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We present an investigation of the known sample of runaway stars. The orbits of these stars are traced back to their origin in the Galactic disc. The velocity distribution of these stars is compared to theoretical predictions. We conclude that the majority of stars is well explained by the standard binary ejection mechanism (BEM) and the dynamical ejection mechanism (DEM). However, we find a sample of ten stars which has ejection velocities in excess of those predicted by standard scenarios. We discuss how these can be explained by a variant of the BEM. This mechanism can create runaway stars exceeding the Galactic escape velocity (known as hypervelocity stars). The number of runaway stars in our Galaxy is estimated and compared to the known sample of high mass X-ray binaries, whose formation is linked to the BEM channel.
We report the discovery of 31 blue, short period, pulsators made using data taken as part of the Rapid Temporal Survey (RATS). We find they have periods between 51-83 mins and full-amplitudes between 0.05-0.65 mag. Using the period-luminosity relationship for short period pulsating stars we determine their distance. Assuming they are pulsating in either the fundamental or first over-tone radial mode the majority are located at a distance greater than 3kpc, with several being more than 20 kpc distant. Most stars are at least 1 kpc from the Galactic plane, with three being more than 10 kpc. One is located in the direction of the Galactic anti-center and has Galactocentric distance of ~30 kpc and is ~20 kpc below the plane: they are therefore potential tracers of Galactic structure. We have obtained low-resolution spectra for a small number our targets and find they have temperatures between 7200--7900K and a metal content less than Solar. The colours of the pulsators and the spectral fits to those stars for which we have spectra indicate that they are either SX Phe or delta Scuti stars. We estimate the number of SX Phe stars in our Galaxy and find significantly fewer per unit mass than reported in massive globular clusters or dwarf spheroidal galaxies.
The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) contains the nearest large extragalactic population of planetary nebulae (PNe). A shallow viewing angle and low interstellar reddening towards the LMC potentially means a larger, more complete flux-limited population can be assembled than for any other galaxy. These advantages appear to be reflected by the small gap between the catalogued ($sim$700 PNe) and estimated ($1000pm250$ PNe) population size. With more detailed multi-wavelength studies the catalogued number of LMC PNe may fall, potentially widening this gap. We demonstrate here that the gap can be further bridged with improved optical and near-infrared imaging surveys. We present three [O III]-selected PNe discovered from ESO WFI observations of the 30 Doradus region and one serendipitous discovery from near-infrared Vista Magellanic Cloud (VMC) survey observations. The WFI PNe have resolved [O III] and H$alpha$ nebulae that verify their PN nature and their [O III] fluxes place them 6--7 mag ($m_{5007}=20$--21 mag) fainter than the bright-end of the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF). Their faintness, small angular size and surrounding complex emission-line background explains why previous H$alpha$ surveys of the region did not select them. We estimate there may be as many as 50--75 similar PNe awaiting discovery in the central $5times5$ degrees of the LMC. The VMC survey routinely detects PNe as red resolved nebulae that may allow some of this expected population to be recovered without traditional narrow-band imaging surveys. We demonstrate this potential with the first new VMC-selected PN which has a rare Wolf-Rayet [WC9]--[WC11] central star.
We present absolute parallaxes and relative proper motions for the central stars of the planetary nebulae NGC 6853 (The Dumbbell), NGC 7293 (The Helix), Abell 31, and DeHt 5. This paper details our reduction and analysis using DeHt 5 as an example. We obtain these planetary nebula nuclei (PNNi) parallaxes with astrometric data from Fine Guidance Sensors FGS 1R and FGS 3, white-light interferometers on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Proper motions, spectral classifications and VJHKT_2M and DDO51 photometry of the stars comprising the astrometric reference frames provide spectrophotometric estimates of reference star absolute parallaxes. Introducing these into our model as observations with error, we determine absolute parallaxes for each PNN. Weighted averaging with previous independent parallax measurements yields an average parallax precision, sigma_{pi}/pi = 5 %. Derived distances are: d_{NGC 6853}=405^{+28}_{-25}pc, d_{NGC 7293}=216^{+14}_{-12} pc, d_{Abell 31} = 621^{+91}_{-70} pc, and d_{DeHt 5} = 345^{+19}_{-17} pc. These PNNi distances are all smaller than previously derived from spectroscopic analyses of the central stars. Derived absolute magnitudes and previously measured effective temperatures permit estimates of PNNi radii, through both the Stefan-Boltzmann relation and Eddington fluxes. Comparing absolute magnitudes with post-AGB models provides mass estimates. Masses cluster around 0.57 M(sun), close to the peak of the white dwarf mass distribution. Adding a few more PNNi with well-determined distances and masses, we compare all the PNNi with cooler white dwarfs of similar mass, and confirm, as expected, that PNNi have larger radii than white dwarfs that have reached their final cooling tracks. (Abridged)
112 - Ralf Napiwotzki 2009
The contribution of white dwarfs of the different Galactic populations to the stellar content of our Galaxy is only poorly known. Some authors claim a vast population of halo white dwarfs, which would be in accordance with some investigations of the early phases of Galaxy formation claiming a top-heavy initial-mass-function. Here, I present a model of the population of white dwarfs in the Milky Way based on observations of the local white dwarf sample and a standard model of Galactic structure. This model will be used to estimate the space densities of thin disc, thick disc and halo white dwarfs and their contribution to the baryonic mass budget of the Milky Way. One result of this investigation is that white dwarfs of the halo population contribute a large fraction of the Galactic white dwarf number count, but they are not responsible for the lions share of stellar mass in the Milky Way. Another important result is the substantial contribution of the - often neglected - population of thick disc white dwarfs. Misclassification of thick disc white dwarfs is responsible for overestimates of the halo population in previous investigations.

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