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We studied SNS- and S-N-S-N-...-S contacts (where S - superconductor, N - normal metal) formed by break-junction technique in polycrystalline Sm$_{1-x}$Th$_x$OFeAs superconductor samples with critical temperatures $T_C = (34 div 45)$ K. In such contacts (intrinsic) multiple Andreev reflections effects were observed. Using spectroscopies based on these effects, we detected two independent bulk order parameters and determined their magnitudes. Theoretical analysis of the large and the small gap temperature dependences revealed superconducting properties of Sm$_{1-x}$Th$_x$OFeAs to be driven by intraband coupling, and $sqrt{V_{11}V_{22}}/V_{12} approx 14$ (where $V_{ij}$ - electron-boson interaction matrix elements), whereas the ratio between density of states for the bands with the small and the large gap, $N_2/N_1$, correspondingly, was roughly of an order. We estimated solo BCS-ratio values in a hypothetic case of zero interband coupling ($V_{i e j} = 0$) for each condensate as $2Delta_{L,S}/k_BT_C^{L,S} le 4.5$. The values are constant within the range of critical temperatures studied, and correspond to a case of strong intraband electron-phonon coupling.
Images of flux vortices in superconductors acquired by transmission electron microscopy should allow a quantitative determination of their magnetic structure but so far, only visual comparisons have been made between experimental images and simulations. Here, we make a quantitative comparison between Fresnel images and simulations based on the modified London equation to investigate the magnetic structure of flux vortices in MgB2. This technique gives an absolute, low-field (~30 Oe) measurement of the penetration depth from images of single vortices. We found that these simulations gave a good fit to the experimental images and that if all the other parameters in the fit were known, the penetration depth for individual vortices could be measured with an accuracy of +/- 5 nm. Averaging over 17 vortices gave a penetration depth in the ab plane of 113 +/- 2 at 10.8 K assuming that the entire thickness of the sample was superconducting. The main uncertainty in this measurement was the proportion of the specimen which was superconducting. Allowing for a non-superconducting layer of up to 50 nm thickness on the specimen surfaces gave a penetration depth in the range 100-115 nm, close to values of 90 +/- 2 nm obtained by small-angle neutron scattering and 118-138 nm obtained by radio-frequency measurements. We also discuss the use of the transport of intensity equation which should, in principle, give a model-independent measure of the magnetic structure of flux vortices.
We probe the local quasiparticles density-of-states in micron-sized SmFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$ single-crystals by means of Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy. Spectral features resemble those of cuprates, particularly a dip-hump-like structure developed at energies larger than the gap that can be ascribed to the coupling of quasiparticles to a collective mode, quite likely a resonant spin mode. The energy of the collective mode revealed in our study decreases when the pairing strength increases. Our findings support spin-fluctuation-mediated pairing in pnictides.
A review of our investigations on single crystals of LnFeAsO1-xFx (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) and Ba1-xRbxFe2As2 is presented. A high pressure technique has been applied for the growth of LnFeAsO1-xFx crystals, while Ba1-xRbxFe2As2 crystals were grown using quartz ampoule method. Single crystals were used for electrical transport, structure, magnetic torque and spectroscopic studies. Investigations of the crystal structure confirmed high structural perfection and show less than full occupation of the (O, F) position in superconducting LnFeAsO1-xFx crystals. Resistivity measurements on LnFeAsO1-xFx crystals show a significant broadening of the transition in high magnetic fields, whereas the resistive transition in Ba1 xRbxFe2As2 simply shifts to lower temperature. Critical current density for both compounds is relatively high and exceeds 2x109 A/m2 at 15 K in 7 T. The anisotropy of magnetic penetration depth, measured on LnFeAsO1-xFx crystals by torque magnetometry is temperature dependent and apparently larger than the anisotropy of the upper critical field. Ba1-xRbxFe2As2 crystals are electronically significantly less anisotropic. Point-Contact Andreev-Reflection spectroscopy indicates the existence of two energy gaps in LnFeAsO1-xFx. Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy reveals in addition to a superconducting gap, also some feature at high energy (~20 meV).

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