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A general theory is presented to describe optomechanical interactions of acoustic phonons, having extremely long lifetimes in superfluid $^4$He, with optical photons in the medium placed in a suitable electromagnetic cavity. The acoustic nonlinearity in the fluid motion is included to consider processes beyond the usual linear process involving absorption or emission of one phonon at a time. We first apply our formulation to the simplest one-phonon process involving the usual resonant anti-Stokes upconversion of an incident optical mode. However, when the allowed optical cavity modes are such that there is no single-phonon mode in the superfluid which can give rise to a resonant allowed anti-Stokes mode, we must consider the possibility of two phonon upconversion. For such a case, we show that the two step two phonon process could be dominant. We present arguments for large two step process and negligible single step two phonon contribution. The two step process also shows interesting quantum interference among different transition pathways.
Superradiance is one of the outstanding problems in quantum optics since Dicke introduced the concept of enhanced directional spontaneous emission by an ensemble of identical two-level atoms. The effect is based on correlated collective Dicke states which turn out to be highly entangled. Here we show that enhanced directional emission of spontaneous radiation can be produced also with statistically independent incoherent sources via the measurement of higher order correlation functions of the emitted radiation. Our analysis is applicable to a wide variety of quantum systems like trapped atoms, ions, quantum dots or NV-centers, and is also valid for statistically independent incoherent classical emitters. This is experimentally confirmed with up to eight independent thermal light sources.
We propose a scheme for the generation of a robust stationary squeezed state of a mechanical resonator in a quadratically coupled optomechanical system, driven by a pulsed laser. The intracavity photon number presents periodic intense peaks suddenly stiffening the effective harmonic potential felt by the mechanical resonator. These optical spring kicks tend to squeeze the resonator position, and due to the interplay with fluctuation-dissipation processes one can generate a stationary state with more than 13 dB of squeezing even starting from moderately pre-cooled initial thermal states.
In continuous-variable quantum information, non-Gaussian entangled states that are obtained from Gaussian entangled states via photon subtraction are known to contain more entanglement. This makes them better resources for quantum information processing protocols, such as, quantum teleportation. We discuss the teleportation of non-Gaussian, non-classical Schrodinger-cat states of light using two-mode squeezed vacuum light that is made non-Gaussian via subtraction of a photon from each of the two modes. We consider the experimentally realizable cat states produced by subtracting a photon from the single-mode squeezed vacuum state. We discuss two figures of merit for the teleportation process, a) the fidelity, and b) the maximum negativity of the Wigner function at the output. We elucidate how the non-Gaussian entangled resource lowers the requirements on the amount of squeezing necessary to achieve any given fidelity of teleportation, or to achieve negative values of the Wigner function at the output.
We discuss the possible cooling of different phonon modes via three wave mixing interactions of vibrational and optical modes. Since phonon modes exhibit a variety of dispersion relations or frequency spectra with diverse spatial structures, depending on the shape and size of the sample, we formulate our theory in terms of relevant spatial mode functions for the interacting fields in any given geometry. We discuss the possibility of Dicke like collective effects in phonon cooling and present explicit results for simultaneous cooling of two phonon modes via the anti-Stokes up
Beyond the simplest case of bipartite qubits, the composite Hilbert space of multipartite systems is largely unexplored. In order to explore such systems, it is important to derive analytic expressions for parameters which characterize the systems state space. Two such parameters are the degree of genuine multipartite entanglement and the degree of mixedness of the systems state. We explore these two parameters for an N-qubit system whose density matrix has an X form. We derive the class of states that has the maximum amount of genuine multipartite entanglement for a given amount of mixedness. We compare our results with the existing results for the N=2 case. The critical amount of mixedness above which no N-qubit X-state possesses genuine multipartite entanglement is derived. It is found that as N increases, states with higher mixedness can still be entangled.
We observe and investigate, both experimentally and theoretically, electromagnetically-induced transparency experienced by evanescent fields arising due to total internal reflection from an interface of glass and hot rubidium vapor. This phenomenon manifests itself as a non-Lorentzian peak in the reflectivity spectrum, which features a sharp cusp with a sub-natural width of about 1 MHz. The width of the peak is independent of the thickness of the interaction region, which indicates that the main source of decoherence is likely due to collisions with the cell walls rather than diffusion of atoms. With the inclusion of a coherence-preserving wall coating, this system could be used as an ultra-compact frequency reference.
220 - S. Agarwal , J. H. Eberly 2012
We propose a new witness operation for the non-classical character of a harmonic oscillator state. The method does not require state reconstruction. For all harmonic oscillator states that are classical, a bound is established for the evolution of a qubit which is coupled to the oscillator. Any violation of the bound can be rigorously attributed to the non-classical character of the initial oscillator state.
By focusing on the X-matrix part of a density matrix of two qubits we provide an algebraic lower bound for the concurrence. The lower bound is generalized for cases beyond two qubits and can serve as a sufficient condition for non-separability for bipartite density matrices of arbitrary dimension. Experimentally, our lower bound can be used to confirm non-separability without performing a complete state tomography.
The Tavis-Cummings model for more than one qubit interacting with a common oscillator mode is extended beyond the rotating wave approximation (RWA). We explore the parameter regime in which the frequencies of the qubits are much smaller than the oscillator frequency and the coupling strength is allowed to be ultra-strong. The application of the adiabatic approximation, introduced by Irish, et al. (Phys. Rev. B textbf{72}, 195410 (2005)), for a single qubit system is extended to the multi-qubit case. For a two-qubit system, we identify three-state manifolds of close-lying dressed energy levels and obtain results for the dynamics of intra-manifold transitions that are incompatible with results from the familiar regime of the RWA. We exhibit features of two-qubit dynamics that are different from the single qubit case, including calculations of qubit-qubit entanglement. Both number state and coherent state preparations are considered, and we derive analytical formulas that simplify the interpretation of numerical calculations. Expressions for individual collapse and revival signals of both population and entanglement are derived.

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