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Invariance to geometric transformations is a highly desirable property of automatic classifiers in many image recognition tasks. Nevertheless, it is unclear to which extent state-of-the-art classifiers are invariant to basic transformations such as rotations and translations. This is mainly due to the lack of general methods that properly measure such an invariance. In this paper, we propose a rigorous and systematic approach for quantifying the invariance to geometric transformations of any classifier. Our key idea is to cast the problem of assessing a classifiers invariance as the computation of geodesics along the manifold of transformed images. We propose the Manitest method, built on the efficient Fast Marching algorithm to compute the invariance of classifiers. Our new method quantifies in particular the importance of data augmentation for learning invariance from data, and the increased invariance of convolutional neural networks with depth. We foresee that the proposed generic tool for measuring invariance to a large class of geometric transformations and arbitrary classifiers will have many applications for evaluating and comparing classifiers based on their invariance, and help improving the invariance of existing classifiers.
Additive models form a widely popular class of regression models which represent the relation between covariates and response variables as the sum of low-dimensional transfer functions. Besides flexibility and accuracy, a key benefit of these models is their interpretability: the transfer functions provide visual means for inspecting the models and identifying domain-specific relations between inputs and outputs. However, in large-scale problems involving the prediction of many related tasks, learning independently additive models results in a loss of model interpretability, and can cause overfitting when training data is scarce. We introduce a novel multi-task learning approach which provides a corpus of accurate and interpretable additive models for a large number of related forecasting tasks. Our key idea is to share transfer functions across models in order to reduce the model complexity and ease the exploration of the corpus. We establish a connection with sparse dictionary learning and propose a new efficient fitting algorithm which alternates between sparse coding and transfer function updates. The former step is solved via an extension of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, whose properties are analyzed using a novel recovery condition which extends existing results in the literature. The latter step is addressed using a traditional dictionary update rule. Experiments on real-world data demonstrate that our approach compares favorably to baseline methods while yielding an interpretable corpus of models, revealing structure among the individual tasks and being more robust when training data is scarce. Our framework therefore extends the well-known benefits of additive models to common regression settings possibly involving thousands of tasks.
The goal of this paper is to analyze an intriguing phenomenon recently discovered in deep networks, namely their instability to adversarial perturbations (Szegedy et. al., 2014). We provide a theoretical framework for analyzing the robustness of classifiers to adversarial perturbations, and show fundamental upper bounds on the robustness of classifiers. Specifically, we establish a general upper bound on the robustness of classifiers to adversarial perturbations, and then illustrate the obtained upper bound on the families of linear and quadratic classifiers. In both cases, our upper bound depends on a distinguishability measure that captures the notion of difficulty of the classification task. Our results for both classes imply that in tasks involving small distinguishability, no classifier in the considered set will be robust to adversarial perturbations, even if a good accuracy is achieved. Our theoretical framework moreover suggests that the phenomenon of adversarial instability is due to the low flexibility of classifiers, compared to the difficulty of the classification task (captured by the distinguishability). Moreover, we show the existence of a clear distinction between the robustness of a classifier to random noise and its robustness to adversarial perturbations. Specifically, the former is shown to be larger than the latter by a factor that is proportional to sqrt{d} (with d being the signal dimension) for linear classifiers. This result gives a theoretical explanation for the discrepancy between the two robustness properties in high dimensional problems, which was empirically observed in the context of neural networks. To the best of our knowledge, our results provide the first theoretical work that addresses the phenomenon of adversarial instability recently observed for deep networks. Our analysis is complemented by experimental results on controlled and real-world data.
Motivated by the analogy between successive interference cancellation and iterative belief-propagation on erasure channels, irregular repetition slotted ALOHA (IRSA) strategies have received a lot of attention in the design of medium access control protocols. The IRSA schemes have been mostly analyzed for theoretical scenarios for homogenous sources, where they are shown to substantially improve the system performance compared to classical slotted ALOHA protocols. In this work, we consider generic systems where sources in different importance classes compete for a common channel. We propose a new prioritized IRSA algorithm and derive the probability to correctly resolve collisions for data from each source class. We then make use of our theoretical analysis to formulate a new optimization problem for selecting the transmission strategies of heterogenous sources. We optimize both the replication probability per class and the source rate per class, in such a way that the overall system utility is maximized. We then propose a heuristic-based algorithm for the selection of the transmission strategy, which is built on intrinsic characteristics of the iterative decoding methods adopted for recovering from collisions. Experimental results validate the accuracy of the theoretical study and show the gain of well-chosen prioritized transmission strategies for transmission of data from heterogenous classes over shared wireless channels.
In multiview video systems, multiple cameras generally acquire the same scene from different perspectives, such that users have the possibility to select their preferred viewpoint. This results in large amounts of highly redundant data, which needs to be properly handled during encoding and transmission over resource-constrained channels. In this work, we study coding and transmission strategies in multicamera systems, where correlated sources send data through a bottleneck channel to a central server, which eventually transmits views to different interactive users. We propose a dynamic correlation-aware packet scheduling optimization under delay, bandwidth, and interactivity constraints. The optimization relies both on a novel rate-distortion model, which captures the importance of each view in the 3D scene reconstruction, and on an objective function that optimizes resources based on a client navigation model. The latter takes into account the distortion experienced by interactive clients as well as the distortion variations that might be observed by clients during multiview navigation. We solve the scheduling problem with a novel trellis-based solution, which permits to formally decompose the multivariate optimization problem thereby significantly reducing the computation complexity. Simulation results show the gain of the proposed algorithm compared to baseline scheduling policies. More in details, we show the gain offered by our dynamic scheduling policy compared to static camera allocation strategies and to schemes with constant coding strategies. Finally, we show that the best scheduling policy consistently adapts to the most likely user navigation path and that it minimizes distortion variations that can be very disturbing for users in traditional navigation systems.
In this paper, we deal with the problem of jointly determining the optimal coding strategy and the scheduling decisions when receivers obtain layered data from multiple servers. The layered data is encoded by means of Prioritized Random Linear Coding (PRLC) in order to be resilient to channel loss while respecting the unequal levels of importance in the data, and data blocks are transmitted simultaneously in order to reduce decoding delays and improve the delivery performance. We formulate the optimal coding and scheduling decisions problem in our novel framework with the help of Markov Decision Processes (MDP), which are effective tools for modeling adapting streaming systems. Reinforcement learning approaches are then proposed to derive reduced computational complexity solutions to the adaptive coding and scheduling problems. The novel reinforcement learning approaches and the MDP solution are examined in an illustrative example for scalable video transmission. Our methods offer large performance gains over competing methods that deliver the data blocks sequentially. The experimental evaluation also shows that our novel algorithms offer continuous playback and guarantee small quality variations which is not the case for baseline solutions. Finally, our work highlights the advantages of reinforcement learning algorithms to forecast the temporal evolution of data demands and to decide the optimal coding and scheduling decisions.
Classifiers based on sparse representations have recently been shown to provide excellent results in many visual recognition and classification tasks. However, the high cost of computing sparse representations at test time is a major obstacle that limits the applicability of these methods in large-scale problems, or in scenarios where computational power is restricted. We consider in this paper a simple yet efficient alternative to sparse coding for feature extraction. We study a classification scheme that applies the soft-thresholding nonlinear mapping in a dictionary, followed by a linear classifier. A novel supervised dictionary learning algorithm tailored for this low complexity classification architecture is proposed. The dictionary learning problem, which jointly learns the dictionary and linear classifier, is cast as a difference of convex (DC) program and solved efficiently with an iterative DC solver. We conduct experiments on several datasets, and show that our learning algorithm that leverages the structure of the classification problem outperforms generic learning procedures. Our simple classifier based on soft-thresholding also competes with the recent sparse coding classifiers, when the dictionary is learned appropriately. The adopted classification scheme further requires less computational time at the testing stage, compared to other classifiers. The proposed scheme shows the potential of the adequately trained soft-thresholding mapping for classification and paves the way towards the development of very efficient classification methods for vision problems.
In sparse signal representation, the choice of a dictionary often involves a tradeoff between two desirable properties -- the ability to adapt to specific signal data and a fast implementation of the dictionary. To sparsely represent signals residing on weighted graphs, an additional design challenge is to incorporate the intrinsic geometric structure of the irregular data domain into the atoms of the dictionary. In this work, we propose a parametric dictionary learning algorithm to design data-adapted, structured dictionaries that sparsely represent graph signals. In particular, we model graph signals as combinations of overlapping local patterns. We impose the constraint that each dictionary is a concatenation of subdictionaries, with each subdictionary being a polynomial of the graph Laplacian matrix, representing a single pattern translated to different areas of the graph. The learning algorithm adapts the patterns to a training set of graph signals. Experimental results on both synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that the dictionaries learned by the proposed algorithm are competitive with and often better than unstructured dictionaries learned by state-of-the-art numerical learning algorithms in terms of sparse approximation of graph signals. In contrast to the unstructured dictionaries, however, the dictionaries learned by the proposed algorithm feature localized atoms and can be implemented in a computationally efficient manner in signal processing tasks such as compression, denoising, and classification.
Emerging applications in multiview streaming look for providing interactive navigation services to video players. The user can ask for information from any viewpoint with a minimum transmission delay. The purpose is to provide user with as much information as possible with least number of redundancies. The recent concept of navigation segment representation consists of regrouping a given number of viewpoints in one signal and transmitting them to the users according to their navigation path. The question of the best description strategy of these navigation segments is however still open. In this paper, we propose to represent and code navigation segments by a method that extends the recent layered depth image (LDI) format. It consists of describing the scene from a viewpoint with multiple images organized in layers corresponding to the different levels of occluded objects. The notion of extended LDI comes from the fact that the size of this image is adapted to take into account the sides of the scene also, in contrary to classical LDI. The obtained results show a significant rate-distortion gain compared to classical multiview compression approaches in navigation scenario.
We examine in this paper the problem of image registration from the new perspective where images are given by sparse approximations in parametric dictionaries of geometric functions. We propose a registration algorithm that looks for an estimate of the global transformation between sparse images by examining the set of relative geometrical transformations between the respective features. We propose a theoretical analysis of our registration algorithm and we derive performance guarantees based on two novel important properties of redundant dictionaries, namely the robust linear independence and the transformation inconsistency. We propose several illustrations and insights about the importance of these dictionary properties and show that common properties such as coherence or restricted isometry property fail to provide sufficient information in registration problems. We finally show with illustrative experiments on simple visual objects and handwritten digits images that our algorithm outperforms baseline competitor methods in terms of transformation-invariant distance computation and classification.

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