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Recent years have witnessed a controversy over Heisenbergs famous error-disturbance relation. Here we resolve the conflict by way of an analysis of the possible conceptualizations of measurement error and disturbance in quantum mechanics. We discuss two approaches to adapting the classic notion of root-mean-square error to quantum measurements. One is based on the concept of noise operator; its natural operational content is that of a mean deviation of the values of two observables measured jointly, and thus its applicability is limited to cases where such joint measurements are available. The second error measure quantifies the differences between two probability distributions obtained in separate runs of measurements and is of unrestricted applicability. We show that there are no nontrivial unconditional joint-measurement bounds for {em state-dependent} errors in the conceptual framework discussed here, while Heisenberg-type measurement uncertainty relations for {em state-independent} errors have been proven.
Measurement uncertainty relations are quantitative bounds on the errors in an approximate joint measurement of two observables. They can be seen as a generalization of the error/disturbance tradeoff first discussed heuristically by Heisenberg. Here we prove such relations for the case of two canonically conjugate observables like position and momentum, and establish a close connection with the more familiar preparation uncertainty relations constraining the sharpness of the distributions of the two observables in the same state. Both sets of relations are generalized to means of order $alpha$ rather than the usual quadratic means, and we show that the optimal constants are the same for preparation and for measurement uncertainty. The constants are determined numerically and compared with some bounds in the literature. In both cases the near-saturation of the inequalities entails that the state (resp. observable) is uniformly close to a minimizing one.
Reports on experiments recently performed in Vienna [Erhard et al, Nature Phys. 8, 185 (2012)] and Toronto [Rozema et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 100404 (2012)] include claims of a violation of Heisenbergs error-disturbance relation. In contrast, we have presented and proven a Heisenberg-type relation for joint measurements of position and momentum [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 160405 (2013)]. To resolve the apparent conflict, we formulate here a new general trade-off relation for errors in qubit measurements, using the same concepts as we did in the position-momentum case. We show that the combined errors in an approximate joint measurement of a pair of +/-1 valued observables A,B are tightly bounded from below by a quantity that measures the degree of incompatibility of A and B. The claim of a violation of Heisenberg is shown to fail as it is based on unsuitable measures of error and disturbance. Finally we show how the experiments mentioned may directly be used to test our error inequality.
While the slogan no measurement without disturbance has established itself under the name Heisenberg effect in the consciousness of the scientifically interested public, a precise statement of this fundamental feature of the quantum world has remained elusive, and serious attempts at rigorous formulations of it as a consequence of quantum theory have led to seemingly conflicting preliminary results. Here we show that despite recent claims to the contrary [Rozema et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 100404 (2012)], Heisenberg-type inequalities can be proven that describe a trade-off between the precision of a position measurement and the necessary resulting disturbance of momentum (and vice versa). More generally, these inequalities are instances of an uncertainty relation for the imprecisions of any joint measurement of position and momentum. Measures of error and disturbance are here defined as figures of merit characteristic of measuring devices. As such they are state independent, each giving worst-case estimates across all states, in contrast to previous work that is concerned with the relationship between error and disturbance in an individual state.
A covariant phase space observable is uniquely characterized by a positive operator of trace one and, in turn, by the Fourier-Weyl transform of this operator. We study three properties of such observables, and characterize them in terms of the zero set of this transform. The first is informational completeness, for which it is necessary and sufficient that the zero set has dense complement. The second is a version of informational completeness for the Hilbert-Schmidt class, equivalent to the zero set being of measure zero, and the third, known as regularity, is equivalent to the zero set being empty. We give examples demonstrating that all three conditions are distinct. The three conditions are the special cases for $p=1,2,infty$ of a more general notion of $p$-regularity defined as the norm density of the span of translates of the operator in the Schatten-$p$ class. We show that the relation between zero sets and $p$-regularity can be mapped completely to the corresponding relation for functions in classical harmonic analysis.
We generalize the concept of a weak value of a quantum observable to cover arbitrary real positive operator measures. We show that the definition is operationally meaningful in the sense that it can be understood within the quantum theory of sequential measurements. We then present a detailed analysis of the recent experiment of Lundeen et al. concerning the reconstruction of the state of a photon using weak measurements. We compare their method with the reconstruction method through informationally complete phase space measurements and show that it lacks the generality of the phase space method. In particular, a completely unknown state can never be reconstructed using the method of weak measurements.
189 - Pekka Lahti , Jussi Schultz 2010
We show that the phase shift of {pi}/2 is crucial for the phase space translation covariance of the measured high-amplitude limit observable in eight-port homodyne detection. However, for an arbitrary phase shift {theta} we construct explicitly a different nonequivalent projective representation of R$^2$ such that the observable is covariant with respect to this representation. As a result we are able to determine the measured observable for an arbitrary parameter field and phase shift. Geometrically the change in the phase shift corresponds to the tilting of one axis in the phase space of the system.
In this paper we investigate the coupling properties of pairs of quadrature observables, showing that, apart from the Weyl relation, they share the same coupling properties as the position-momentum pair. In particular, they are complementary. We determine the marginal observables of a covariant phase space observable with respect to an arbitrary rotated reference frame, and observe that these marginal observables are unsharp quadrature observables. The related distributions constitute the Radon tranform of a phase space distribution of the covariant phase space observable. Since the quadrature distributions are the Radon transform of the Wigner function of a state, we also exhibit the relation between the quadrature observables and the tomography observable, and show how to construct the phase space observable from the quadrature observables. Finally, we give a method to measure together with a single measurement scheme any complementary pair of quadrature observables.
The moment operators of a semispectral measure having the structure of the convolution of a positive measure and a semispectral measure are studied, with paying attention to the natural domains of these unbounded operators. The results are then applied to conveniently determine the moment operators of the Cartesian margins of the phase space observables.

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