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We present the results of CCD UBVRI observations of the open cluster NGC 6811 obtained on 18th July 2012 with the 1m telescope at the TUB.ITAK National Observatory (TUG). Using these photometric results, we determine the structural and astrophysical parameters of the cluster. The mean photometric uncertainties are better than 0.02 mag in the V magnitude and B-V, V-R, and V-I colour indices to about 0.03 mag for U-B among stars brighter than magnitude V=18. Cluster member stars were separated from the field stars using the Galaxia model of Sharma et al. (2011) together with other techniques. The core radius of the cluster is found to be $r_{c}$=3.60 arcmin. The astrophysical parameters were determined simultaneously via Bayesian statistics using the colour-magnitude diagrams V versus B-V, V versus V-I, V versus V-R, and V versus R-I of the cluster. The resulting most likely parameters were further confirmed using independent methods, removing any possible degeneracies. The colour excess, distance modulus, metallicity and the age of the cluster are determined simultaneously as E(B-V)=0.05$pm$0.01 mag, $mu=10.06pm0.08$ mag, [M/H]=-0.10$pm$0.01 dex and t=1.00$pm$0.05 Gyr, respectively. Distances of five red clump stars which were found to be members of the cluster further confirm our distance estimation.
105 - V. Bakis , I. Bulut , S. Bilir 2010
New high resolution spectra of the short period (P~1.76 days) young detached binary LT CMa are reported for the first time. By combining the results from the analysis of new radial velocity curves and published light curves, we determine values for the masses, radii and temperatures as follows: M_1= 5.59 (0.20) M_o, R_1=3.56 (0.07) R_o and T_eff1= 17000 (500) K for the primary and M_2=3.36 (0.14) M_o, R_2= 2.04 (0.05) R_o and T_eff2= 13140 (800) K for the secondary. Static absorbtion features apart from those coming from the close binary components are detected in the several spectral regions. If these absorbtion features are from a third star, as the light curve solutions support, its radial velocity is measured to be RV_3=70(8) km s^-1. The orbit of the binary system is proved to be eccentric (e=0.059) and thus the apsidal motion exists. The estimated linear advance in longitude of periastron corresponds to an apsidal motion of U=694+/-5 yr for the system. The average internal structure constant log k_2,obs=-2.53 of LT CMa is found smaller than its theoretical value of log k_2,theo=-2.22 suggesting the stars would have more central concentration in mass. The photometric distance of LT CMa (d=535+/-45 pc) is found to be much smaller than the distance of CMa OB1 association (1150 pc) which rules out membership. A comparison with current stellar evolution models for solar metallicity indicates that LT CMa (35 Myr) is much older than the CMa OB1 association (3 Myr), confirming that LT CMa is not a member of CMa OB1. The kinematical and dynamical analysis indicate LT CMa is orbiting the Galaxy in a circular orbit and belongs to the young thin-disk population.
260 - Z. Eker , S. Bilir , E. Yaz 2008
Parallaxes of W UMa stars in the Hipparcos catalogue have been analyzed. 31 W UMa stars, which have the most accurate parallaxes ($sigma_{pi}/pi<0.15$) which are neither associated with a photometric tertiary nor with evidence of a visual companion, were selected for re-calibrating the Period--Luminosity--Color (PLC) relation of W UMa stars. Using the Lutz--Kelker (LK) bias corrected (most probable) parallaxes, periods ($0.26< P(day)< 0.87$), and colors (0.04<$(B-V)_{0}$<1.28) of the 31 selected W UMa, the PLC relation have been revised and re-calibrated. The difference between the old (revised but not bias corrected) and the new (LK bias corrected) relations are almost negligible in predicting the distances of W UMa stars up to about 100 parsecs. But, it increases and may become intolerable as distances of stars increase. Additionally, using $(J-H)_{0}$ and $(H-K_{s})_{0}$ colors from 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) data, a PLC relation working with infrared data was derived. It can be used with infrared colors in the range $-0.01<(J-H)_{0}<0.58$, and $-0.10<(H-K_{s})_{0}<0.18$. Despite {em 2MASS} data are single epoch observations, which are not guaranteed at maximum brightness of the W UMa stars, the established relation has been found surprisingly consistent and reliable in predicting LK corrected distances of W UMa stars.
78 - S. Bilir , T. Ak , E. Soydugan 2008
Lutz-Kelker bias corrected absolute magnitude calibrations for the detached binary systems with main-sequence components are presented. The absolute magnitudes of the calibrator stars were derived at intrinsic colours of Johnson-Cousins and 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) photometric systems. As for the calibrator stars, 44 detached binaries were selected from the Hipparcos catalogue, which have relative observed parallax errors smaller than 15% ($sigma_{pi}/pileq0.15$). The calibration equations which provide the corrected absolute magnitude for optical and near-infrared pass bands are valid for wide ranges of colours and absolute magnitudes: $-0.18<(B-V)_{0}<0.91$, $-1.6<M_{V}<5.5$ and $-0.15<(J-H)_{0}<0.50$, $-0.02<(H-K_{s})_{0}<0.13$, $0<M_{J}<4$, respectively. The distances computed using the luminosity-colours (LCs) relation with optical (BV) and near-infrared ($JHK_{s}$) observations were compared to the distances found from various other methods. The results show that new absolute magnitude calibrations of this study can be used as a convenient statistical tool to estimate the true distances of detached binaries out of Hipparcos distance limit.
130 - S. Bilir , S. Ak , S. Karaali 2007
We present colour transformations for the conversion of the {em 2MASS} photometric system to the Johnson-Cousins $UBVRI$ system and further into the {em SDSS} $ugriz$ system. We have taken {em SDSS} $gri$ magnitudes of stars measured with the 2.5-m telescope from $SDSS$ Data Release 5 (DR5), and $BVRI$ and $JHK_{s}$ magnitudes from Stetsons catalogue and citet{Cu03}, respectively. We matched thousands of stars in the three photometric systems by their coordinates and obtained a homogeneous sample of 825 stars by the following constraints, which are not used in previous transformations: 1) the data are de-reddened, 2) giants are omitted, and 3) the sample stars selected are of the highest quality. We give metallicity, population type, and transformations dependent on two colours. The transformations provide absolute magnitude and distance determinations which can be used in space density evaluations at short distances where some or all of the {em SDSS} $ugriz$ magnitudes are saturated. The combination of these densities with those evaluated at larger distances using {em SDSS} $ugriz$ photometry will supply accurate Galactic model parameters, particularly the local space densities for each population.

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