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Connections of the Corona Problem with Operator Theory and Complex Geometry

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 Added by Ronald Douglas
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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The corona problem was motivated by the question of the density of the open unit disk D in the maximal ideal space of the algebra, H1(D), of bounded holomorphic functions on D. In this note we study relationships of the problem with questions in operator theory and complex geometry. We use the framework of Hilbert modules focusing on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on a domain, in Cm. We interpret several of the approaches to the corona problem from this point of view. A few new observations are made along the way. 2012 MSC: 46515, 32A36, 32A70, 30H80, 30H10, 32A65, 32A35, 32A38 Keywords: corona problem, Hilbert modules, reproducing kernel Hilbert space, commutant lifting theorem 1

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411 - Jordi Pau , Antti Perala 2018
We study a Toeplitz type operator $Q_mu$ between the holomorphic Hardy spaces $H^p$ and $H^q$ of the unit ball. Here the generating symbol $mu$ is assumed to a positive Borel measure. This kind of operator is related to many classical mappings acting on Hardy spaces, such as composition operators, the Volterra type integration operators and Carleson embeddings. We completely characterize the boundedness and compactness of $Q_mu:H^pto H^q$ for the full range $1<p,q<infty$; and also describe the membership in the Schatten classes of $H^2$. In the last section of the paper, we demonstrate the usefulness of $Q_mu$ through applications.
This paper builds on the theory of generalised functions begun in [1]. The Colombeau theory of generalised scalar fields on manifolds is extended to a nonlinear theory of generalised tensor fields which is diffeomorphism invariant and has the sheaf property. The generalised Lie derivative for generalised tensor fields is introduced and it is shown that this commutes with the embedding of distributional tensor fields. It is also shown that the covariant derivative of generalised tensor fields commutes with the embedding at the level of association. The concept of generalised metric is introduced and used to develop a nonsmooth theory of differential geometry. It is shown that the embedding of a continuous metric results in a generalised metric with well defined connection and curvature. It is also shown that a twice continuously differentiable metric which is a solution of the vacuum Einstein equations may be embedded into the algebra of generalised tensor fields and has generalised Ricci curvature associated to zero. Thus, the embedding preserves the Einstein equations at the level of association. Finally, we consider an example of a metric which lies outside the Geroch-Traschen class and show that in our diffeomorphism invariant theory the curvature of a cone is associated to a delta function.
124 - Mikhail Grinberg 2010
We present a new construction of gradient-like vector fields in the setting of Morse theory on a complex analytic stratification. We prove that the ascending and descending sets for these vector fields possess cell decompositions satisfying the dimension bounds conjectured by M. Goresky and R. MacPherson. Similar results by C.-H. Cho and G. Marelli have recently appeared in arXiv:0908.1862.
For the Schrodinger equation $-d^2 u/dx^2 + q(x)u = lambda u$ on a finite $x$-interval, there is defined an asymmetry function $a(lambda;q)$, which is entire of order $1/2$ and type $1$ in $lambda$. Our main result identifies the classes of square-integrable potentials $q(x)$ that possess a common asymmetry function. For any given $a(lambda)$, there is one potential for each Dirichlet spectral sequence.
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