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It has been shown that there are not only transverse but also longitudinal couplings between microwave fields and a superconducting qubit with broken inversion symmetry of the potential energy. Using multiphoton processes induced by longitudinal coupling fields and frequency matching conditions, we design a universal algorithm to produce arbitrary superpositions of two-mode photon states of microwave fields in two separated transmission line resonators, which are coupled to a superconducting qubit. Based on our algorithm, we analyze the generation of evenly-populated states and NOON states. Compared to other proposals with only single-photon process, we provide an efficient way to produce entangled microwave states when the interactions between superconducting qubits and microwave fields are in the ultrastrong regime.
In this paper, we study in the context of quantum vertex algebras a certain Clifford-like algebra introduced by Jing and Nie. We establish bases of PBW type and classify its $mathbb N$-graded irreducible modules by using a notion of Verma module. On the other hand, we introduce a new algebra, a twin of the original algebra. Using this new algebra we construct a quantum vertex algebra and we associate $mathbb N$-graded modules for Jing-Nies Clifford-like algebra with $phi$-coordinated modules for the quantum vertex algebra. We also show that the adjoint module for the quantum vertex algebra is irreducible.
Let $Gamma$ be a generic subgroup of the multiplicative group $mathbb{C}^*$ of nonzero complex numbers. We define a class of Lie algebras associated to $Gamma$, called twisted $Gamma$-Lie algebras, which is a natural generalization of the twisted affine Lie algebras. Starting from an arbitrary even sublattice $Q$ of $mathbb Z^N$ and an arbitrary finite order isometry of $mathbb Z^N$ preserving $Q$, we construct a family of twisted $Gamma$-vertex operators acting on generalized Fock spaces which afford irreducible representations for certain twisted $Gamma$-Lie algebras. As application, this recovers a number of known vertex operator realizations for infinite dimensional Lie algebras, such as twisted affine Lie algebras, extended affine Lie algebras of type $A$, trigonometric Lie algebras of series $A$ and $B$, unitary Lie algebras, and $BC$-graded Lie algebras.
In this paper, we use basic formal variable techniques to study certain categories of modules for the toroidal Lie algebra $tau$. More specifically, we define and study two categories $mathcal{E}_{tau}$ and $mathcal{C}_{tau}$ of $tau$-modules using generating functions, where $mathcal{E}_{tau}$ is proved to contain the evaluation modules while $mathcal{C}_{tau}$ contains certain restricted $tau$-modules, the evaluation modules, and their tensor product modules. Furthermore, we classify the irreducible integrable modules in categories $mathcal{E}_{tau}$ and $mathcal{C}_{tau}$.
In this paper, we study a notion of what we call vertex Leibniz algebra. This notion naturally extends that of vertex algebra without vacuum, which was previously introduced by Huang and Lepowsky. We show that every vertex algebra without vacuum can be naturally extended to a vertex algebra. On the other hand, we show that a vertex Leibniz algebra can be embedded into a vertex algebra if and only if it admits a faithful module. To each vertex Leibniz algebra we associate a vertex algebra without vacuum which is universal to the forgetful functor. Furthermore, from any Leibniz algebra $g$ we construct a vertex Leibniz algebra $V_{g}$ and show that $V_{g}$ can be embedded into a vertex algebra if and only if $g$ is a Lie algebra.
We develop a theory of toroidal vertex algebras and their modules, and we give a conceptual construction of toroidal vertex algebras and their modules. As an application, we associate toroidal vertex algebras and their modules to toroidal Lie algebras.
172 - Chongying Dong , Qing Wang 2009
The structure of the parafermion vertex operator algebra associated to an integrable highest weight module for any affine Kac-Moody algebra is studied. In particular, a set of generators for this algebra has been determined.
It is proved that the parafermion vertex operator algebra associated to the irreducible highest weight module for the affine Kac-Moody algebra A_1^{(1)} of level k coincides with a certain W-algebra. In particular, a set of generators for the parafermion vertex operator algebra is determined.

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