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347 - P. Ranalli 2015
Wide area X-ray and far infrared surveys are a fundamental tool to investigate the link between AGN growth and star formation, especially in the low-redshift universe (z<1). The Herschel Terahertz Large Area survey (H-ATLAS) has covered 550 deg^2 in five far-infrared and sub-mm bands, 16 deg^2 of which have been presented in the Science Demonstration Phase (SDP) catalogue. Here we introduce the XMM-Newton observations in H-ATLAS SDP area, covering 7.1 deg^2 with flux limits of 2e-15, 6e-15 and 9e-15 erg/s/cm^2 in the 0.5--2, 0.5--8 and 2--8 keV bands, respectively. We present the source detection and the catalogue, which includes 1700, 1582 and 814 sources detected by Emldetect in the 0.5--8, 0.5--2 and 2--8 keV bands, respectively; the number of unique sources is 1816. We extract spectra and derive fluxes from power-law fits for 398 sources with more than 40 counts in the 0.5--8 keV band. We compare the best-fit fluxes with the catalogue ones, obtained by assuming a common photon index of Gamma=1.7; we find no bulk difference between the fluxes, and a moderate dispersion of s=0.33 dex. Using wherever possible the fluxes from the spectral fits, we derive the 2--10 keV LogN-LogS, which is consistent with a Euclidean distribution. Finally, we release computer code for the tools developed for this project.
Heavily obscured, Compton Thick (CT, NH>10^24 cm^-2) AGN may represent an important phase in AGN/galaxy co-evolution and are expected to provide a significant contribution to the cosmic X-ray background (CXB). Through direct X-ray spectra analysis, we selected 39 heavily obscured AGN (NH>3x10^23 cm^-2) in the 2 deg^2 XMM-COSMOS survey. After selecting CT AGN based on the fit of a simple absorbed two power law model to the XMM data, the presence of CT AGN was confirmed in 80% of the sources using deeper Chandra data and more complex models. The final sample of CT AGN comprises 10 sources spanning a large range of redshift and luminosity. We collected the multi-wavelength information available for all these sources, in order to study the distribution of SMBH and host properties, such as BH mass (M_BH), Eddington ratio (lambda_Edd), stellar mass (M*), specific star formation rate (sSFR) in comparison with a sample of unobscured AGN. We find that highly obscured sources tend to have significantly smaller M_BH and higher lambda_edd with respect to unobscured ones, while a weaker evolution in M* is observed. The sSFR of highly obscured sources is consistent with the one observed in the main sequence of star forming galaxies, at all redshift. We also present optical spectra, spectral energy distribution (SED) and morphology for the sample of 10 CT AGN: all the available optical spectra are dominated by the stellar component of the host galaxy, and a highly obscured torus component is needed in the SED of the CT sources. Exploiting the high resolution Hubble-ACS images available, we conclude that these highly obscured sources have a significantly larger merger fraction with respect to other X-ray selected samples of AGN. Finally we discuss implications in the context of AGN/galaxy co-evolutionary models, and compare our results with the predictions of CXB synthesis models.
(abridged) The XMM-Newton survey in the Chandra Deep Field South (XMM-CDFS) aims at detecting and studying the spectral properties of a significant number of obscured and Compton-thick AGN. The large effective area of XMMin the 2--10 and 5--10 keV bands, coupled with a 3.45 Ms nominal exposure time, allows us to build clean samples in both bands, and makes the XMM-CDFS the deepest XMM survey currently published in the 5--10 keV band. The large multi-wavelength and spectroscopic coverage of the CDFS area allows for an immediate and abundant scientific return. We present the data reduction of the XMM-CDFS observations, the method for source detection in the 2--10 and 5--10keV bands, and the resulting catalogues. A number of 339 and 137 sources are listed in the above bands with flux limits of 6.6e-16 and 9.5e-16 erg/s/cm^2, respectively. The flux limits at 50% of the maximum sky coverage are 1.8e-15 and 4.0e-15 erg/s/cm^2, respectively. The catalogues have been cross-correlated with the Chandra ones: 315 and 130 identifications have been found with a likelihood-ratio method, respectively. A number of 15 new sources, previously undetected by Chandra, is found; 5 of them lie in the 4 Ms area. Redshifts, either spectroscopic or photometric, are available for ~92% of the sources. The number counts in both bands are presented and compared to other works. The survey coverage has been calculated with the help of two extensive sets of simulations, one set per band. The simulations have been produced with a newly-developed simulator, written with the aim of the most careful reproduction of the background spatial properties. We present a detailed decomposition of the XMM background into its components: cosmic, particle, and residual soft protons.
We report the results from a 2011 Suzaku observation of the nearby low-ionization BAL quasar/ULIRG Markarian 231. These data reveal that the X-ray spectrum has undergone a large variation from the 2001 XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observations. We interpret this finding according to a scenario whereby the X-ray continuum source is obscured by a two-component partial-covering absorber with NH ~10^22 and ~10^24 cm^-2, respectively. The observed spectral change is mostly explained by a progressive appearance of the primary continuum at <10 keV due to the decrease of the covering fraction of the denser absorption component. The properties of the X-ray obscuration in Mrk 231 match well with those of the X-ray shielding gas predicted by the theoretical models for an efficient radiatively-driven acceleration of the BAL wind. In particular, the X-ray absorber might be located at the extreme base of the outflow. We measure a 2-10 keV luminosity of L(2-10) = 3.3 x 10^43 erg s^-1 for the 2011 data set, i.e. an increase of 30% with respect to the 2001 value.
108 - P. Ranalli 2012
X-ray surveys contain sizable numbers of star forming galaxies, beyond the AGN which usually make the majority of detections. Many methods to separate the two populations are used in the literature, based on X-ray and multiwavelength properties. We aim at a detailed test of the classification schemes and to study the X-ray properties of the resulting samples. We build on a sample of galaxies selected at 1.4 GHz in the VLA-COSMOS survey, classified by Smolcic et al. (2008) according to their optical colours and observed with Chandra. A similarly selected control sample of AGN is also used for comparison. We review some X-ray based classification criteria and check how they affect the sample composition. The efficiency of the classification scheme devised by Smolcic et al. (2008) is such that ~30% of composite/misclassified objects are expected because of the higher X-ray brightness of AGN with respect to galaxies. The latter fraction is actually 50% in the X-ray detected sources, while it is expected to be much lower among X-ray undetected sources. Indeed, the analysis of the stacked spectrum of undetected sources shows, consistently, strongly different properties between the AGN and galaxy samples. X-ray based selection criteria are then used to refine both samples. The radio/X-ray luminosity correlation for star forming galaxies is found to hold with the same X-ray/radio ratio valid for nearby galaxies. Some evolution of the ratio may be possible for sources at high redshift or high luminosity, tough it is likely explained by a bias arising from the radio selection. Finally, we discuss the X-ray number counts of star forming galaxies from the VLA- and C-COSMOS surveys according to different selection criteria, and compare them to the similar determination from the Chandra Deep Fields. The classification scheme proposed here may find application in future works and surveys.
We present the first results of the spectroscopy of distant, obscured AGN as obtained with the ultra-deep (~3.3 Ms) XMM-Newton survey in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). One of the primary goals of the project is to characterize the X-ray spectral properties of obscured and heavily obscured Compton-thick AGN over the range of redhifts and luminosities that are relevant in terms of their contribution to the X-ray background. The ultra-deep exposure, coupled with the XMM detectors spectral throughput, allowed us to accumulate good quality X-ray spectra for a large number of X-ray sources and, in particular, for heavily obscured AGN at cosmological redshifts. Specifically we present the X-ray spectral properties of two high-redshift - z= 1.53 and z=3.70 - sources. The XMM spectra of both are very hard, with a strong iron Kalpha line at a rest-frame energy of 6.4 keV. A reflection-dominated continuum provides the best description of the X-ray spectrum of the z=1.53 source, while the intrinsic continuum of the z=3.70 AGN is obscured by a large column N_H ~ 10^24 cm-2 of cold gas. Compton-thick absorption, or close to it, is unambiguously detected in both sources. Interestingly, these sources would not be selected as candidate Compton thick AGN by some multiwavelength selection criteria based on the mid-infrared to optical and X-ray to optical flux ratios.

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