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In addition to low-energy spin fluctuations, which distinguish them from band insulators, Mott insulators often possess orbital degrees of freedom when crystal-field levels are partially filled. While in most situations spins and orbitals develop long-range order, the possibility for the ground state to be a quantum liquid opens new perspectives. In this paper, we provide clear evidence that the SU(4) symmetric Kugel-Khomskii model on the honeycomb lattice is a quantum spin-orbital liquid. The absence of any form of symmetry breaking - lattice or SU(N) - is supported by a combination of semiclassical and numerical approaches: flavor-wave theory, tensor network algorithm, and exact diagonalizations. In addition, all properties revealed by these methods are very accurately accounted for by a projected variational wave-function based on the pi-flux state of fermions on the honeycomb lattice at 1/4-filling. In that state, correlations are algebraic because of the presence of a Dirac point at the Fermi level, suggesting that the symmetric Kugel-Khomskii model on the honeycomb lattice is an algebraic quantum spin-orbital liquid. This model provides a good starting point to understand the recently discovered spin-orbital liquid behavior of Ba_3CuSb_2O_9. The present results also suggest to choose optical lattices with honeycomb geometry in the search for quantum liquids in ultra-cold four-color fermionic atoms.
We present results of a theoretical study of 4He films adsorbed on graphite, based on the continuous space worm algorithm. In the first layer, we find a domain-wall phase and a (7/16) registered structure between the commensurate (1/3) and the incommensurate solid phases. For the second layer, we find only superfluid and incommensurate solid phases. The commensurate phase found in previous simulation work is only observed if first layer particles are kept fixed; it disappears upon explicitly including their zero-point fluctuations. No evidence of any supersolid phase is found.
Using first-principle simulations for the probability density of finding a 3He atom in the vicinity of the screw dislocation in solid 4He, we determine the binding energy to the dislocation nucleus E_B = 0.8 pm 0.1 K and the density of localized states at larger distances. The specific heat due to 3He features a peak similar to the one observed in recent experiments, and our model can also account for the observed increase in shear modulus at low temperature. We further discuss the role of 3He in the picture of superfluid defects.
Gaussian Quantum Monte Carlo (GQMC) is a stochastic phase space method for fermions with positive weights. In the example of the Hubbard model close to half filling it fails to reproduce all the symmetries of the ground state leading to systematic errors at low temperatures. In a previous work [Phys. Rev. B {bf 72}, 224518 (2005)] we proposed to restore the broken symmetries by projecting the density matrix obtained from the simulation onto the ground state symmetry sector. For ground state properties, the accuracy of this method depends on a {it large overlap} between the GQMC and exact density matrices. Thus, the method is not rigorously exact. We present the limits of the approach by a systematic study of the method for 2 and 3 leg Hubbard ladders for different fillings and on-site repulsion strengths. We show several indications that the systematic errors stem from non-vanishing boundary terms in the partial integration step in the derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation. Checking for spiking trajectories and slow decaying probability distributions provides an important test of the reliability of the results. Possible solutions to avoid boundary terms are discussed. Furthermore we compare results obtained from two different sampling methods: Reconfiguration of walkers and the Metropolis algorithm.
We present release 1.3 of the ALPS (Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations) project, an international open source software project to develop libraries and application programs for the simulation of strongly correlated quantum lattice models such as quantum magnets, lattice bosons, and strongly correlated fermion systems. Development is centered on common XML and binary data formats, on libraries to simplify and speed up code development, and on full-featured simulation programs. The programs enable non-experts to start carrying out numerical simulations by providing basic implementations of the important algorithms for quantum lattice models: classical and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) using non-local updates, extended ensemble simulations, exact and full diagonalization (ED), as well as the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). Changes in the new release include a DMRG program for interacting models, support for translation symmetries in the diagonalization programs, the ability to define custom measurement operators, and support for inhomogeneous systems, such as lattice models with traps. The software is available from our web server at .

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