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Strongly correlated analogues of topological insulators have been explored in systems with purely on-site symmetries, such as time-reversal or charge conservation. Here, we use recently developed tensor network tools to study a quantum state of interacting bosons which is featureless in the bulk, but distinguished from an atomic insulator in that it exhibits entanglement which is protected by its spatial symmetries. These properties are encoded in a model many-body wavefunction that describes a fully symmetric insulator of bosons on the honeycomb lattice at half filling per site. While the resulting integer unit cell filling allows the state to bypass `no-go theorems that trigger fractionalization at fractional filling, it nevertheless has nontrivial entanglement, protected by symmetry. We demonstrate this by computing the boundary entanglement spectra, finding a gapless entanglement edge described by a conformal field theory as well as degeneracies protected by the non-trivial action of combined charge-conservation and spatial symmetries on the edge. Here, the tight-binding representation of the space group symmetries plays a particular role in allowing certain entanglement cuts that are not allowed on other lattices of the same symmetry, suggesting that the lattice representation can serve as an additional symmetry ingredient in protecting an interacting topological phase. Our results extend to a related insulating state of electrons, with short-ranged entanglement and no band insulator analogue.
We show that the magnetization of a single `qubit spin weakly coupled to an otherwise isolated disordered spin chain exhibits periodic revivals in the localized regime, and retains an imprint of its initial magnetization at infinite time. We demonstrate that the revival rate is strongly suppressed upon adding interactions after a time scale corresponding to the onset of the dephasing that distinguishes many-body localized phases from Anderson insulators. In contrast, the ergodic phase acts as a bath for the qubit, with no revivals visible on the time scales studied. The suppression of quantum revivals of local observables provides a quantitative, experimentally observable alternative to entanglement growth as a measure of the `non-ergodic but dephasing nature of many-body localized systems.
We study the superfluid and insulating phases of interacting bosons on the triangular lattice with an inverted dispersion, corresponding to frustrated hopping between sites. The resulting single-particle dispersion has multiple minima at nonzero wavevectors in momentum space, in contrast to the unique zero-wavevector minimum of the unfrustrated problem. As a consequence, the superfluid phase is unstable against developing additonal chiral order that breaks time reversal (T) and parity (P) symmetries by forming a condensate at nonzero wavevector. We demonstrate that the loss of superfluidity can lead to an even more exotic phase, the chiral Mott insulator, with nontrivial current order that breaks T, P. These results are obtained via variational estimates, as well as a combination of bosonization and DMRG of triangular ladders, which taken together permit a fairly complete characterization of the phase diagram. We discuss the relevance of these phases to optical lattice experiments, as well as signatures of chiral symmetry breaking in time-of-flight images.
132 - S. A. Parameswaran , R. Roy , 2013
We present a pedagogical review of the physics of fractional Chern insulators with a particular focus on the connection to the fractional quantum Hall effect. While the latter conventionally arises in semiconductor heterostructures at low temperatures and in high magnetic fields, interacting Chern insulators at fractional band filling may host phases with the same topological properties, but stabilized at the lattice scale, potentially leading to high-temperature topological order. We discuss the construction of topological flat band models, provide a survey of numerical results, and establish the connection between the Chern band and the continuum Landau problem. We then briefly summarize various aspects of Chern band physics that have no natural continuum analogs, before turning to a discussion of possible experimental realizations. We close with a survey of future directions and open problems, as well as a discussion of extensions of these ideas to higher dimensions and to other topological phases.
Band insulators appear in a crystalline system only when the filling -- the number of electrons per unit cell and spin projection -- is an integer. At fractional filling, an insulating phase that preserves all symmetries is a Mott insulator, i.e. it is either gapless or, if gapped, displays fractionalized excitations and topological order. We raise the inverse question -- at an integer filling is a band insulator always possible? Here we show that lattice symmetries may forbid a band insulator even at certain integer fillings, if the crystal is non-symmorphic -- a property shared by a majority of three-dimensional crystal structures. In these cases, one may infer the existence of topological order if the ground state is gapped and fully symmetric. This is demonstrated using a non-perturbative flux threading argument, which has immediate applications to quantum spin systems and bosonic insulators in addition to electronic band structures in the absence of spin-orbit interactions.
Within the Landau paradigm, phases of matter are distinguished by spontaneous symmetry breaking. Implicit here is the assumption that a completely symmetric state exists: a paramagnet. At zero temperature such quantum featureless insulators may be forbidden, triggering either conventional order or topological order with fractionalized excitations. Such is the case for interacting particles when the particle number per unit cell, f, is not an integer. But, can lattice symmetries forbid featureless insulators even at integer f? An especially relevant case is the honeycomb (graphene) lattice --- where free spinless fermions at f=1 (the two sites per unit cell mean f=1 is half filling per site) are always metallic. Here we present wave functions for bosons, and a related spin-singlet wave function for spinful electrons, on the f=1 honeycomb, and demonstrate via quantum to classical mappings that they do form featureless Mott insulators. The construction generalizes to symmorphic lattices at integer f in any dimension. Our results explicitly demonstrate that in this case, despite the absence of a non-interacting insulator at the same filling, lack of order at zero temperature does not imply fractionalization.
We study Bose-Hubbard models on tight-binding, non-Bravais lattices, with a filling of one boson per unit cell -- and thus fractional site filling. At integer filling of a unit cell neither symmetry breaking nor topological order is required, and in principle a trivial and featureless (i.e., symmetry-unbroken) insulator is allowed. We demonstrate by explicit construction of a family of wavefunctions that such a featureless Mott insulating state exists at 1/3 filling on the kagome lattice, and construct Hamiltonians for which these wavefunctions are exact ground states. We briefly comment on the experimental relevance of our results to cold atoms in optical lattices. Such wavefunctions also yield 1/3 magnetization plateau states for spin models in an applied field. The featureless Mott states we discuss can be generalized to any lattice for which symmetric exponentially localized Wannier orbitals can be found at the requisite filling, and their wavefunction is given by the permanent over all Wannier orbitals.
There is a close analogy between the response of a quantum Hall liquid (QHL) to a small change in the electron density and the response of a superconductor to an externally applied magnetic flux - an analogy which is made concrete in the Chern-Simons Landau-Ginzburg (CSLG) formulation of the problem. As the Types of superconductor are distinguished by this response, so too for QHLs: a typology can be introduced which is, however, richer than that in superconductors owing to the lack of any time-reversal symmetry relating positive and negative fluxes. At the boundary between Type I and Type II behavior, the CSLG action has a Bogomolnyi point, where the quasi-holes (vortices) are non-interacting - at the microscopic level, this corresponds to the behavior of systems governed by a set of model Hamiltonians which have been constructed to render exact a large class of QHL wavefunctions. All Types of QHLs are capable of giving rise to quantized Hall plateaux.

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