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85 - Shaoyu Yin , Ru-Keng Su 2009
The thermodynamic consistency of quasiparticle boson system with effective mass $m^*$ and zero chemical potential is studied. We take the quasiparticle gluon plasma model as a toy model. The failure of previous treatments based on traditional partial derivative is addressed. We show that a consistent thermodynamic treatment can be applied to such boson system provided that a new degree of freedom $m^*$ is introduced in the partial derivative calculation. A pressure modification term different from the vacuum contribution is derived based on the new independent variable $m^*$. A complete and self-consistent thermodynamic treatment for quasiparticle system, which can be widely applied to effective mass models, has been constructed.
The equations of state for neutron matter, strange and non-strange hadronic matter in a chiral SU(3) quark mean field model are applied in the study of slowly rotating neutron stars and hadronic stars. The radius, mass, moment of inertia, and other physical quantities are carefully examined. The effect of nucleon crust for the strange hadronic star is exhibited. Our results show the rotation can increase the maximum mass of compact stars significantly. For big enough mass of pulsar which can not be explained as strange hadronic star, the theoretical approaches to increase the maximum mass are addressed.
We examine the effect of the thermal vacuum on the power spectrum of inflation by using the thermal field dynamics. We find that the thermal effect influences the CMB anisotropy at large length scale. After removing the divergence by using the holographic cutoff, we observe that the thermal vacuum explains well the observational CMB result at low multipoles. This shows that the temperature dependent factor should be considered in the study of power spectrum in inflation, especially at large length scale.
248 - Chen Wu , Ru-Keng Su 2008
A new improved quark mass density-dependent model including u, d quarks, $sigma$ mesons, $omega$ mesons and $rho$ mesons is presented. Employing this model, the properties of nuclear matter, neutron matter and neutron star are studied. We find that it can describe above properties successfully. The results given by the new improved quark mass density- dependent model and by the quark meson coupling model are compared.
333 - Chen Wu , Ru-Keng Su 2008
By using the finite temperature quantum field theory, we calculate the finite temperature effective potential and extend the improved quark mass density-dependent model to finite temperature. It is shown that this model can not only describe the saturation properties of nuclear matter, but also explain the quark deconfinement phase transition successfully. The critical temperature is given and the effect of $omega$- meson is addressed.
We study the absorption probability and Hawking radiation of the scalar field in the rotating black holes on codimension-2 branes. We find that finite brane tension modifies the standard results in Hawking radiation if compared with the case when brane tension is completely negligible. We observe that the rotation of the black hole brings richer physics. Nonzero angular momentum triggers the super-radiance which becomes stronger when the angular momentum increases. We also find that rotations along different angles influence the result in absorption probability and Hawking radiation. Compared with the black hole rotating orthogonal to the brane, in the background that black hole spins on the brane, its angular momentum brings less super-radiance effect and the brane tension increases the range of frequency to accommodate super-radiance. These information can help us know more about the rotating codimension-2 black holes.
217 - Shaoyu Yin , Ru-Keng Su 2008
The ambiguities and inconsistencies in previous thermodynamic treatments for the quark mass density-dependent model are addressed. A new treatment is suggested to obtain the self-consistent results. A new independent variable of effective mass is introduced to make the traditional thermodynamic calculation with partial derivative still practicable. The contribution from physical vacuum has been discussed. We find that the properties of strange quark matter given by quark mass density-dependent model are nearly the same as those obtained by MIT bag model after considering the contribution of the physical vacuum.
We explore the signature of the extra dimension in the Hawking radiation in a rotating Kaluza-Klein black hole with squashed horizons. Comparing with the spherical case, we find that the rotating parameter brings richer physics. We obtain the appropriate size of the extra dimension which can enhance the Hawking radiation and may open a window to detect the extra dimensions.
An improved quark mass density- dependent model with the non-linear scalar sigma field and the $omega$-meson field is presented. We show that the present model can describe saturation properties, the equation of state, the compressibility and the effective nuclear mass of nuclear matter under mean field approximation successfully. The comparison of the present model and the quark-meson coupling model is addressed.
48 - Shaoyu Yin , Ru-Keng Su 2007
The thermodynamics with medium effects expressed by the dispersion relation of the temperature and density dependent particle mass is studied. Many previous treatments have been reviewed. A new thermodynamical treatment based on the equilibrium state is suggested. Employing the quark mass density- and temperature-dependent model, the discrepancies between our treatment and others are addressed.

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