, over blocks of all lengths, of the Renyi entropy of infinite order. Equivalently, it can be defined as the integral of the bipartite single-copy or geometric entanglement. The global entanglement order parameter remains always finite at fields below the factorization point and vanishes identically above it.

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In the present work, we discuss how the functional form of thermodynamic observables can be deduced from the geometric properties of subsets of phase space. The geometric quantities taken into account are mainly extrinsic curvatures of the energy level sets of the Hamiltonian of a system under investigation. In particular, it turns out that peculiar behaviours of thermodynamic observables at a phase transition point are rooted in more fundamental changes of the geometry of the energy level sets in phase space. More specifically, we discuss how microcanonical and geometrical descriptions of phase-transitions are shaped in the special case of $phi^4$ models with either nearest-neighbours and mean-field interactions.
142 - Bowen Shi , Xin Dai , Yuan-Ming Lu 2020
We study the entanglement behavior of a random unitary circuit punctuated by projective measurements at the measurement-driven phase transition in one spatial dimension. We numerically study the logarithmic entanglement negativity of two disjoint intervals and find that it scales as a power of the cross-ratio. We investigate two systems: (1) Clifford circuits with projective measurements, and (2) Haar random local unitary circuit with projective measurements. Remarkably, we identify a power-law behavior of entanglement negativity at the critical point. Previous results of entanglement entropy and mutual information point to an emergent conformal invariance of the measurement-driven transition. Our result suggests that the critical behavior of the measurement-driven transition is distinct from the ground state behavior of any emph{unitary} conformal field theory.
In this paper, we study the probability distribution of the observable $s = (1/N)sum_{i=N-N+1}^N x_i$, with $1 leq N leq N$ and $x_1<x_2<cdots< x_N$ representing the ordered positions of $N$ particles in a $1d$ one-component plasma, i.e., $N$ harmonically confined charges on a line, with pairwise repulsive $1d$ Coulomb interaction $|x_i-x_j|$. This observable represents an example of a truncated linear statistics -- here the center of mass of the $N = kappa , N$ (with $0 < kappa leq 1$) rightmost particles. It interpolates between the position of the rightmost particle (in the limit $kappa to 0$) and the full center of mass (in the limit $kappa to 1$). We show that, for large $N$, $s$ fluctuates around its mean $langle s rangle$ and the typical fluctuations are Gaussian, of width $O(N^{-3/2})$. The atypical large fluctuations of $s$, for fixed $kappa$, are instead described by a large deviation form ${cal P}_{N, kappa}(s)simeq exp{left[-N^3 phi_kappa(s)right]}$, where the rate function $phi_kappa(s)$ is computed analytically. We show that $phi_{kappa}(s)$ takes different functional forms in five distinct regions in the $(kappa,s)$ plane separated by phase boundaries, thus leading to a rich phase diagram in the $(kappa,s)$ plane. Across all the phase boundaries the rate function $phi(kappa,s)$ undergoes a third-order phase transition. This rate function is also evaluated numerically using a sophisticated importance sampling method, and we find a perfect agreement with our analytical predictions.
We study numerically the two-point correlation functions of height functions in the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions. The correlation functions and the height functions are computed by the Markov chain Monte-Carlo algorithm. Particular attention is paid to the free fermionic point ($Delta=0$), for which the correlation functions are obtained analytically in the thermodynamic limit. A good agreement of the exact and numerical results for the free fermionic point allows us to extend calculations to the disordered ($|Delta|<1$) phase and to monitor the logarithm-like behavior of correlation functions there. For the antiferroelectric ($Delta<-1$) phase, the exponential decrease of correlation functions is observed.
We study the probability distribution of entanglement in the Quantum Symmetric Simple Exclusion Process, a model of fermions hopping with random Brownian amplitudes between neighboring sites. We consider a protocol where the system is initialized in a pure product state of $M$ particles, and focus on the late-time distribution of Renyi-$q$ entropies for a subsystem of size $ell$. By means of a Coulomb gas approach from Random Matrix Theory, we compute analytically the large-deviation function of the entropy in the thermodynamic limit. For $q>1$, we show that, depending on the value of the ratio $ell/M$, the entropy distribution displays either two or three distinct regimes, ranging from low- to high-entanglement. These are connected by points where the probability density features singularities in its third derivative, which can be understood in terms of a transition in the corresponding charge density of the Coulomb gas. Our analytic results are supported by numerical Monte Carlo simulations.
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