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We show that accounting for internal character among interacting, heterogeneous entities generates rich phase transition behavior between isolation and cohesive dynamical grouping. Our analytical and numerical calculations reveal different critical points arising for different character-dependent grouping mechanisms. These critical points move in opposite directions as the populations diversity decreases. Our analytical theory helps explain why a particular class of universality is so common in the real world, despite fundamental differences in the underlying entities. Furthermore, it correctly predicts the non-monotonic temporal variation in connectivity observed recently in one such system.
The occurrence of high-T_c superconductivity in systems including the cuprates and the iron-based superconductors, is known to coincide with the existence of anomalous normal-state properties which have been associated with quantum criticality. We argue here that this observation results from the fact that quantum criticality can allow the occurrence of very-strong-coupling superconductivity by preventing its suppression due to competing symmetry-breaking instabilities. Treating the electrons through a large-U ansatz yields their separation into boson quasiparticles which are directly involved in the formation of these instabilities, represented as their Bose condensates, and charge-carrying fermion quasiparticles which are affected by them indirectly. Within the critical regime, condensates corresponding to the different broken-symmetry states are combined; consequently their negative effect on the pairing of the fermions is strongly diminished, enabling high-T_c superconductivity to occur. The observed phase diagram of the hole-doped cuprates then derives from a hidden T=0 quantum phase transition between a Fermi-liquid and a non-Fermi-liquid broken-symmetry striped state. The pseudogap range within this diagram is found to include two distinct regimes, with partial pairing occurring in one of them.
A grand challenge in many-body quantum physics is to explain the apparent connection between quantum criticality and high-temperature superconductivity in the cuprates and similar systems, such as the iron pnictides and chalcogenides. Here we argue that the quantum-critical regime plays an essential role in activating a strong-pairing mechanism: although pairing bosons create a symmetry-breaking instability which suppresses pairing, the combination of these broken-symmetry states within the critical regime can restore this symmetry for the paired quasiparticles. This condition is shown to be met within a large-U ansatz. A hidden quantum phase transition then arises between a Fermi-liquid and a non-Fermi-liquid broken-symmetry striped state, and a critical regime in which the broken-symmetry states are combined.
Proponents of Complexity Science believe that the huge variety of emergent phenomena observed throughout nature, are generated by relatively few microscopic mechanisms. Skeptics however point to the lack of concrete examples in which a single mechanistic model manages to capture relevant macroscopic and microscopic properties for two or more distinct systems operating across radically different length and time scales. Here we show how a single complexity model built around cluster coalescence and fragmentation, can cross the fundamental divide between many-body quantum physics and social science. It simultaneously (i) explains a mysterious recent finding of Fratini et al. concerning quantum many-body effects in cuprate superconductors (i.e. scale of 10^{-9} - 10^{-4} meters and 10^{-12} - 10^{-6} seconds), (ii) explains the apparent universality of the casualty distributions in distinct human insurgencies and terrorism (i.e. scale of 10^3 - 10^6 meters and 10^4 - 10^8 seconds), (iii) shows consistency with various established empirical facts for financial markets, neurons and human gangs and (iv) makes microscopic sense for each application. Our findings also suggest that a potentially productive shift can be made in Complexity research toward the identification of equivalent many-body dynamics in both classical and quantum regimes.
Quantifying human group dynamics represents a unique challenge. Unlike animals and other biological systems, humans form groups in both real (offline) and virtual (online) spaces -- from potentially dangerous street gangs populated mostly by disaffected male youths, through to the massive global guilds in online role-playing games for which membership currently exceeds tens of millions of people from all possible backgrounds, age-groups and genders. We have compiled and analyzed data for these two seemingly unrelated offline and online human activities, and have uncovered an unexpected quantitative link between them. Although their overall dynamics differ visibly, we find that a common team-based model can accurately reproduce the quantitative features of each simply by adjusting the average tolerance level and attribute range for each population. By contrast, we find no evidence to support a version of the model based on like-seeking-like (i.e. kinship or `homophily).
Complex systems research is becomingly increasingly data-driven, particularly in the social and biological domains. Many of the systems from which sample data are collected feature structural heterogeneity at the mesoscopic scale (i.e. communities) and limited inter-community diffusion. Here we show that the interplay between these two features can yield a significant bias in the global characteristics inferred from the data. We present a general framework to quantify this bias, and derive an explicit corrective factor for a wide class of systems. Applying our analysis to a recent high-profile survey of conflict mortality in Iraq suggests a significant overestimate of deaths.
We investigate the role of quantum coherence in the efficiency of excitation transfer in a ring-hub arrangement of interacting two-level systems, mimicking a light-harvesting antenna connected to a reaction center as it is found in natural photosynthetic systems. By using a quantum jump approach, we demonstrate that in the presence of quantum coherent energy transfer and energetic disorder, the efficiency of excitation transfer from the antenna to the reaction center depends intimately on the quantum superposition properties of the initial state. In particular, we find that efficiency is sensitive to symmetric and asymmetric superposition of states in the basis of localized excitations, indicating that initial state properties can be used as a efficiency control parameter at low temperatures.

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