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Since z~1, the stellar mass density locked in low mass groups and clusters has grown by a factor of ~8. Here we make the first statistical measurements of the stellar mass content of low mass X-ray groups at 0.5<z<1, enabling the calibration of stellar-to-halo mass scales for wide-field optical and infrared surveys. Groups are selected from combined Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). These ultra-deep observations allow us to identify bona fide low mass groups at high redshift and enable measurements of their total halo masses. We compute aggregate stellar masses for these halos using galaxies from the Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS (CSI) spectroscopic redshift survey. Stars comprise ~3-4% of the total mass of group halos with masses 10^{12.8}<M200/Msun<10^{13.5} (about the mass of Fornax and 1/50th the mass of Virgo). Complementing our sample with higher mass halos at these redshifts, we find that the stellar-to-halo mass ratio decreases toward higher halo masses, consistent with other work in the local and high redshift universe. The observed scatter about the stellar-halo mass relation is ~0.25 dex, which is relatively small and suggests that total group stellar mass can serve as a rough proxy for halo mass. We find no evidence for any significant evolution in the stellar-halo mass relation since z<1. Quantifying the stellar content in groups since this epoch is critical given that hierarchical assembly leads to such halos growing in number density and hosting increasing shares of quiescent galaxies.
173 - Daniel D. Kelson 2014
We describe the Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS (CSI) Survey, a wide-field, near-IR selected spectrophotometric redshift survey with IMACS on Magellan-Baade. CSI uses a flux-limited sample of galaxies in Spitzer IRAC 3.6micron imaging of SWIRE fields to efficiently trace the stellar mass of average galaxies to z~1.5. This paper provides an overview of the survey selection, observations, and processing of the photometry and spectrophotometry. We also describe the analysis of the data: new methods of fitting synthetic SEDs are used to derive redshifts, stellar masses, emission line luminosities, and coarse information on recent star-formation. Our unique methodology for analyzing low-dispersion spectra taken with multilayer prisms in IMACS, combined with panchromatic photometry from the ultraviolet to the IR, has yielded high quality redshifts for 43,347 galaxies in our first 5.3 sq. degs of the SWIRE XMM-LSS field. A new approach to assessing data quality is also described, and three different approaches are used to estimate our redshift errors, with robust agreement. Over the full range of 3.6micron fluxes of our selection, we find typical redshift uncertainties of sigma_z/(1+z) < 0.015. In comparisons with previously published spectroscopic redshifts we find scatters of sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.011 for galaxies at 0.7< z< 0.9, and sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.014 for galaxies at 0.9< z< 1.2. For galaxies brighter and fainter than i=23 mag, we find sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.008 and sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.022, respectively. Notably, our low-dispersion spectroscopy and analysis yields comparable redshift uncertainties and success rates for both red and blue galaxies, largely eliminating color-based systematics that can seriously bias observed dependencies of galaxy evolution on environment.
We present the size-stellar mass relations of nearby (z=0.01-0.02) Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies, for samples selected by color, morphology, Sersic index n, and specific star formation rate. Several commonly employed size measurement techniques are used, including single Sersic fits, two-component Sersic models, and a non-parametric method. Through simple simulations, we show that the non-parametric and two-component Sersic methods provide the most robust effective radius measurements, while those based on single Sersic profiles are often overestimates, especially for massive red/early-type galaxies. Using our robust sizes, we show for all sub-samples that the mass-size relations are shallow at low stellar masses and steepen above ~ 3-4 x 10^{10}msun. The mass-size relations for galaxies classified as late-type, low-n, and star-forming are consistent with each other, while blue galaxies follow a somewhat steeper relation. The mass-size relations of early-type, high-n, red, and quiescent galaxies all agree with each other but are somewhat steeper at the high-mass end than previous results. To test potential systematics at high redshift, we artificially redshifted our sample (including surface brightness dimming and degraded resolution) to z=1 and re-fit the galaxies using single Serisc profiles. The sizes of these galaxies before and after redshifting are consistent and we conclude that systematic effects in sizes and the size-mass relation at z ~ 1 are negligible. Interestingly, since the poorer physical resolution at high redshift washes out bright galaxy substructures, single-Sersic fitting appears to provide more reliable and unbiased effective radius measurements at high z than for nearby, well-resolved galaxies.
For the first time, we study the evolution of the stellar mass-size relation for star-forming galaxies from z ~ 4 to z ~ 7 from Hubble-WFC3/IR camera observations of the HUDF and Early Release Science (ERS) field. The sizes are measured by determining the best fit model to galaxy images in the rest-frame 2100 AA with the stellar masses estimated from SED fitting to rest-frame optical (from Spitzer/IRAC) and UV fluxes. We show that the stellar mass-size relation of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) persists, at least to z ~ 5, and the median size of LBGs at a given stellar mass increases towards lower redshifts. For galaxies with stellar masses of 9.5<Log(M*/Msun)<10.4 sizes evolve as $(1+z)^{-1.20pm0.11}$. This evolution is very similar for galaxies with lower stellar masses of 8.6<Log(M*/Msun)<9.5 which is $r_{e} propto (1+z)^{-1.18pm0.10}$, in agreement with simple theoretical galaxy formation models at high z. Our results are consistent with previous measurements of the LBGs mass-size relation at lower redshifts (z ~ 1-3).
We describe the Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS (CSI) Survey, a wide-field, near-IR selected spectrophotometric redshift survey with the Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph (IMACS) on Magellan-Baade. By defining a flux-limited sample of galaxies in Spitzer 3.6micron imaging of SWIRE fields, the CSI Survey efficiently traces the stellar mass of average galaxies to z~1.5. This first paper provides an overview of the survey selection, observations, processing of the photometry and spectrophotometry. We also describe the processing of the data: new methods of fitting synthetic templates of spectral energy distributions are used to derive redshifts, stellar masses, emission line luminosities, and coarse information on recent star-formation. Our unique methodology for analyzing low-dispersion spectra taken with multilayer prisms in IMACS, combined with panchromatic photometry from the ultraviolet to the IR, has yielded 37,000 high quality redshifts in our first 5.3 sq.degs of the SWIRE XMM-LSS field. We use three different approaches to estimate our redshift errors and find robust agreement. Over the full range of 3.6micron fluxes of our selection, we find typical uncertainties of sigma_z/(1+z) < 0.015. In comparisons with previously published VVDS redshifts, for example, we find a scatter of sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.012 for galaxies at 0.8< z< 1.2. For galaxies brighter and fainter than i=23 mag, we find sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.009 and sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.025, respectively. Notably, our low-dispersion spectroscopy and analysis yields comparable redshift uncertainties and success rates for both red and blue galaxies, largely eliminating color-based systematics that can seriously bias observed dependencies of galaxy evolution on environment.
Recent work has shown that the star formation-density relation -- in which galaxies with low star formation rates are preferentially found in dense environments -- is still in place at z~1, but the situation becomes less clear at higher redshifts. We use mass-selected samples drawn from the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey to show that galaxies with quenched star formation tend to reside in dense environments out to at least z~1.8. Over most of this redshift range we are able to demonstrate that this star formation-density relation holds even at fixed stellar mass. The environmental quenching of star formation appears to operate with similar efficiency on all galaxies regardless of stellar mass. Nevertheless, the environment plays a greater role in the build-up of the red sequence at lower masses, whereas other quenching processes dominate at higher masses. In addition to a statistical analysis of environmental densities, we investigate a cluster at z=1.6, and show that the central region has an elevated fraction of quiescent objects relative to the field. Although the uncertainties are large, the environmental quenching efficiency in this cluster is consistent with that of galaxy groups and clusters at z~0. In this work we rely on photometric redshifts, and describe some of the pitfalls that large redshift errors can present.
81 - Moein Mosleh 2010
We study the evolution of the size - stellar mass relation for a large spectroscopic sample of galaxies in the GOODs North field up to $z sim 3.5$. The sizes of the galaxies are measured from $textit{K}_{s}$-band images (corresponding to rest-frame optical/NIR) from the Subaru 8m telescope. We reproduce earlier results based on photometric redshifts that the sizes of galaxies at a given mass evolve with redshift. Specifically, we compare sizes of UV-bright galaxies at a range of redshifts: Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) selected through the U-drop technique ($z sim 2.5-3.5$), BM/BX galaxies at $z sim 1.5-2.5$, and GALEX LBGs at low redshift ($z sim 0.6-1.5$). The median sizes of these UV-bright galaxies evolve as $(1+z)^{-1.11pm0.13}$ between $z sim 0.5-3.5$. The UV-bright galaxies are significantly larger than quiescent galaxies at the same mass and redshift by $0.45pm0.09$ dex. We also verify the correlation between color and stellar mass density of galaxies to high redshifts. The sizes of sub-mm galaxies in the same field are measured and compared with BM/BX galaxies. We find that median half-light radii of SMGs is $2.90 pm 0.45$ kpc and there is little difference in their size distribution to the UV-bright star forming galaxies.
Much of the science that is made possible by multiwavelength redshift surveys requires the use of photometric redshifts. But as these surveys become more ambitious, and as we seek to perform increasingly accurate measurements, it becomes crucial to take proper account of the photometric redshift uncertainties. Ideally the uncertainties can be directly measured using a comparison to spectroscopic redshifts, but this may yield misleading results since spectroscopic samples are frequently small and not representative of the parent photometric samples. We present a simple and powerful empirical method to constrain photometric redshift uncertainties in the absence of spectroscopic redshifts. Close pairs of galaxies on the sky have a significant probability of being physically associated, and therefore of lying at nearly the same redshift. The difference in photometric redshifts in close pairs is therefore a measure of the redshift uncertainty. Some observed close pairs will arise from chance projections along the line of sight, but it is straightforward to perform a statistical correction for this effect. We demonstrate the technique using both simulated data and actual observations, and discuss how its usefulness can be limited by the presence of systematic photometric redshift errors. Finally, we use this technique to show how photometric redshift accuracy can depend on galaxy type.
75 - Rik J. Williams 2008
We investigate the properties of quiescent and star-forming galaxy populations to z~2 with purely photometric data, employing a novel rest-frame color selection technique. From the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey Data Release 1, with matched optical and mid-IR photometry taken from the Subaru XMM Deep Survey and Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey respectively, we construct a K-selected galaxy catalog and calculate photometric redshifts. Excluding stars, objects with uncertain z_phot solutions, those that fall in bad or incomplete survey regions, and those for which reliable rest-frame colors could not be derived, 30108 galaxies with K<22.4 (AB) and z<2.5 remain. The galaxies in this sample are found to occupy two distinct populations in the rest-frame U-V vs. V-J color space: a clump of red, quiescent galaxies (analogous to the red sequence) and a track of star-forming galaxies extending from blue to red U-V colors. This bimodal behavior is seen up to z~2. Due to a combination of measurement errors and passive evolution, the color-color diagram is not suitable to distinguish the galaxy bimodality at z>2 for this sample, but we show that MIPS 24um data suggest that a significant population of quiescent galaxies exists even at these higher redshifts. At z=1-2, the most luminous objects in the sample are divided roughly equally between star-forming and quiescent galaxies, while at lower redshifts most of the brightest galaxies are quiescent. Moreover, quiescent galaxies at these redshifts are clustered more strongly than those actively forming stars, indicating that galaxies with early-quenched star formation may occupy more massive host dark matter halos. This suggests that the end of star formation is associated with, and perhaps brought about by, a mechanism related to halo mass.

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