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We perform multi-plane ray-tracing using the GLAMER gravitational lensing code within high-resolution light-cones extracted from the CoDECS simulations: a suite of cosmological runs featuring a coupling between Dark Energy and Cold Dark Matter. We show that the presence of the coupling is evident not only in the redshift evolution of the normalisation of the convergence power spectrum, but also in differences in non-linear structure formation with respect to {Lambda}CDM. Using a tomographic approach under the assumption of a {Lambda}CDM cosmology, we demonstrate that weak lensing measurements would result in a {sigma}8 value that changes with the source redshift if the true underlying cosmology is a coupled Dark Energy one. This provides a generic null test for these types of models. We also find that different models of coupled Dark Energy can show either an enhanced or a suppressed correlation between convergence maps with differing source redshifts as compared to {Lambda}CDM. This would provide a direct way to discriminate between different possible realisations of the coupled Dark Energy scenario. Finally, we discuss the impact of the coupling on several lensing observables for different source redshifts and angular scales with realistic source redshift distributions for current ground-based and future space-based lensing surveys.
We investigate the feasibility of measuring weak gravitational lensing using 21cm intensity mapping with special emphasis on the performance of the planned Square Kilometre Array (SKA). We find that the current design for SKA-Mid should be able to measure the evolution of the lensing power spectrum at z~2-3 using this technique. This will be a probe of the expansion history of the universe and gravity at a unique range in redshift. The signal-to-noise is found to be highly dependent on evolution of the neutral hydrogen fraction in the universe with a higher HI density resulting in stronger signal. With realistic models for this, SKA Phase 1 should be capable of measuring the lensing power spectrum and its evolution. The signal-to-noises dependence on the area and diameter of the telescope array is quantified. We further demonstrate the applications of this technique by applying it to two specific coupled dark energy models that would be difficult to observationally distinguish without information from this range of redshift. We also investigate measuring the lensing signal with 21cm emission from the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) using SKA-Low and find that it is unlikely to constrain cosmological parameters because of the small survey size, but could provide a map of the dark matter within a small region of the sky.
A computer code is described for the simulation of gravitational lensing data. The code incorporates adaptive mesh refinement in choosing which rays to shoot based on the requirements of the source size, location and surface brightness distribution or to find critical curves/caustics. A variety of source surface brightness models are implemented to represent galaxies and quasar emission regions. The lensing mass can be represented by point masses (stars), smoothed simulation particles, analytic halo models, pixelized mass maps or any combination of these. The deflection and beam distortions (convergence and shear) are calculated by modified tree algorithm when halos, point masses or particles are used and by FFT when mass maps are used. The combination of these methods allow for a very large dynamical range to be represented in a single simulation. Individual images of galaxies can be represented in a simulation that covers many square degrees. For an individual strongly lensed quasar, source sizes from the size of the quasars host galaxy (~ 100 kpc) down to microlensing scales (~ 10^-4 pc) can be probed in a self consistent simulation. Descriptions of various tests of the codes accuracy are given.
We study how 21 cm intensity mapping can be used to measure gravitational lensing over a wide range of redshift. This can extend weak lensing measurements to higher redshifts than are accessible with conventional galaxy surveys. We construct a convergence estimator taking into account the discreteness of galaxies and calculate the expected noise level as a function of redshift and telescope parameters. At $z sim 2-3$ we find that a telescope array with a collecting area $sim 0.2 , {rm km}^2$ spread over a region with diameter $sim 2 , {rm km}$ would be sufficient to measure the convergence power spectrum to high accuracy for multipoles between 10 and 1,000. We show that these measurements can be used to constrain interacting dark energy models.

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