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Even if a noninteracting system has zero Berry curvature everywhere in the Brillouin zone, it is possible to introduce interactions that stabilise a fractional Chern insulator. These interactions necessarily break time-reversal symmetry (either spontaneously or explicitly) and have the effect of altering the underlying band structure. We outline a number of ways in which this may be achieved, and show how similar interactions may also be used to create a (time-reversal symmetric) fractional topological insulator. While our approach is rigorous in the limit of long range interactions, we show numerically that even for short range interactions a fractional Chern insulator can be stabilised in a band with zero Berry curvature.
116 - Barry Bradlyn , N. Read 2015
We show that the topological central charge of a topological phase can be directly accessed from the ground-state wavefunctions for a system on a surface as a Berry curvature produced by adiabatic variation of the metric on the surface, at least up to addition of another topological invariant that arises in some cases. For trial wavefunctions that are given by conformal blocks (chiral correlation functions) in a conformal field theory (CFT), we carry out this calculation analytically, using the hypothesis of generalized screening. The topological central charge is found to be that of the underlying CFT used in the construction, as expected. The calculation makes use of the gravitational anomaly in the chiral CFT. It is also shown that the Hall conductivity can be obtained in an analogous way from the U($1$) gauge anomaly.
The periodic sl(2|1) alternating spin chain encodes (some of) the properties of hulls of percolation clusters, and is described in the continuum limit by a logarithmic conformal field theory (LCFT) at central charge c=0. This theory corresponds to the strong coupling regime of a sigma model on the complex projective superspace $mathbb{CP}^{1|1} = mathrm{U}(2|1) / (mathrm{U}(1) times mathrm{U}(1|1))$, and the spectrum of critical exponents can be obtained exactly. In this paper we push the analysis further, and determine the main representation theoretic (logarithmic) features of this continuum limit by extending to the periodic case the approach of [N. Read and H. Saleur, Nucl. Phys. B 777 316 (2007)]. We first focus on determining the representation theory of the finite size spin chain with respect to the algebra of local energy densities provided by a representation of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra at fugacity one. We then analyze how these algebraic properties carry over to the continuum limit to deduce the structure of the space of states as a representation over the product of left and right Virasoro algebras. Our main result is the full structure of the vacuum module of the theory, which exhibits Jordan cells of arbitrary rank for the Hamiltonian.
137 - N. Read 2014
Parisis formal replica-symmetry--breaking (RSB) scheme for mean-field spin glasses has long been interpreted in terms of many pure states organized ultrametrically. However, the early version of this interpretation, as applied to the short-range Edwards-Anderson model, runs into problems because as shown by Newman and Stein (NS) it does not allow for chaotic size dependence, and predicts non-self-averaging that cannot occur. NS proposed the concept of the metastate (a probability distribution over infinite-size Gibbs states in a given sample that captures the effects of chaotic size dependence) and a non-standard interpretation of the RSB results in which the metastate is non-trivial and is responsible for what was called non-self-averaging. Here we use the effective field theory of RSB, in conjunction with the rigorous definitions of pure states and the metastate in infinite-size systems, to show that the non-standard picture follows directly from the RSB mean-field theory. In addition, the metastate-averaged state possesses power-law correlations throughout the low temperature phase; the corresponding exponent $zeta$ takes the value $4$ according to the field theory in high dimensions $d$, and describes the effective fractal dimension of clusters of spins. Further, the logarithm of the number of pure states in the decomposition of the metastate-averaged state that can be distinguished if only correlations in a window of size $W$ can be observed is of order $W^{d-zeta}$. These results extend the non-standard picture quantitatively; we show that arguments against this scenario are inconclusive.
123 - Barry Bradlyn , N. Read 2014
We construct a low-energy effective action for a two-dimensional non-relativistic topological (i.e. gapped) phase of matter in a continuum, which completely describes all of its bulk electrical, thermal, and stress-related properties in the limit of low frequencies, long distances, and zero temperature, without assuming either Lorentz or Galilean invariance. This is done by generalizing Luttingers approach to thermoelectric phenomena, via the introduction of a background vielbein (i.e. gravitational) field and spin connection a la Cartan, in addition to the electromagnetic vector potential, in the action for the microscopic degrees of freedom (the matter fields). Crucially, the geometry of spacetime is allowed to have timelike and spacelike torsion. These background fields make all natural invariances--- under U(1) gauge transformations, translations in both space and time, and spatial rotations---appear locally, and corresponding conserved currents and the stress tensor can be obtained, which obey natural continuity equations. On integrating out the matter fields, we derive the most general form of a local bulk induced action to first order in derivatives of the background fields, from which thermodynamic and transport properties can be obtained. We show that the gapped bulk cannot contribute to low-temperature thermoelectric transport other than the ordinary Hall conductivity; the other thermoelectric effects (if they occur) are thus purely edge effects. The coupling to reduced spacelike torsion is found to be absent in minimally-coupled models, and using a generalized Belinfante stress tensor, the stress response to time-dependent vielbeins (i.e. strains) is the Hall viscosity, which is robust against perturbations and related to the spin current as in earlier work.
In a recent paper by Neupert, Santos, Chamon, and Mudry [Phys. Rev. B 86, 165133 (2012)] it is claimed that there is an elementary formula for the Hall conductivity of fractional Chern insulators. We show that the proposed formula cannot generally be correct, and we suggest one possible source of the error. Our reasoning can be generalized to show no quantity (such as Hall conductivity) expected to be constant throughout an entire phase of matter can possibly be given as the expectation of any time independent short ranged operator.
189 - J. Dubail , N. Read , E. H. Rezayi 2012
We consider the trial wavefunctions for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE) that are given by conformal blocks, and construct their associated edge excited states in full generality. The inner products between these edge states are computed in the thermodynamic limit, assuming generalized screening (i.e. short-range correlations only) inside the quantum Hall droplet, and using the language of boundary conformal field theory (boundary CFT). These inner products take universal values in this limit: they are equal to the corresponding inner products in the bulk 2d chiral CFT which underlies the trial wavefunction. This is a bulk/edge correspondence; it shows the equality between equal-time correlators along the edge and the correlators of the bulk CFT up to a Wick rotation. This approach is then used to analyze the entanglement spectrum (ES) of the ground state obtained with a bipartition AcupB in real-space. Starting from our universal result for inner products in the thermodynamic limit, we tackle corrections to scaling using standard field-theoretic and renormalization group arguments. We prove that generalized screening implies that the entanglement Hamiltonian H_E = - log {rho}_A is isospectral to an operator that is local along the cut between A and B. We also show that a similar analysis can be carried out for particle partition. We discuss the close analogy between the formalism of trial wavefunctions given by conformal blocks and Tensor Product States, for which results analogous to ours have appeared recently. Finally, the edge theory and entanglement spectrum of px + ipy paired superfluids are treated in a similar fashion in the appendix.
99 - T. S. Jackson , N. Read 2009
Continuing the program begun by the authors in a previous paper, we develop an exact low-density expansion for the random minimum spanning tree (MST) on a finite graph, and use it to develop a continuum perturbation expansion for the MST on critical percolation clusters in space dimension d. The perturbation expansion is proved to be renormalizable in d=6 dimensions. We consider the fractal dimension D_p of paths on the latter MST; our previous results lead us to predict that D_p=2 for d>d_c=6. Using a renormalization-group approach, we confirm the result for d>6, and calculate D_p to first order in epsilon=6-d for dleq 6 using the connection with critical percolation, with the result D_p = 2 - epsilon/7 + O(epsilon^2).
In the usual statistical model of a dense polymer (a single space-filling loop on a lattice) in two dimensions the loop does not cross itself. We modify this by including intersections in which {em three} lines can cross at the same point, with some statistical weight w per crossing. We show that our model describes a line of critical theories with continuously-varying exponents depending on w, described by a conformally-invariant non-linear sigma model with varying coupling constant g_sigma^2 >0. For the boundary critical behavior, or the model defined in a strip, we propose an exact formula for the ell-leg exponents, h_ell=g_sigma^2 ell(ell-2)/8, which is shown numerically to hold very well.
87 - T. S. Jackson , N. Read 2009
The minimum spanning tree (MST) is a combinatorial optimization problem: given a connected graph with a real weight (cost) on each edge, find the spanning tree that minimizes the sum of the total cost of the occupied edges. We consider the random MST, in which the edge costs are (quenched) independent random variables. There is a strongly-disordered spin-glass model due to Newman and Stein [Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2286 (1994)], which maps precisely onto the random MST. We study scaling properties of random MSTs using a relation between Kruskals greedy algorithm for finding the MST, and bond percolation. We solve the random MST problem on the Bethe lattice (BL) with appropriate wired boundary conditions and calculate the fractal dimension D=6 of the connected components. Viewed as a mean-field theory, the result implies that on a lattice in Euclidean space of dimension d, there are of order W^{d-D} large connected components of the random MST inside a window of size W, and that d = d_c = D = 6 is a critical dimension. This differs from the value 8 suggested by Newman and Stein. We also critique the original argument for 8, and provide an improved scaling argument that again yields d_c=6. The result implies that the strongly-disordered spin-glass model has many ground states for d>6, and only of order one below six. The results for MSTs also apply on the Poisson-weighted infinite tree, which is a mean-field approach to the continuum model of MSTs in Euclidean space, and is a limit of the BL. In a companion paper we develop an epsilon=6-d expansion for the random MST on critical percolation clusters.

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