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The project Massive Unseen Companions to Hot Faint Underluminous Stars from SDSS (MUCHFUSS) aims at finding hot subdwarf stars with massive compact companions like massive white dwarfs (M > 1.0 Msun), neutron stars or stellar mass black holes. The existence of such systems is predicted by binary evolution theory and recent discoveries indicate that they exist in our Galaxy. First results are presented for seven close binary sdBs with short orbital periods ranging from 0.21 d to 1.5 d. The atmospheric parameters of all objects are compatible with core helium-burning stars. The companions are most likely white dwarfs. In one case the companion could be shown to be a white dwarf by the absence of light-curve variations. However, in most cases late type main sequence stars cannot be firmly excluded. Comparing our small sample with the known population of close sdB binaries we show that our target selection method aiming at massive companions is efficient. The minimum companion masses of all binaries in our sample are high compared to the reference sample of known sdB binaries.
A number of so-called ultra-cool white dwarfs have been detected in different surveys so far. However, based on anecdotal evidence it is believed that most or all of these ultra-cool white dwarfs are low-mass products of binary evolution and thus not representative for the oldest white dwarfs. Their low mass causes relatively high luminosity making them the first cool white dwarfs detected in relatively shallow surveys. Deeper observations are needed for the oldest, high mass white dwarfs with the longest cooling times. We report results of an ongoing project that combines deep IR and optical data. This combination plus proper motion information will allow an unambiguous identification of very cool white dwarfs, since the spectral energy distributions are very different from other types of stellar objects. The atmospheric parameters that can be derived from the spectral energy distributions together with the proper motions inferred from the IR data can be used to construct the white dwarf luminosity functions for the thick disc and halo populations. From these we will be able to test the early star formation history and initial mass function of the first stellar populations.
The ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY) took high-resolution spectra of more than 1000 white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs. About two thirds of the stars observed are hydrogen-dominated DA white dwarfs. Here we present a catalog and detailed spectroscopic analysis of the DA stars in the SPY. Atmospheric parameters effective temperature and surface gravity are determined for normal DAs. Double-degenerate binaries, DAs with magnetic fields or dM companions, are classified and discussed. The spectra are compared with theoretical model atmospheres using a chi^2 fitting technique. Our final sample contains 615 DAs, which show only hydrogen features in their spectra, although some are double-degenerate binaries. 187 are new detections or classifications. We also find 10 magnetic DAs (4 new) and 46 DA+dM pairs (10 new).
We present the results of a photometric and spectroscopic study of the white dwarf candidate members of the intermediate age open clusters NGC3532 and NGC2287. Of the nine objects investigated, it is determined that six are probable members of the clusters, four in NGC3532 and two in NGC2287. For these six white dwarfs we use our estimates of their cooling times together with the cluster ages to constrain the lifetimes and masses of their progenitor stars. We examine the location of these objects in initial mass-final mass space and find that they now provide no evidence for substantial scatter in initial mass-final mass relation as suggested by previous investigations. Instead, we demonstrate that, when combined with current data from other solar metalicity open clusters and the Sirius binary system, they hint at an IFMR that is steeper in the initial mass range 3M$_{odot}$$simless$M$_{rm init}$$simless$4M$_{odot}$ than at progenitor masses immediately lower and higher than this. This form is generally consistent with the predictions of stellar evolutionary models and can aid population synthesis models in reproducing the relatively sharp drop observed at the high mass end of the main peak in the mass distribution of white dwarfs.
We present the discovery of the widest known ultracool dwarf - white dwarf binary. This binary is the first spectroscopically confirmed widely separated system from our target sample. We have used the 2MASS and SuperCOSMOS archives in the southern hemisphere, searching for very widely separated ultracool dwarf - white dwarf dwarf binaries, and find one common proper motion system, with a separation of 3650-5250AU at an estimated distance of 41-59pc, making it the widest known system of this type. Spectroscopy reveals 2MASS J0030-3740 is a DA white dwarf with Teff=7600+/-100K, log(g)=7.79-8.09 and M(WD)=0.48-0.65Msun. We spectroscopically type the ultracool dwarf companion (2MASS J0030-3739) as M9+/-1 and estimate a mass of 0.07-0.08Msun, Teff=2000-2400K and log(g)=5.30-5.35, placing it near the mass limit for brown dwarfs. We estimate the age of the system to be >1.94Gyrs (from the white dwarf cooling age and the likely length of the main sequence lifetime of the progenitor) and suggest that this system and other such wide binaries can be used as benchmark ultracool dwarfs.
The Gaia mission will provide an unprecedented 3D view of our galaxy, it will obtain astrometric, photometric and spectrographic data for roughly one billion stars. We are particularly interested in the treasure chest of new data Gaia will produce for hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars. In order for Gaia to classify sdBs and estimate parameters model spectra covering a wide parameter range are needed. Here we describe the construction of an extensive grid, which will be used for this purpose.
We present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the stars with helium-dominated spectra in the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY). Atmospheric parameters, masses, and abundances of trace hydrogen are determined and discussed in the context of spectral evolution of white dwarfs. Our final sample contains 71 objects, of which 6 are new detections and 14 are reclassified from DB to DBA because of the presence of H lines. 55% of the DB sample show hydrogen and are thus DBA, a significantly higher fraction than found before. The large incidence of DBA, and the derived total hydrogen masses are compatible with the scenario that DBs ``reappear around 30000 K from the DB gap by mixing and diluting a thin hydrogen layer of the order of E-15 Msun. This hydrogen mass is then during the evolution continuously increased by interstellar accretion. There are indications that the accretion rate increases smoothly with age or decreasing temperature, a trend which continuous even below the current low temperature limit (Dufour 2006). A remaining mystery is the low accretion rate of H compared to that of Ca observed in the DBZA, but a stellar wind extending down to the lowest temperatures with decreasing strength might be part of the solution.

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