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Single crystals of (Ca1-xLax)10(Pt3As8)(Fe2As2)5 (x = 0 to 0.182) superconductors have been grown and characterized by X-ray, microprobe, transport and thermodynamic measurements. Features in the magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and two kinks in the derivative of the electrical resistivity around 100 K in the x = 0 compound support the existence of decoupled structural and magnetic phase transitions. With La doping, the structural/magnetic phase transitions are suppressed and a half-dome of superconductivity with a maximal Tc around 26 K is observed in the temperature-concentration phase diagram.
152 - A. Thaler , N. Ni , A. Kracher 2010
Single crystals of Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Ru$_x$)$_2$As$_2$, $x<0.37$, have been grown and characterized by structural, magnetic and transport measurements. These measurements show that the structural/magnetic phase transition found in pure BaFe$_2$As$_2$ at 134 K is suppressed monotonically by Ru doping, but, unlike doping with TM=Co, Ni, Cu, Rh or Pd, the coupled transition seen in the parent compound does not detectably split into two separate ones. Superconductivity is stabilized at low temperatures for $x>0.2$ and continues through the highest doping levels we report. The superconducting region is dome like, with maximum T$_c$ ($sim16.5$ K) found around $xsim 0.29$. A phase diagram of temperature versus doping, based on electrical transport and magnetization measurements, has been constructed and compared to those of the Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$TM$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ (TM=Co, Ni, Rh, Pd) series as well as to the temperature-pressure phase diagram for pure BaFe$_2$As$_2$. Suppression of the structural/magnetic phase transition as well as the appearance of superconductivity is much more gradual in Ru doping, as compared to Co, Ni, Rh and Pd doping, and appears to have more in common with BaFe$_2$As$_2$ tuned with pressure; by plotting $T_S/T_m$ and $T_c$ as a function of changes in unit cell dimensions, we find that changed in the $c/a$ ratio, rather than changes in $c$, $a$ or V, unify the $T(p)$ and $T(x)$ phase diagrams for BaFe$_2$As$_2$ and Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Ru$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ respectively.
281 - N. Ni , A. Thaler , J. Q. Yan 2010
Microscopic, structural, transport and thermodynamic measurements of single crystalline Ba(Fe1-xTMx)2As2 (TM = Ni and Cu) series, as well as two mixed TM = Cu / Co series, are reported. All the transport and thermodynamic measurements indicate that the structural and magnetic phase transitions at 134 K in pure BaFe2As2 are monotonically suppressed and increasingly separated in a similar manner by these dopants. In the Ba(Fe1-xNix)2As2 (x =< 0.072), superconductivity, with Tc up to 19 K, is stabilized for 0.024 =< x =< 0.072. In the Ba(Fe1-xCux)2As2 (x =< 0.356) series, although the structural and magnetic transitions are suppressed, there is only a very limited region of superconductivity: a sharp drop of the resistivity to zero near 2.1 K is found only for the x = 0.044 samples. In the Ba(Fe1-x-yCoxCuy)2As2 series, superconductivity, with Tc values up to 12 K (x ~ 0.022 series) and 20 K (x ~ 0.047 series), is stabilized. Quantitative analysis of the detailed temperature-dopant concentration (T-x) and temperature-extra electrons (T-e) phase diagrams of these series shows that there exists a limited range of the number of extra electrons added, inside which the superconductivity can be stabilized if the structural and magnetic phase transitions are suppressed enough. Moreover, comparison with pressure-temperature phase diagram data, for samples spanning the whole doping range, further reenforces the conclusion that suppression of the structural / magnetic phase transition temperature enhances Tc on the underdoped side, but for the overdoped side Tcmax is determined by e. Therefore, by choosing the combination of dopants that are used, we can adjust the relative positions of the upper phase lines (structural and magnetic phase transitions) and the superconducting dome to control the occurrence and disappearance of the superconductivity in transition metal, electron-doped BaFe2As2.
127 - S. L. Budko , S. Nandi , N. Ni 2009
We present thermodynamic, structural and transport measurements on Ba(Fe0.973Cr0.027)2As2 single crystals. All measurements reveal sharp anomalies at ~ 112 K. Single crystal x-ray diffraction identifies the structural transition as a first order, from the high-temperature tetragonal I4/mmm to the low-temperature orthorhombic Fmmm structure, in contrast to an earlier report.
154 - N. Ni , A. Thaler , A. Kracher 2009
Single crystalline Ba(Fe(1-x)TMx)2As2 (TM = Rh, Pd) series have been grown and characterized by structural, thermodynamic and transport measurements. These measurements show that the structural/magnetic phase transitions, found in pure BaFe2As2 at 134 K, are suppressed monotonically by the doping and that superconductivity can be stablized over a dome-like region. Temperature-composition (T-x) phase diagrams based on electrical transport and magnetization measurements are constructed and compared to those of the Ba(Fe(1-x)TMx)2As2 (TM = Co, Ni) series. Despite the generic difference between 3d and 4d shells and the specific, conspicuous differences in the changes to the unit cell parameters, the effects of Rh doping are exceptionally similar to the effects of Co doping and the effects of Pd doping are exceptionally similar to the effects of Ni doping. These data show that whereas the structural / antiferromagnetic phase transition temperatures can be parameterized by x and the superconducting transition temperature can be parameterized by some combination of x and e, the number of extra electrons associated with the TM doping, the transition temperatures of 3d- and 4d- doped BaFe2As2 can not be simply parameterized by the changes in the unit cell dimensions or their ratios.
The effects of pressure generated in a liquid medium, clamp, pressure cell on the in-plane and c-axis resistance, temperature-dependent Hall coefficient and low temperature, magnetoresistance in CaFe2As2 are presented. The T - P phase diagram, including the observation of a complete superconducting transition in resistivity, delineated in earlier studies is found to be highly reproducible. The Hall resistivity and low temperature magnetoresistance are sensitive to different states/phases observed in CaFe2As2. Auxiliary measurements under uniaxial, c-axis, pressure are in general agreement with the liquid medium clamp cell results with some difference in critical pressure values and pressure derivatives. The data may be viewed as supporting the potential importance of non-hydrostatic components of pressure in inducing superconductivity in CaFe2As2.
Study and comparison of over 30 examples of electron doped BaFe2As2 for transition metal (TM) = Co, Ni, Cu, and (Co/Cu mixtures) have lead to an understanding that the suppression of the structural/antiferromagnetic phase transition to low enough temperature in these compounds is a necessary condition for superconductivity, but not a sufficient one. Whereas the structural/antiferromagnetic transitions are suppressed by the number of TM dopant ions (or changes in the c-axis) the superconducting dome exists over a limited range of values of the number of electrons added by doping (or values of the {a/c} ratio). By choosing which combination of dopants are used we can change the relative positions of the upper phase lines and the superconducting dome, even to the extreme limit of suppressing the upper structural and magnetic phase transitions without the stabilization of low temperature superconducting dome.
347 - S. E. Hahn , Y. Lee , N. Ni 2009
In the iron pnictides, the strong sensitivity of the iron magnetic moment to the arsenic position suggests a significant relationship between phonons and magnetism. We measured the phonon dispersion of several branches in the high temperature tetragonal phase of CaFe2As2 using inelastic x-ray scattering on single-crystal samples. These measurements were compared to ab initio calculations of the phonons. Spin polarized calculations imposing the antiferromagnetic order present in the low temperature orthorhombic phase dramatically improve agreement between theory and experiment. This is discussed in terms of the strong antiferromagnetic correlations that are known to persist in the tetragonal phase.
At ambient pressure CaFe2As2 has been found to undergo a first order phase transition from a high temperature, tetragonal phase to a low temperature orthorhombic / antiferromagnetic phase upon cooling through T ~ 170 K. With the application of pressure this phase transition is rapidly suppressed and by ~ 0.35 GPa it is replaced by a first order phase transition to a low temperature collapsed tetragonal, non-magnetic phase. Further application of pressure leads to an increase of the tetragonal to collapsed tetragonal phase transition temperature, with it crossing room temperature by ~ 1.7 GPa. Given the exceptionally large and anisotropic change in unit cell dimensions associated with the collapsed tetragonal phase, the state of the pressure medium (liquid or solid) at the transition temperature has profound effects on the low temperature state of the sample. For He-gas cells the pressure is as close to hydrostatic as possible and the transitions are sharp and the sample appears to be single phase at low temperatures. For liquid media cells at temperatures below media freezing, the CaFe2As2 transforms when it is encased by a frozen media and enters into a low temperature multi-crystallographic-phase state, leading to what appears to be a strain stabilized superconducting state at low temperatures.
119 - N. Ni , M. E. Tillman , J.-Q. Yan 2008
Single crystalline samples of Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ with $x < 0.12$ have been grown and characterized via microscopic, thermodynamic and transport measurements. With increasing Co substitution, the thermodynamic and transport signatures of the structural (high temperature tetragonal to low temperature orthorhombic) and magnetic (high temperature non magnetic to low temperature antiferromagnetic) transitions are suppressed at a rate of roughly 15 K per percent Co. In addition, for $x ge 0.038$ superconductivity is stabilized, rising to a maximum $T_c$ of approximately 23 K for $x approx 0.07$ and decreasing for higher $x$ values. The $T - x$ phase diagram for Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ indicates that either superconductivity can exist in both low temperature crystallographic phases or that there is a structural phase separation. Anisotropic, superconducting, upper critical field data ($H_{c2}(T)$) show a significant and clear change in anisotropy between samples that have higher temperature structural phase transitions and those that do not. These data show that the superconductivity is sensitive to the suppression of the higher temperature phase transition.

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