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Quasars with extremely red infrared-to-optical colours are an interesting population that can test ideas about quasar evolution as well as orientation, obscuration and geometric effects in the so-called AGN unified model. To identify such a population we match the quasar catalogues of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) to the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) to identify quasars with extremely high infrared-to-optical ratios. We identify 65 objects with r(AB)-W4(Vega)>14 mag (i.e., F_nu(22um)/F_nu(r) > ~1000). This sample spans a redshift range of 0.28<z<4.36 and has a bimodal distribution, with peaks at z~0.8 and z~2.5. It includes three z>2.6 objects that are detected in the W4-band but not W1 or W2 (i.e., W1W2-dropouts). The SDSS/BOSS spectra show that the majority of the objects are reddened Type 1 quasars, Type 2 quasars (both at low and high redshift) or objects with deep low-ionization broad absorption lines (BALs) that suppress the observed r-band flux. In addition, we identify a class of Type 1 permitted broad-emission line objects at z~2-3 which are characterized by emission line rest-frame equivalent widths (REWs) of >~150Ang , much larger than those of typical quasars. In particular, 55% (45%) of the non-BAL Type 1s with measurable CIV in our sample have REW(CIV) > 100 (150)Ang, compared to only 5.8% (1.3%) for non-BAL quasars in BOSS. These objects often also have unusual line ratios, such as very high NV/Ly-alpha ratios. These large REWs might be caused by suppressed continuum emission analogous to Type 2 quasars; however, there is no obvious mechanism in standard Unified Models to suppress the continuum without also obscuring the broad emission lines.
80 - Guilin Liu 2013
The prevalence and energetics of quasar feedback is a major unresolved problem in galaxy formation theory. In this paper, we present Gemini Integral Field Unit observations of ionized gas around eleven luminous, obscured, radio-quiet quasars at z~0.5 out to ~15 kpc from the quasar; specifically, we measure the kinematics and morphology of [O III]5007 emission. The round morphologies of the nebulae and the large line-of-sight velocity widths (with velocities containing 80% of the emission as high as 1000 km/s combined with relatively small velocity difference across them (from 90 to 520 km/s) point toward wide-angle quasi-spherical outflows. We use the observed velocity widths to estimate a median outflow velocity of 760 km/s, similar to or above the escape velocities from the host galaxies. The line-of-sight velocity dispersion declines slightly toward outer parts of the nebulae (by 3% per kpc on average). The majority of nebulae show blueshifted excesses in their line profiles across most of their extents, signifying gas outflows. For the median outflow velocity, we find a kinetic energy flow between 4x10^{44} and 3x10^{45} erg/s and mass outflow rate between 2000 and 20000 Msun/yr. These values are large enough for the observed quasar winds to have a significant impact on their host galaxies. The median rate of converting bolometric luminosity to kinetic energy of ionized gas clouds is ~2%. We report four new candidates for super-bubbles -- outflows that may have broken out of the denser regions of the host galaxy.
368 - Jenny E. Greene 2011
SDSS J1356+1026 is a pair of interacting galaxies at redshift z=0.123 that hosts a luminous obscured quasar in its northern nucleus. Here we present two long-slit Magellan LDSS-3 spectra that reveal a pair of symmetric ~10 kpc-size outflows emerging from this nucleus, with observed expansion velocities of ~250 km/s in projection. We present a kinematic model of these outflows and argue that the deprojected physical velocities of expansion are likely ~1000 km/s and that the kinetic energy of the expanding shells is likely 10^44-10^45 erg/s, with an absolute minimum of >10^42 erg/s. Although a radio counterpart is detected at 1.4GHz, it is faint enough that the quasar is considered to be radio-quiet by all standard criteria, and there is no evidence of extended emission due to radio lobes, whether aged or continuously powered by an ongoing jet. We argue that the likely level of star formation is probably insufficient to power the observed energetic outflow and that SDSS J1356+1026 makes a strong case for radio-quiet quasar feedback. In further support of this hypothesis, polarimetric observations show that the direction of quasar illumination is coincident with the direction of the outflow.
258 - Reinabelle Reyes 2010
Type 2 quasars are luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN) whose central regions are obscured by large amounts of gas and dust. In this paper, we present a catalog of type 2 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), selected based on their optical emission lines. The catalog contains 887 objects with redshifts z < 0.83; this is six times larger than the previous version and is by far the largest sample of type 2 quasars in the literature. We derive the [OIII]5008 luminosity function for 10^8.3 Lsun < L[OIII] < 10^10 Lsun (corresponding to intrinsic luminosities up to M[2400A]-28 mag or bolometric luminosities up to 4x10^47 erg/sec). This luminosity function provides strong lower limits to the actual space density of obscured quasars, due to our selection criteria, the details of the spectroscopic target selection, as well as other effects. We derive the equivalent luminosity function for the complete sample of type 1 (unobscured) quasars; then, we determine the ratio of type 2/type 1 quasar number densities. Our best data constrain this ratio to be at least 1.5:1 for 10^8.3 Lsun < L[OIII] < 10^9.5 Lsun at z < 0.3, and at least 1.2:1 for L[OIII]=10^10 Lsun at 0.3 < z < 0.83. Type 2 quasars are at least as abundant as type 1 quasars in the relatively nearby Universe (z < 0.8) for the highest luminosities.
160 - Jenny E. Greene 2009
Obscured or narrow-line active galaxies offer an unobstructed view of the quasar environment in the presence of a luminous and vigorously accreting black hole. We exploit the large new sample of optically selected luminous narrow-line active galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey at redshifts 0.1 < z < 0.45, in conjunction with follow-up observations with the Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph (LDSS3) at Magellan, to study the distributions of black hole mass and host galaxy properties in these extreme objects. We find a narrow range in black hole mass (<log M_BH/M_sun> = 8.0 +/- 0.7) and Eddington ratio (<log L/L_Edd> = -0.7 +/- 0.7) for the sample as a whole, surprisingly similar to comparable broad-line systems. In contrast, we infer a wide range in star formation properties and host morphologies for the sample, from disk-dominated to elliptical galaxies. Nearly one-quarter have highly disturbed morphologies indicative of ongoing mergers. Unlike the black holes, which are apparently experiencing significant growth, the galaxies appear to have formed the bulk of their stars at a previous epoch. On the other hand, it is clear from the lack of correlation between gaseous and stellar velocity dispersions in these systems that the host galaxy interstellar medium is far from being in virial equilibrium with the stars. While our findings cast strong doubt on the reliability of substituting gas for stellar dispersions in high luminosity active galaxies, they do provide direct evidence that luminous accreting black holes influence their surroundings on a galaxy-wide scale.
We consider axisymmetric relativistic jets with a toroidal magnetic field and an ultrarelativistic equation of state, with the goal of studying the lateral structure of jets whose pressure is matched to the pressure of the medium through which they propagate. We find all self-similar steady-state solutions of the relativistic MHD equations for this setup. One of the solutions is the case of a parabolic jet being accelerated by the pressure gradient as it propagates through a medium with pressure declining as p(z)propto z^{-2}. As the jet material expands due to internal pressure gradients, it runs into the ambient medium resulting in a pile-up of material along the jet boundary, while the magnetic field acts to produce a magnetic pinch along the axis of the jet. Such jets can be in a lateral pressure equilibrium only if their opening angle theta_j at distance z is smaller than about 1/gamma, where gamma is the characteristic bulk Lorentz-factor at this distance; otherwise, different parts of the jet cannot maintain causal contact. We construct maps of optically thin synchrotron emission from our self-similar models. We suggest that the boundary pile-up may be the reason for the limb-brightening of the sub-parsec jet of M87. We find that if the synchrotron emissivity falls with the distance from the jet axis, the polarization fraction rises toward the edge, as seen in 3C273 and Mkn501. Projection effects and the emissivity pattern of the jet have a strong effect on the observed polarization signal, so the interpretation of the polarization data in terms of the geometry of magnetic fields is rather uncertain. For example, jets with toroidal magnetic fields display the `spine-sheath polarization angle pattern seen in some BL Lac objects.

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