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323 - Richard de Grijs 2014
The distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) represents a key local rung of the extragalactic distance ladder. Yet, the galaxys distance modulus has long been an issue of contention, in particular in view of claims that most newly determined distance moduli cluster tightly - and with a small spread - around the canonical distance modulus, (m-M)_0 = 18.50 mag. We compiled 233 separate LMC distance determinations published between 1990 and 2013. Our analysis of the individual distance moduli, as well as of their two-year means and standard deviations resulting from this largest data set of LMC distance moduli available to date, focuses specifically on Cepheid and RR Lyrae variable-star tracer populations, as well as on distance estimates based on features in the observational Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We conclude that strong publication bias is unlikely to have been the main driver of the majority of published LMC distance moduli. However, for a given distance tracer, the body of publications leading to the tightly clustered distances is based on highly non-independent tracer samples and analysis methods, hence leading to significant correlations among the LMC distances reported in subsequent articles. Based on a careful, weighted combination, in a statistical sense, of the main stellar population tracers, we recommend that a slightly adjusted canonical distance modulus of (m-M)_0 = 18.49 +- 0.09 mag be used for all practical purposes that require a general distance scale without the need for accuracies of better than a few percent.
103 - Richard de Grijs 2013
Whether or not the rich star cluster population in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is affected by significant disruption during the first few x 10^8 yr of its evolution is an open question and the subject of significant current debate. Here, we revisit the problem, adopting a homogeneous data set of broad-band imaging observations. We base our analysis mainly on two sets of self-consistently determined LMC cluster ages and masses, one using standard modelling and one which takes into account the effects of stochasticity in the clusters stellar mass functions. On their own, the results based on any of the three complementary analysis approaches applied here are merely indicative of the physical conditions governing the cluster population. However, the combination of our results from all three different diagnostics leaves little room for any conclusion other than that the optically selected LMC star cluster population exhibits no compelling evidence of significant disruption -- for clusters with masses, M_cl, of log(M_cl/M_sun) >= 3.0-3.5 -- between the age ranges of [3-10] Myr and [30-100] Myr, either infant mortality or otherwise. In fact, there is no evidence of any destruction beyond that expected from simple models just including stellar dynamics and stellar evolution for ages up to 1 Gyr. It seems, therefore, that the difference in environmental conditions in the Magellanic Clouds on the one hand and significantly more massive galaxies on the other may be the key to understanding the apparent variations in cluster disruption behaviour at early times.
Upon their formation, dynamically cool (collapsing) star clusters will, within only a few million years, achieve stellar mass segregation for stars down to a few solar masses, simply because of gravitational two-body encounters. Since binary systems are, on average, more massive than single stars, one would expect them to also rapidly mass segregate dynamically. Contrary to these expectations and based on high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope observations, we show that the compact, 15-30 Myr-old Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1818 exhibits tantalizing hints at the >= 2 sigma level of significance (> 3 sigma if we assume a power-law secondary-to-primary mass-ratio distribution) of an increasing fraction of F-star binary systems (with combined masses of 1.3-1.6 Msun) with increasing distance from the cluster center, specifically between the inner 10 to 20 (approximately equivalent to the clusters core and half-mass radii) and the outer 60 to 80. If confirmed, this will offer support of the theoretically predicted but thus far unobserved dynamical disruption processes of the significant population of soft binary systems---with relatively low binding energies compared to the kinetic energy of their stellar members---in star clusters, which we have access to here by virtue of the clusters unique combination of youth and high stellar density.
127 - Jun Ma 2009
This paper supplements Jiang et al. (2003), who studied 172 M31 globular clusters (GCs) and globular cluster candidates from Battistini et al. (1987) on the basis of integrated photometric measurements in the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut (BATC) photometric system. Here, we present multicolor photometric CCD data (in the BATC system) for the remaining 39 M31 GCs and candidates. In addition, the ages of 35 GCs are constrained by comparing our accurate photometry with updated theoretical stellar synthesis models. We use photometric measurements from GALEX in the far- and near-ultraviolet and 2MASS infrared $JHK_s$ data, in combination with optical photometry. Except for two clusters, the ages of the other sample GCs are all older than 1 Gyr. Their age distribution shows that most sample clusters are younger than 6 Gyr, with a peak at ~3 Gyr, although the `usual complement of well-known old GCs (i.e., GCs of similar age as the majority of the Galactic GCs) is present as well.
119 - Richard de Grijs 2008
The diagnostic age versus mass-to-light ratio diagram is often used in attempts to constrain the shape of the stellar initial mass function, and the stability and the potential longevity of extragalactic young to intermediate-age massive star clusters. Here, we explore the pitfalls associated with this approach and its potential for use with Galactic open clusters. We conclude that for an open cluster to survive for any significant fraction of a Hubble time (in the absence of substantial external perturbations), it is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to be located close to the predicted photometric evolutionary sequences for normal simple stellar populations.
The evolution of star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds has been the subject of significant recent controversy, particularly regarding the importance and length of the earliest, largely mass-independent disruption phase (referred to as infant mortality). Here, we take a fresh approach to the problem, using a large, independent, and homogeneous data set of UBVR imaging observations, from which we obtain the cluster age and mass distributions in both the Large and Small Magelanic Clouds (LMC, SMC) in a self-consistent manner. We conclude that the (optically selected) SMC star cluster population has undergone at most ~30% (1sigma) infant mortality between the age range from about 3-10 Myr, to that of approximately 40-160 Myr. We rule out a 90% cluster mortality rate per decade of age (for the full age range up to 10^9 yr) at a >6sigma level. Using a simple approach, we derive a characteristic cluster disruption time-scale for the cluster population in the LMC that implies that we are observing the INITIAL cluster mass function. Preliminary results suggest that the LMC cluster population may be affected by <10% infant mortality.
The study of young star cluster (YSC) systems, preferentially in starburst and merging galaxies, has seen great interest in the recent past, as it provides important input to models of star formation. However, even some basic properties (like the luminosity function [LF]) of YSC systems are still under debate. Here we study the photometric properties of the YSC system in the nearest major merger system, the Antennae galaxies. We find evidence for the existence of a statistically significant turnover in the LF.
166 - Paul B. Eskridge 2007
Ultraviolet, optical and near infrared images of the nearby (D ~ 5.5 Mpc) SBm galaxy NGC 1311, obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, reveal a small population of 13 candidate star clusters. We identify candidate star clusters based on a combination of their luminosity, extent and spectral energy distribution. The masses of the cluster candidates range from ~1000 up to ~100000 Solar masses, and show a strong positive trend of larger mass with increasing with cluster age. Such a trend follows from the fading and dissolution of old, low-mass clusters, and the lack of any young super star clusters of the sort often formed in strong starbursts. The cluster age distribution is consistent with a bursting mode of cluster formation, with active episodes of age ~10 Myr, ~100 Myr and ~1 Gyr. The ranges of age and mass we probe are consistent with those of the star clusters found in quiescent Local Group dwarf galaxies.
We use Monte-Carlo simulations, combined with homogeneously determined age and mass distributions based on multi-wavelength photometry, to constrain the cluster formation history and the rate of bound cluster disruption in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) cluster system. We evolve synthetic star cluster systems formed with a power-law initial cluster mass function (ICMF) of spectral index $alpha =-2$ assuming different cluster disruption time-scales. For each of these disruption time-scales we derive the corresponding cluster formation rate (CFR) required to reproduce the observed cluster age distribution. We then compare, in a Poissonian $chi^2$ sense, model mass distributions and model two-dimensional distributions in log(mass) vs. log(age) space of the detected surviving clusters to the observations. Because of the bright detection limit ($M_V^{rm lim} simeq -4.7$ mag) above which the observed cluster sample is complete, one cannot constrain the characteristic disruption time-scale for a $10^4$ M$_odot$ cluster, $t_4^{rm dis}$ (where the disruption time-scale depends on cluster mass as $t_{rm dis} = t_4^{rm dis} (M_{rm cl} / 10^4 {rm M}_odot)^0.62$), to better than $t_4^{rm dis} ge 1$ Gyr. We conclude that the CFR has increased from 0.3 clusters Myr$^{-1}$ 5 Gyr ago, to a present rate of $(20-30)$ clusters Myr$^{-1}$. For older ages the derived CFR depends sensitively on our assumption of the underlying CMF shape. If we assume a universal Gaussian ICMF, then the CFR has increased steadily over a Hubble time from $sim 1$ cluster Gyr$^{-1}$ 15 Gyr ago to its present value. If the ICMF has always been a power law with a slope close to $alpha=-2$, the CFR exhibits a minimum some 5 Gyr ago, which we tentatively identify with the well-known age gap in the LMCs cluster age distribution.
The early evolution of star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) has been the subject of significant recent controversy, particularly regarding the importance and length of the earliest, largely mass-independent disruption phase (referred to as infant mortality). Here, we take a fresh approach to the problem, using an independent, homogeneous data set of UBVR imaging observations, from which we obtain the SMCs cluster age and mass distributions in a self-consistent manner. We conclude that the (optically selected) SMC star cluster population has undergone at most ~30 per cent (1 sigma) infant mortality between the age range from about (3-10) Myr, to that of approximately (40-160) Myr. We rule out a 90 per cent cluster mortality rate per decade of age (for the full age range up to 10^9 yr) at a > 6 sigma level. We independently affirm this scenario based on the age distribution of the SMC cluster sample.

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