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Following upon results of Putinar, Sun, Wang, Zheng and the first author, we provide models for the restrictions of the multiplication by a finite Balschke product on the Bergman space in the unit disc to its reducing subspaces. The models involve a generalization of the notion of bundle shift on the Hardy space introduced by Abrahamse and the first author to the Bergman space. We develop generalized bundle shifts on more general domains. While the characterization of the bundle shift is rather explicit, we have not been able to obtain all the earlier results appeared, in particular, the facts that the number of the minimal reducing subspaces equals the number of connected components of the Riemann surface $B(z)=B(w)$ and the algebra of commutant of $T_{B}$ is commutative, are not proved. Moreover, the role of the Riemann surface is not made clear also.
189 - Ronald G. Douglas , Xiang Tang , 2014
We extend the Boutet de Monvel Toeplitz index theorem to complex manifold with isolated singularities following the relative $K$-homology theory of Baum, Douglas, and Taylor for manifold with boundary. We apply this index theorem to study the Arveson-Douglas conjecture. Let $ball^m$ be the unit ball in $mathbb{C}^m$, and $I$ an ideal in the polynomial algebra $mathbb{C}[z_1, cdots, z_m]$. We prove that when the zero variety $Z_I$ is a complete intersection space with only isolated singularities and intersects with the unit sphere $mathbb{S}^{2m-1}$ transversely, the representations of $mathbb{C}[z_1, cdots, z_m]$ on the closure of $I$ in $L^2_a(ball^m)$ and also the corresponding quotient space $Q_I$ are essentially normal. Furthermore, we prove an index theorem for Toeplitz operators on $Q_I$ by showing that the representation of $mathbb{C}[z_1, cdots, z_m]$ on the quotient space $Q_I$ gives the fundamental class of the boundary $Z_Icap mathbb{S}^{2m-1}$. In the appendix, we prove with Kai Wang that if $fin L^2_a(ball^m)$ vanishes on $Z_Icap ball ^m$, then $f$ is contained inside the closure of the ideal $I$ in $L^2_a(ball^m)$.
A subalgebra $A$ of the algebra $B(mathcal{H})$ of bounded linear operators on a separable Hilbert space $mathcal{H}$ is said to be catalytic if every transitive subalgebra $mathcal{T}subset B(mathcal{H})$ containing it is strongly dense. We show that for a hypo-Dirichlet or logmodular algebra, $A=H^{infty}(m)$ acting on a generalized Hardy space $H^{2}(m)$ for a representing measure $m$ that defines a reproducing kernel Hilbert space is catalytic. For the case of a nice finitely-connected domain, we show that the holomorphic functions of a bundle shift yields a catalytic algebra, thus generalize a result of Bercovici, Foias, Pearcy and the first author[7].
130 - Ronald G. Douglas 2012
The corona problem was motivated by the question of the density of the open unit disk D in the maximal ideal space of the algebra, H1(D), of bounded holomorphic functions on D. In this note we study relationships of the problem with questions in operator theory and complex geometry. We use the framework of Hilbert modules focusing on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on a domain, in Cm. We interpret several of the approaches to the corona problem from this point of view. A few new observations are made along the way. 2012 MSC: 46515, 32A36, 32A70, 30H80, 30H10, 32A65, 32A35, 32A38 Keywords: corona problem, Hilbert modules, reproducing kernel Hilbert space, commutant lifting theorem 1
In [11] the authors investigated a family of quotient Hilbert modules in the Cowen-Douglas class over the unit disk constructed from classical Hilbert modules such as the Hardy and Bergman modules. In this paper we extend the results to the multivariable case of higher multiplicity. Moreover, similarity as well as isomorphism results are obtained.

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