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Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are amongst the most spectacular objects produced by stellar evolution, but the exact identity of their progenitors has never been established for a large and homogeneous observational sample. We investigate the relationship between PNe and their stellar progenitors in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) through the statistical comparison between a highly complete spectroscopic catalog of PNe and the spatially resolved age distribution of the underlying stellar populations. We find that most PN progenitors in the LMC have main-sequence lifetimes in a narrow range between 5 and 8 Gyr, which corresponds to masses between 1.2 and 1.0 M$_{odot}$, and produce PNe that last $26^{+6}_{-7}$~kyr on average. We tentatively detect a second population of PN progenitors, with main-sequence lifetimes between 35 and 800~Myr, i.e., masses between 8.2 and 2.1 M$_{odot}$, and average PN lifetimes of $11^{+6}_{-7}$ kyr. These two distinct and disjoint populations of progenitors strongly suggest the existence of at least two physically distinct formation channels for PNe. Our determination of PN lifetimes and progenitor masses has implications for the understanding of PNe in the context of stellar evolution models, and for the role that rotation, magnetic fields, and binarity can play in the shaping of PN morphologies.
We use broadband photometry extending from the rest-frame UV to the near-IR to fit the individual spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 63 bright (L(Ly-alpha) > 10^43 ergs/s) Ly-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) in the redshift range 1.9 < z < 3.6. We find that these LAEs are quite heterogeneous, with stellar masses that span over three orders of magnitude, from 7.5 < log M < 10.5. Moreover, although most LAEs have small amounts of extinction, some high-mass objects have stellar reddenings as large as E(B-V) ~0.4. Interestingly, in dusty objects the optical depths for Ly-alpha and the UV continuum are always similar, indicating that Ly-alpha photons are not undergoing many scatters before escaping their galaxy. In contrast, the ratio of optical depths in low-reddening systems can vary widely, illustrating the diverse nature of the systems. Finally, we show that in the star formation rate (SFR)-log mass diagram, our LAEs fall above the main-sequence defined by z ~ 3 continuum selected star-forming galaxies. In this respect, they are similar to sub-mm-selected galaxies, although most LAEs have much lower mass.
We search for evidence of diffuse Ly-alpha emission from extended neutral hydrogen surrounding Ly-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) using deep narrow-band images of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. By stacking the profiles of 187 LAEs at z = 2.06, 241 LAEs at z = 3.10, and 179 LAEs at z = 3.12, and carefully performing low-surface brightness photometry, we obtain mean surface brightness maps that reach 9.9, 8.7, and 6.2 * 10^{-19} ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1} arcsec^{-2} in the emission line. We undertake a thorough investigation of systematic uncertainties in our surface brightness measurements, and find that our limits are 5--10 times larger than would be expected from Poisson background fluctuations; these uncertainties are often underestimated in the literature. At z ~ 3.1, we find evidence for extended halos with small scale lengths of 5--8 kpc in some, but not all of our sub-samples. We demonstrate that sub-samples of LAEs with low equivalent widths and brighter continuum magnitudes are more likely to possess such halos. At z ~ 2.1, we find no evidence of extended Ly-alpha emission down to our detection limits. Through Monte-Carlo simulations, we also show that we would have detected large diffuse LAE halos if they were present in our data sets. We compare these findings to other measurements in the literature, and discuss possible instrumental and astrophysical reasons for the discrepancies.
We describe the results of a new, wide-field survey for z=3.1 Ly-alpha emission-line galaxies (LAEs) in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S). By using a nearly top-hat 5010 Angstrom filter and complementary broadband photometry from the MUSYC survey, we identify a complete sample of 141 objects with monochromatic fluxes brighter than 2.4E-17 ergs/cm^2/s and observers-frame equivalent widths greater than ~ 80 Angstroms (i.e., 20 Angstroms in the rest-frame of Ly-alpha). The bright-end of this dataset is dominated by x-ray sources and foreground objects with GALEX detections, but when these interlopers are removed, we are still left with a sample of 130 LAE candidates, 39 of which have spectroscopic confirmations. This sample overlaps the set of objects found in an earlier ECDF-S survey, but due to our filters redder bandpass, it also includes 68 previously uncataloged sources. We confirm earlier measurements of the z=3.1 LAE emission-line luminosity function, and show that an apparent anti-correlation between equivalent width and continuum brightness is likely due to the effect of correlated errors in our heteroskedastic dataset. Finally, we compare the properties of z=3.1 LAEs to LAEs found at z=2.1. We show that in the ~1 Gyr after z~3, the LAE luminosity function evolved significantly, with L* fading by ~0.4 mag, the number density of sources with L > 1.5E42 ergs/s declining by ~50%, and the equivalent width scale-length contracting from 70^{+7}_{-5} Angstroms to 50^{+9}_{-6} Angstroms. When combined with literature results, our observations demonstrate that over the redshift range z~0 to z~4, LAEs contain less than ~10% of the star-formation rate density of the universe.
We present a rest-frame ultraviolet morphological analysis of 78 resolved, high S/N z ~ 3.1 Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs) in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S). Using HST/ACS V -band images taken as part of the GEMS, GOODS, and HUDF surveys. For each LAE system identified via our ground-based narrow-band imaging, we have identified those LAE systems with multiple components. We measure the concentration index and present the results of our GALFIT fits for ellipticity, Sersic index, and sizes for each resolved component with S/N > 30 as well as for each LAE system with S/N > 30. The LAEs show a heterogeneous distribution of morphologies while the ma jority tend to be highly concentrated and compact in size. We only measure the morphological properties of resolved LAEs. For systems showing multiple components we also measured the morphology of the individual components. The resolved LAEs are highly concentrated (2 < C < 4) and show a similar distribution to that measured for stars, suggesting that this diagnostic is a poor discriminator near the resolution limit. The measured ellipticities for components show a distribution peaked at {epsilon} ~ 0.55 which is significantly different from the flat distribution of ellipticities observed for local spiral galaxies and is similar to the distribution found for Lyman-break galaxies at the same redshift. There is a wide range of best-fit Sersic indices (1 < n < 10) with the majority being between 0 < n < 2. The distribution is similar to the distribution of Sersic indices seen locally. A visual inspection of the images suggests a qualitative morphological transition at n ~ 2, with small-n LAEs having extended or multimodal light distributions and relatively little diffuse emission and large-n LAEs have compact central components surrounded by diffuse emission.

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