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Due to their highly luminous nature, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are useful tools in studying the early Universe (up to z = 10). We consider whether the available subset of Swift high redshift GRBs are unusual when compared to analogous simulations of a bright low redshift sample. By simulating data from the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT; Barthelmy et al. 2005) the light curves of these bright bursts are obtained over an extensive range of redshifts, revealing complicated evolution in properties of the prompt emission such as T90.
We present observations and analysis of the host galaxies of 23 heavily dust-obscured gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed by the Swift satellite during the years 2005-2009, representing all GRBs with an unambiguous host-frame extinction of A_V>1 mag from this period. Deep observations with Keck, Gemini, VLT, HST, and Spitzer successfully detect the host galaxies and establish spectroscopic or photometric redshifts for all 23 events, enabling us to provide measurements of the intrinsic host star-formation rates, stellar masses, and mean extinctions. Compared to the hosts of unobscured GRBs at similar redshifts, we find that the hosts of dust-obscured GRBs are (on average) more massive by about an order of magnitude and also more rapidly star-forming and dust-obscured. While this demonstrates that GRBs populate all types of star-forming galaxies including the most massive, luminous systems at z~2, at redshifts below 1.5 the overall GRB population continues to show a highly significant aversion away from massive galaxies and a preference for low-mass systems relative to what would be expected given a purely SFR-selected galaxy sample. This supports the notion that the GRB rate is strongly dependent on metallicity, and may suggest that the most massive galaxies in the Universe underwent a transition in their chemical properties ~9 Gyr ago. We also conclude that, based on the absence of unobscured GRBs in massive galaxies and the absence of obscured GRBs in low-mass galaxies, the dust distributions of the lowest-mass and the highest-mass galaxies are relatively homogeneous, while intermediate-mass galaxies (~10^9 M_sun) have diverse internal properties.
We present late-time Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the fields of six Swift GRBs lying at 5.0<z<9.5. Our data includes very deep observations of the field of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed burst, GRB 090423, at z=8.2. Using the precise positions afforded by their afterglows we can place stringent limits on the luminosities of their host galaxies. In one case, that of GRB 060522 at z=5.11, there is a marginal excess of flux close to the GRB position which may be a detection of a host at a magnitude J(AB)=28.5. None of the others are significantly detected meaning that all the hosts lie below Lstar at their respective redshifts, with star formation rates SFR<4Mo/yr in all cases. Indeed, stacking the five fields with WFC3-IR data we conclude a mean SFR<0.17Mo/yr per galaxy. These results support the proposition that the bulk of star formation, and hence integrated UV luminosity, at high redshifts arises in galaxies below the detection limits of deep-field observations. Making the reasonable assumption that GRB rate is proportional to UV luminosity at early times allows us to compare our limits with expectations based on galaxy luminosity functions derived from the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF) and other deep fields. We infer that a luminosity function which is evolving rapidly towards steeper faint-end slope (alpha) and decreasing characteristic luminosity (Lstar), as suggested by some other studies, is consistent with our observations, whereas a non-evolving LF shape is ruled out at >90% confidence. Although it is not yet possible to make stronger statements, in the future, with larger samples and a fuller understanding of the conditions required for GRB production, studies like this hold great potential for probing the nature of star formation, the shape of the galaxy luminosity function, and the supply of ionizing photons in the early universe.
Variable X-ray and gamma-ray emission is characteristic of the most extreme physical processes in the Universe, and studying the sources of these energetic photons has been a major driver in astronomy for the past 50 years. Here we present multiwavelength observations of a unique gamma-ray selected transient, discovered by Swift, which was accompanied by bright emission across the electromagnetic spectrum, and whose properties are unlike any previously observed source. We pinpoint the event to the center of a small, star-forming galaxy at redshift z=0.3534. Its high-energy emission has lasted much longer than any gamma-ray burst, while its peak luminosity was about 100 times higher than the brightest active galactic nuclei. The association of the outburst with the center of its host galaxy suggests that this phenomenon has its origin in a new, rare mechanism associated with a massive black hole in the nucleus of a galaxy.
Following on from our discovery of a significant population of M31 outer halo globular clusters (GCs), and updates to the Revised Bologna Catalogue of M31 GCs, we investigate the GC system of M31 out to an unprecedented radius (~120kpc). We derive various ensemble properties, including the magnitude, colour and metallicity distributions, as well as the GC number density profile. One of our most significant findings is evidence for a flattening in the radial GC number density profile in the outer halo. Intriguingly, this occurs at a galactocentric radius of ~2 degrees (~30 kpc) which is the radius at which the underlying stellar halo surface density has also been shown to flatten. The GCs which lie beyond this radius are remarkably uniform in terms of their blue (V-I)o colours, consistent with them belonging to an ancient population with little to no metallicity gradient. Structural parameters are also derived for a sample of 13 newly-discovered extended clusters (ECs) and we find the lowest luminosity ECs have magnitudes and sizes similar to Palomar-type GCs in the Milky Way halo. We argue that our findings provide strong support for a scenario in which a significant fraction of the outer halo GC population of M31 has been accreted.
It is thought that the first generations of massive stars in the Universe were an important, and quite possibly dominant, source of the ultra-violet radiation that reionized the hydrogen gas in the intergalactic medium (IGM); a state in which it has remained to the present day. Measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies suggest that this phase-change largely took place in the redshift range z=10.8 +/- 1.4, while observations of quasars and Lyman-alpha galaxies have shown that the process was essentially completed by z=6. However, the detailed history of reionization, and characteristics of the stars and proto-galaxies that drove it, remain unknown. Further progress in understanding requires direct observations of the sources of ultra-violet radiation in the era of reionization, and mapping the evolution of the neutral hydrogen fraction through time. The detection of galaxies at such redshifts is highly challenging, due to their intrinsic faintness and high luminosity distance, whilst bright quasars appear to be rare beyond z~7. Here we report the discovery of a gamma-ray burst, GRB 090423, at redshift z=8.26 -0.08 +0.07. This is well beyond the redshift of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed galaxy (z=6.96) and quasar (z=6.43). It establishes that massive stars were being produced, and dying as GRBs, ~625 million years after the Big Bang. In addition, the accurate position of the burst pinpoints the location of the most distant galaxy known to date. Larger samples of GRBs beyond z~7 will constrain the evolving rate of star formation in the early universe, while rapid spectroscopy of their afterglows will allow direct exploration of the progress of reionization with cosmic time.
Gamma-ray bursts are powerful probes of the early universe, but locating and identifying very distant GRBs remains challenging. We report here the discovery of the K-band afterglow of Swift GRB 060923A, imaged within the first hour post-burst, and the faintest so far found. It was not detected in any bluer bands to deep limits, making it a candidate very high redshift burst (z>11). However, our later-time optical imaging and spectroscopy reveal a faint galaxy coincident with the GRB position which, if it is the host, implies a more moderate redshift (most likely z<2.8) and therefore that dust is the likely cause of the very red afterglow colour. This being the case, it is one of the few instances so far found of a GRB afterglow with high dust extinction.
We report the discovery of 40 new globular clusters (GCs) that have been found in surveys of the halo of M31 based on INT/WFC and CHFT/Megacam imagery. A subset of these these new GCs are of an extended, diffuse nature, and include those already found in Huxor et al. (2005). The search strategy is described and basic positional and V and I photometric data are presented for each cluster. For a subset of these clusters, K-band photometry is also given. The new clusters continue to be found to the limit of the survey area (~100 kpc), revealing that the GC system of M31 is much more extended than previously realised. The new clusters increase the total number of confirmed GCs in M31 by approximately 10% and the number of confirmed GCs beyond 1 degree (~14 kpc) by more than 75%. We have also used the survey imagery as well recent HST archival data to update the Revised Bologna Catalogue (RBC) of M31 globular clusters.

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