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113 - N. Wakeham 2015
We have used ion-irradiation to damage the (001) surfaces of SmB_6 single crystals to varying depths, and have measured the resistivity as a function of temperature for each depth of damage. We observe a reduction in the residual resistivity with increasing depth of damage. Our data are consistent with a model in which the surface state is not destroyed by the ion-irradiation, but instead the damaged layer is poorly conducting and the initial surface state is reconstructed below the damage. This behavior is consistent with a surface state that is topologically protected.
122 - P. Jain , Q. Wang , M. Roldan 2014
Given the paucity of single phase multiferroic materials (with large ferromagnetic moment), composite systems seem an attractive solution in the quest to realize magnetoelectric cou-pling between ferromagnetic and ferroelectric order parameters. Despite having antiferro-magnetic order, BiFeO3 (BFO) has nevertheless been a key material in this quest due to excel-lent ferroelectric properties at room temperature. We studied a superlattice composed of 8 repetitions of 6 unit cells of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) grown on 5 unit cells of BFO. Significant net uncompensated magnetization in BFO is demonstrated using polarized neutron reflectometry in an insulating superlattice. Remarkably, the magnetization enables magnetic field to change the dielectric properties of the superlattice, which we cite as an example of synthetic magnetoelectric coupling. Importantly, this controlled creation of magnetic moment in BFO suggests a much needed path forward for the design and implementation of integrated oxide devices for next generation magnetoelectric data storage platforms.
156 - J.Luo , S.-Q. Wang , Q.-S. Wu 2014
A version of the twisted Poincar{e} duality is proved between the Poisson homology and cohomology of a polynomial Poisson algebra with values in an arbitrary Poisson module. The duality is achieved by twisting the Poisson module structure in a canonical way, which is constructed from the modular derivation. In the case that the Poisson structure is unimodular, the twisted Poincar{e} duality reduces to the Poincar{e} duality in the usual sense. The main result generalizes the work of Launois-Richard cite{LR} for the quadratic Poisson structures and Zhu cite{Zhu} for the linear Poisson structures.
The magnetic and ferroelectric properties of the multiferroic system Mn$_{1-x}$Co$_x$WO$_4$ (x=0.135, 0.15, and 0.17) are studied in magnetic fields $H_c$ oriented along the monoclinic $c$-axis. Mn$_{0.85}$Co$_{0.15}$WO$_4$, which is right at the phase boundary between two helical spin structures, exhibits a spontaneous sign change of the ferroelectric polarization when cooled in fields $H_c>$ 25 kOe. The origin of the ferroelectric polarization is studied and two magnetic exchange interactions contributing to the polarization are identified. In Mn$_{0.85}$Co$_{0.15}$WO$_4$ domains of the characteristic helical spin structures, known for x$<$0.15 and x$>$0.15, coexist and form domain boundaries. The contributions of the different domains to the global polarization are determined. The polarization reversal in Mn$_{0.85}$Co$_{0.15}$WO$_4$ can be explained by a combination of various contributions to the polarization and a strong correlation between magnetic domains of different helical spin orders resulting in a smooth transition across the domain walls which preserves the chirality of the spin spiral.
202 - Z. Sun , Q. Wang , J. F. Douglas 2013
Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we investigate the electronic band structure and Fermi surface of ferromagnetic La$_{2-2x}$Sr$_{1+2x}$Mn$_2$O$_7$ ($x=0.38$). Besides the expected two hole pockets and one electron pocket of majority-spin $e_g$ electrons, we show an extra electron pocket around the $Gamma$ point. A comparison with first-principles spin-polarized band-structure calculations shows that the extra electron pocket arises from $t_{2g}$ electrons of minority-spin character, indicating this compound is not a complete half-metallic ferromagnet, with similar expectations for lightly-doped cubic manganites. However, our data suggest that a complete half-metallic state is likely to be reached as long as the bandwidth is mildly reduced. Moreover, the band-resolved capability of ARPES enables us to investigate the band structure effects on spin polarization for different experimental conditions.
119 - Q. Wang , Y. Cao , J. A. Waugh 2012
We studied Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7 using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), making direct experimental determinations of intra- and inter-cell coupling parameters as well as Mott correlations and gap sizes. The results are generally consistent with LDA+U+Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) calculations, though the calculations missed the momentum positions of the dominant electronic states and neglected the importance of inter-cell coupling on the size of the Mott gap. The calculations also ignore the correlation-induced spectral peak widths, which are critical for making a connection to activation energies determined from transport experiments. The data indicate a dimensionality-controlled Mott transition in these 5d transition-metal oxides (TMOs).
95 - L. Wen , Q. Sun , H. Q. Wang 2012
We systematically investigate the weakly trapped spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit coupling in an external Zeeman field. We find that the mean-field ground state favors either a magnetized standing wave phase or plane wave phase when the strength of Zeeman field is below a critical value related to the strength of spin-orbit coupling. Zeeman field can induce the phase transition between standing wave and plane wave phases, and we determine the phase boundary analytically and numerically. The magnetization of these two phases responds to the external magnetic field in a very unique manner, the linear Zeeman effect magnetizes the standing wave phase along the direction of the magnetic field, but the quadratic one demagnetizes the plane wave phase. When the strength of Zeeman field surpasses the critical value, the system is completely polarized to a ferromagnetic state or polar state with zero momentum.
366 - L.-Y. Liu , S.-Q. Wang , Q.-S. Wu 2012
Suppose that $E=A[x;sigma,delta]$ is an Ore extension with $sigma$ an automorphism. It is proved that if $A$ is twisted Calabi-Yau of dimension $d$, then $E$ is twisted Calabi-Yau of dimension $d+1$. The relation between their Nakayama automorphisms is also studied. As an application, the Nakayama automorphisms of a class of 5-dimensional Artin-Schelter regular algebras are given explicitly.
We have fabricated AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure devices in which the conduction channel can be populated with either electrons or holes simply by changing the polarity of a gate bias. The heterostructures are entirely undoped, and carriers are instead induced electrostatically. We use these devices to perform a direct comparison of the scattering mechanisms of two-dimensional (2D) electrons ($mu_textrm{peak}=4times10^6textrm{cm}^2/textrm{Vs}$) and holes ($mu_textrm{peak}=0.8times10^6textrm{cm}^2/textrm{Vs}$) in the same conduction channel with nominally identical disorder potentials. We find significant discrepancies between electron and hole scattering, with the hole mobility being considerably lower than expected from simple theory.
78 - Z. Sun , Q. Wang , J. F. Douglas 2009
In correlated electron systems such as cuprate superconductors and colossal magnetoresistive (CMR) oxides there is often a tendency for a nanoscale self-organization of electrons that can give rise to exotic properties and to extreme non-linear responses. The driving mechanisms for this self-organization are highly debated, especially in the CMR oxides in which two types of self-organized stripes of charge and orbital order coexist with each other. By utilizing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements over a wide doping range, we show that one type of stripe is exclusively linked to long flat portions of nested Fermi surface, while the other type prefers to be commensurate with the real space lattice but also may be driven away from this by the Fermi surface. Complementarily, the Fermi surface also appears to be driven away from its non-interacting value at certain doping levels, giving rise to a host of unusual electronic properties.

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