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117 - Nicola Da Rio 2014
The spatial morphology and dynamical status of a young, still-forming stellar cluster provide valuable clues on the conditions during the star formation event and the processes that regulated it. We analyze the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), utilizing the latest censuses of its stellar content and membership estimates over a large wavelength range. We determine the center of mass of the ONC, and study the radial dependence of angular substructure. The core appears rounder and smoother than the outskirts, consistent with a higher degree of dynamical processing. At larger distances the departure from circular symmetry is mostly driven by the elongation of the system, with very little additional substructure, indicating a somewhat evolved spatial morphology or an expanding halo. We determine the mass density profile of the cluster, which is well fitted by a power law that is slightly steeper than a singular isothermal sphere. Together with the ISM density, estimated from average stellar extinction, the mass content of the ONC is insufficient by a factor $sim 1.8$ to reproduce the observed velocity dispersion from virialized motions, in agreement with previous assessments that the ONC is moderately supervirial. This may indicate recent gas dispersal. Based on the latest estimates for the age spread in the system and our density profiles, we find that, at the half-mass radius, 90% of the stellar population formed within $sim 5$-$8$ free-fall times ($t_{rm ff}$). This implies a star formation efficiency per $t_{rm ff}$ of $epsilon_{rm ff}sim 0.04$-$0.07$, i.e., relatively slow and inefficient star formation rates during star cluster formation.
100 - Nicola Da Rio 2011
We present a new census of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) over a large field of view (>30x30), significantly increasing the known population of stellar and substellar cluster members with precisely determined properties. We develop and exploit a technique to determine stellar effective temperatures from optical colors, nearly doubling the previously available number of objects with effective temperature determinations in this benchmark cluster. Our technique utilizes colors from deep photometry in the I-band and in two medium-band filters at lambda~753 and 770nm, which accurately measure the depth of a molecular feature present in the spectra of cool stars. From these colors we can derive effective temperatures with a precision corresponding to better than one-half spectral subtype, and importantly this precision is independent of the extinction to the individual stars. Also, because this technique utilizes only photometry redward of 750nm, the results are only mildly sensitive to optical veiling produced by accretion. Completing our census with previously available data, we place some 1750 sources in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram and assign masses and ages down to 0.02 solar masses. At faint luminosities, we detect a large population of background sources which is easily separated in our photometry from the bona fide cluster members. The resulting initial mass function of the cluster has good completeness well into the substellar mass range, and we find that it declines steeply with decreasing mass. This suggests a deficiency of newly formed brown dwarfs in the cluster compared to the Galactic disk population.
We present a new analysis of the stellar population of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) based on multi-band optical photometry and spectroscopy. We study the color-color diagrams in BVI, plus a narrow-band filter centered at 6200A, finding evidences that intrinsic color scales valid for main-sequence dwarfs are incompatible with the ONC, while a better agreement is found employing synthetic intrinsic colors obtained constraining the typical lower surface gravity of young stars. We refine these model colors even further, empirically, by comparison with a sample of ONC stars with no accretion and no extinction. We consider the stars with known spectral types from the literature, and add 65 newly classified stars from slit spectroscopy and 182 M-type from narrow-band photometry; in this way we isolate a sample of about 1000 stars with known spectral type. We introduce a new method to self-consistently derive reddening and accretion excess from the location of each star in the BVI color-color diagram. This enables us to accurately determine the extinction of the ONC members. We adopt a lower distance for the ONC than previously assumed, based on recent parallax measurements. With a careful choice also of the spectral type-temperature transformation, we produce the new H-R diagram of the ONC population, more populated than previous works. With respect to previous works, we find higher luminosity for late-type stars and a lower luminosity for early types. We determine the age distribution of the population, peaking at 2-3 Myr, a higher age than previously estimated. We study the distribution of the members in the mass-age plane, and find that taking into account selection effects due to incompleteness removes an apparent correlation between mass and age. We derive the IMF for low- and intermediate-mass members of the ONC, which turns out to be model-dependent, and shows a turn-over at ~<0.2Msun.
105 - Nicola Da Rio 2009
We present U, B, V, I broad-band, 6200A TiO medium-band and Halpha photometry of the Orion Nebula Cluster obtained with the WFI imager at the ESO/MPI 2.2 telescope. The nearly-simultaneous observations cover the entire ONC in a field of about 34x34 arcmin. They enable us to determine stellar colors avoiding the additional scatter in the photometry induced by stellar variability typical of pre-main sequence stars. We identify 2,612 point-like sources in I band, 58%, 43% and 17% of them detected also in V, B and U, respectively. 1040 sources are identified in Halpha band. In this paper we present the observations, the calibration techniques, and the resulting catalog. We show the derived CMD of the population and discuss the completeness of our photometry. We define a spectro-photometric TiO index from the fluxes in V, I, and TiO-band. We find a correlation between the index and the spectral type valid for M-type stars, that is accurate to better than 1 spectral sub-class for M3-M6 types and better than 2 spectral subclasses for M0-M2 types. This allows us to newly classify 217 stars. We subtract from our Halpha photometry the photospheric continuum at its wavelength, deriving calibrated line excess for the full sample. This represents the largest Halpha star catalog obtained to date on the ONC. This data set enables a full re-analysis of the properties of the Pre-Main Sequence population in the Orion Nebula Cluster to be presented, in an accompanying paper.

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