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124 - M. Trenti Cambridge 2013
Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) and galaxies at high redshift represent complementary probes of the star formation history of the Universe. In fact, both the GRB rate and the galaxy luminosity density are connected to the underlying star formation. Here, we combine a star formation model for the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function from z=0 to z=10 with a metallicity-dependent efficiency for GRB formation to simultaneously predict the comoving GRB rate. Our model sheds light on the physical origin of the empirical relation often assumed between GRB rate and luminosity density-derived star formation rate: Rgrb(z) = epsilon(z)*SFR_{obs}(z), with epsilon(z) (1+z)^{1.2}. At z<4, epsilon(z) is dominated by the effects of metallicity evolution in the GRB efficiency. Our best-fitting model only requires a moderate preference for low-metallicity, that is a GRB rate per unit stellar mass about four times higher for log(Z/Zsun)<-3 compared to log(Z/Zsun)>0. Models with total suppression of GRB formation at log(Z/Zsun)>0 are disfavored. At z>4, most of the star formation happens in low-metallicity hosts with nearly saturated efficiency of GRB production per unit stellar mass. However at the same epoch, galaxy surveys miss an increasing fraction of the predicted luminosity density because of flux limits, driving an accelerated evolution of epsilon(z) compared to the empirical power-law fit from lower z. Our findings are consistent with the non-detections of GRB hosts in ultradeep imaging at z>5, and point toward current galaxy surveys at z>8 only observing the top 15-20 % of the total luminosity density.
We show that a pair of thermal, antipodal hot-spots on the neutron star surface is able to fully account for the pulsars double blackbody spectrum and energy-dependent pulse profile, including the observed 180 degree phase reversal at approximately 1.2 keV. By comparing the observed pulse modulation and phase to the model predictions, we strongly constrain the hot-spot pole (xi) and the line-of-sight (psi) angles with respect to the spin axis. For a nominal radius of R = 12 km and distance D = 2.2 kpc, we find (xi,psi) = (86d,6d), with 1-sigma error ellipse of (2d,1d); this solution is degenerate in the two angles. The best-fit spectral model for this geometry requires that the temperatures of the two emission spots differ by a factor of 2 and their areas by a factor of ~ 20. Including a cosine-beamed pattern for the emitted intensity modifies the result, decreasing the angles to (84d,3d); however this model is not statistically distinguishable from the isotropic emission case. We also present a new upper limit on the period derivative of Pdot < 3.5E-16 (2-sigma), which limits the global dipole magnetic field to B_s < 2.0E11 G, confirming PSR J0821-4300 as an anti-magnetar. We discuss the results in the context of observations and theories of nonuniform surface temperature on isolated NSs of both weak and strong magnetic field. To explain the nonuniform temperature of PSR J0821-4300 may require a crustal field that is much stronger than the external, global dipole field.
We report on submillimetre bolometer observations of the isolated neutron star RX J1856.5--3754 using the LABOCA bolometer array on the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) Telescope. No cold dust continuum emission peak at the position of RX J1856.5--3754 was detected. The 3 sigma flux density upper limit of 5 mJy translates into a cold dust mass limit of a few earth masses. We use the new submillimetre limit, together with a previously obtained H-band limit, to constrain the presence of a gaseous, circumpulsar disc. Adopting a simple irradiated-disc model, we obtain a mass accretion limit of dM/dt less than 10^{14} g/s, and a maximum outer disc radius of around 10^{14} cm. By examining the projected proper motion of RX J1856.5--3754, we speculate about a possible encounter of the neutron star with a dense fragment of the CrA molecular cloud a few thousand years ago.
Aims. With an observed and rest-frame duration of < 2s and < 0.5s, respectively, GRB090426 could be classified as a short GRB. The prompt detection, both from space and ground-based telescopes, of a bright optical counterpart to this GRB offered a unique opportunity to complete a detailed study. Methods. Based on an extensive ground-based observational campaign, we obtained the spectrum of the optical afterglow of GRB090426, measuring its redshift and obtaining information about the medium in which the event took place. We completed follow-up observation of the afterglow optical light curve down to the brightness level of the host galaxy that we firmly identified and studied. We also retrieved and analyzed all the available high-energy data of this event, and compared the results with our findings in the optical. This represents one of the most detailed studies of a short-duration event presented so far. Results. The time properties qualify GRB090426 as a short burst. In this case, its redshift of z = 2.61 would be the highest yet found for a GRB of this class. On the other hand, the spectral and energy properties are more similar to those of long bursts. LBT late-time deep imaging identifies a star-forming galaxy at a redshift consistent with that of the GRB. The afterglow lies within the light of its host and shows evidence of local absorption.
72 - V. DElia , F. Fiore , R. Perna 2008
GRB080319B reached 5th optical magnitude during the burst prompt emission. Thanks to the VLT/UVES rapid response mode, we observed its afterglow just 8m:30s after the GRB onset when the magnitude was R ~ 12. This allowed us to obtain the best signal-to-noise, high resolution spectrum of a GRB afterglow ever (S/N per resolution element ~ 50). The spectrum is rich of absorption features belonging to the main system at z=0.937, divided in at least six components spanning a total velocity range of 100 km/s. The VLT/UVES observations caught the absorbing gas in a highly excited state, producing the strongest Fe II fine structure lines ever observed in a GRB. A few hours later the optical depth of these lines was reduced by a factor of 4-20, and the optical/UV flux by a factor of ~ 60. This proves that the excitation of the observed fine structure lines is due to pumping by the GRB UV photons. A comparison of the observed ratio between the number of photons absorbed by the excited state and those in the Fe II ground state suggests that the six absorbers are ~ 2-6 kpc from the GRB site, with component I ~ 3 times closer to the GRB site than components III to VI. Component I is characterized also by the lack of Mg I absorption, unlike all other components. This may be due both to a closer distance and a lower density, suggesting a structured ISM in this galaxy complex.

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