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247 - Rachel Bezanson , Marijn Franx , 2014
Scaling relations between galaxy structures and dynamics have been studied extensively for early and late-type galaxies, both in the local universe and at high redshifts. The abundant differences between the properties of disky and elliptical, or star-forming and quiescent, galaxies seem to be characteristic of the local Universe; such clear distinctions begin to disintegrate as observations of massive galaxies probe higher redshifts. In this Paper, we investigate the existence the mass fundamental plane of all massive galaxies ($sigmagtrsim$ 100 km/s). This work includes local galaxies (0.05<z<0.07) from the SDSS, in addition to 31 star-forming and 72 quiescent massive galaxies at intermediate redshift (z~0.7) with absorption line kinematics from deep Keck-DEIMOS spectra and structural parameters from HST imaging. In two parameter scaling relations, star-forming and quiescent galaxies differ structurally and dynamically. However, we show that massive star-forming and quiescent galaxies lie on nearly the same mass fundamental plane, or the relationship between stellar mass surface density, stellar velocity dispersion, and effective radius. The scatter in this relation (measured about $logsigma$) is low: 0.072 dex (0.055 dex intrinsic) at z~0 and 0.10 dex (0.08 dex intrinsic) at z~0.7. This three dimensional surface is not unique: virial relations, with or without a dependence on luminosity profile shapes, can connect galaxy structures and stellar dynamics with similar scatter. This result builds on the recent finding that mass fundamental plane has been stable for early-type galaxies since z~2 (Bezanson et al. 2013). As we now find this also holds for star-forming galaxies to z~0.7, this implies that these scaling relations of galaxies will be minimally susceptible to progenitor biases due to the evolving stellar populations, structures, and dynamics of galaxies through cosmic time.
The Fundamental Plane (FP) is an empirical relation between the size, surface brightness, and velocity dispersion of early-type galaxies. This relation has been studied extensively for early-type galaxies in the local universe to constrain galaxy formation mechanisms. The evolution of the zeropoint of this plane has been extended to high redshifts to study the luminosity evolution of massive galaxies, under the assumption of structural homology. In this work, we assess this assumption by replacing surface brightness with stellar mass density and present the evolution of the mass FP for massive, quiescent galaxies since z~2. By accounting for stellar populations, we thereby isolate and trace structural and dynamical evolution. Despite the observed dramatic evolution in the sizes and morphologies of massive galaxies since z~3, we find that quiescent galaxies lie on the mass FP out to z~2. In contrast with ~1.4 dex evolution in the luminosity FP, average residuals from the z~0 mass FP are less than ~0.15 dex since z~2. Assuming the Hyde & Bernardi (2009) mass FP slope, we find that this minimal offset scales as (1+z)^{-0.095+/-0.043}. This result lends credence to previous studies that derived luminosity evolution from the FP. Therefore, despite their compact sizes and suggestions that massive galaxies are more disk-like at z~2, the relationship between their dynamics and structural properties are consistent with local early-type galaxies. Finally, we find no strong evidence for a tilt of the mass FP relative to the Virial plane, but emphasize the need for full models including selection biases to fully investigate this issue.
We present deep Keck/LRIS spectroscopy and HST/WFC3 imaging in the rest-frame optical for a sample of eight galaxies at z~1.5 with high photometrically-determined stellar masses. The data are combined with VLT/XShooter spectra of five galaxies from van de Sande et al. (2011, 2012 to be submitted). We find that these thirteen galaxies have high velocity dispersions, with a median of sigma=301 km s^{-1}. This high value is consistent with their relatively high stellar masses and compact sizes. We study their stellar populations using the strength of Balmer absorption lines, which are not sensitive to dust absorption. We find a large range in Balmer absorption strength, with many galaxies showing very strong lines indicating young ages. The median Hdelta_A equivalent width, determined directly or inferred from the H10 line, is 5.4 Angstroms, indicating a luminosity-weighted age of ~1 Gyr. Although this value may be biased towards higher values because of selection effects,high-dispersion galaxies with such young ages are extremely rare in the local Universe. Interestingly we do not find a simple correlation with rest-frame U-V color: some of the reddest galaxies have very strong Balmer absorption lines. These results demonstrate that many high-dispersion galaxies at z~1.5 were quenched recently. This implies that there must be a population of star-forming progenitors at z~2 with high velocity dispersions or linewidths, which are notoriously absent from CO/Halpha selected surveys.
We measure stellar masses and structural parameters for 5,500 quiescent and 20,000 star-forming galaxies at 0.3<zleq1.5 in the Newfirm Medium Band Survey COSMOS and UKIDSS UDS fields. We combine these measurements to infer velocity dispersions and determine how the number density of galaxies at fixed inferred dispersion, or the Velocity Dispersion Function (VDF), evolves with time for each population. We show that the number of galaxies with high velocity dispersions appears to be surprisingly stable with time, regardless of their star formation history. Furthermore, the overall VDF for star-forming galaxies is constant with redshift, extending down to the lowest velocity dispersions probed by this study. The only galaxy population showing strong evolution are quiescent galaxies with low inferred dispersions, whose number density increases by a factor of ~4 since z=1.5. This build-up leads to an evolution in the quiescent fraction of galaxies such that the threshold dispersion above which quiescent galaxies dominate the counts moves to lower velocity dispersion with time. We show that our results are qualitatively consistent with a simple model in which star-forming galaxies quench and are added to the quiescent population. In order to compensate for the migration into the quiescent population, the velocity dispersions of star-forming galaxies must increase, with a rate that increases with dispersion.
Recent studies have identified a population of compact quiescent galaxies at zsim2. These galaxies are very rare today and establishing the existence of a nearby analog could allow us to study its structure in greater detail than is possible at high redshift. Here we present such a local analog, NGC 5845, which has a dynamical mass of M_dyn = 4.3pm0.6times10^10 M_sun and an effective radius of only r_e = 0.45pm0.05kpc. We study the structure and kinematics with HST/WFPC2 data and previously published spatially resolved kinematics. We find that NGC 5845 is similar to compact quiescent galaxies at zsim2 in terms of size versus dynamical mass (r_e-M_dyn), effective velocity dispersion versus size (sigma_e-r_e), and effective velocity dispersion versus dynamical mass (sigma_e-M_dyn). The galaxy has a prominent rotating disk evident in both the photometry and the kinematics: it extends to well beyond geq1/3 effective radius and contribute to geq1/4 of the total light of the galaxy. Our results lend support to the idea that a fraction of zsim2 compact galaxies have prominent disks and positive mass-to-light ratio gradients, although we caution that NGC 5845 may have had a different formation history than the more massive compact quiescent galaxies at zsim2.

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