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Advanced data analysis techniques have proved to be crucial for extracting information from noisy images. Here we show that principal component analysis can be successfully applied to ultracold gases to unveil their collective excitations. By analyzing the correlations in a series of images we are able to identify the collective modes which are excited, determine their population, image their eigenfunction, and measure their frequency. Our method allows to discriminate the relevant modes from other noise components and is robust with respect to the data sampling procedure. It can be extended to other dynamical systems including cavity polariton quantum gases or trapped ions.
72 - Karina Merloti 2013
In this Rapid Communication, we describe how the presence of the third dimension may break the scale invariance in a two-dimensional Bose gas in a pancake-shaped trap. From the two-dimensional perspective, the possibility of a weak spilling of the atomic density beyond the ground-state of the confinement alters the two-dimensional chemical potential; in turn, this correction no longer supports scale invariance. We compare experimental data with numerical and analytic perturbative results and find a good agreement.
189 - Karina Merloti 2013
We present the first experimental realization of a two-dimensional quantum gas in a purely magnetic trap dressed by a radio frequency field in the presence of gravity. The resulting potential is extremely smooth and very close to harmonic in the two-dimensional plane of confinement. We fully characterize the trap and demonstrate the confinement of a quantum gas to two dimensions. The trap geometry can be modified to a large extent, in particular in a dynamical way. Taking advantage of this possibility, we study the monopole and the quadrupole modes of a two-dimensional Bose gas.
141 - Romain Dubessy 2012
We analyze the excitation spectrum of a superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate rotating in a ring trap. We identify two important branches of the spectrum related to outer and inner edge surface modes that lead to the instability of the superfluid. Depending on the initial circulation of the annular condensate, either the outer or the inner modes become first unstable. This instability is crucially related to the superfluid nature of the rotating gas. In particular we point out the existence of a maximal circulation above which the superflow decays spontaneously, which cannot be explained by invoking the average speed of sound.
203 - Romain Dubessy 2011
We describe an experiment to produce 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates in an optically plugged magnetic quadrupole trap, using a blue-detuned laser. Due to the large detuning of the plug laser with respect to the atomic transition, the evaporation has to be carefully optimized in order to efficiently overcome the Majorana losses. We provide a complete theoretical and experimental study of the trapping potential at low temperatures and show that this simple model describes well our data. In particular we demonstrate methods to reliably measure the trap oscillation frequencies and the bottom frequency, based on periodic excitation of the trapping potential and on radio-frequency spectroscopy, respectively. We show that this hybrid trap can be operated in a well controlled regime that allows a reliable production of degenerate gases.
135 - Thomas Coudreau 2011
We show that it is possible to initialize and manipulate in a deterministic manner protected qubits using time varying Hamiltonians. Taking advantage of the symmetries of the system, we predict the effect of the noise during the initialization and manipulation. These predictions are in good agreement with numerical simulations. Our study shows that the topological protection remains efficient under realistic experimental conditions.
This paper reports on photoionisation loading based on ultrafast pulses of singly-ionised strontium ions in a linear Paul trap. We take advantage of an autoionising resonance of Sr neutral atoms to form Sr+ by two-photon absorption of femtosecond pulses at a wavelength of 431nm. We compare this technique to electron-bombardment ionisation and observe several advantages of photoionisation. It actually allows the loading of a pure Sr+ ion cloud in a low radio-frequency voltage amplitude regime. In these conditions up to 4x10^4 laser-cooled Sr+ ions were trapped.

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