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In this study we discuss two key issues related to a small-scale dynamo instability at low magnetic Prandtl numbers and large magnetic Reynolds numbers, namely: (i) the scaling for the growth rate of small-scale dynamo instability in the vicinity of the dynamo threshold; (ii) the existence of the Golitsyn spectrum of magnetic fluctuations in small-scale dynamos. There are two different asymptotics for the small-scale dynamo growth rate: in the vicinity of the threshold of the excitation of the small-scale dynamo instability, $lambda propto ln({rm Rm}/ {rm Rm}^{rm cr})$, and when the magnetic Reynolds number is much larger than the threshold of the excitation of the small-scale dynamo instability, $lambda propto {rm Rm}^{1/2}$, where ${rm Rm}^{rm cr}$ is the small-scale dynamo instability threshold in the magnetic Reynolds number ${rm Rm}$. We demonstrated that the existence of the Golitsyn spectrum of magnetic fluctuations requires a finite correlation time of the random velocity field. On the other hand, the influence of the Golitsyn spectrum on the small-scale dynamo instability is minor. This is the reason why it is so difficult to observe this spectrum in direct numerical simulations for the small-scale dynamo with low magnetic Prandtl numbers.
In this paper we advance physical background of the energy- and flux-budget turbulence closure based on the budget equations for the turbulent kinetic and potential energies and turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy, and a new relaxation equation for the turbulent dissipation time-scale. The closure is designed for stratified geophysical flows from neutral to very stable and accounts for the Earth rotation. In accordance to modern experimental evidence, the closure implies maintaining of turbulence by the velocity shear at any gradient Richardson number Ri, and distinguishes between the two principally different regimes: strong turbulence at Ri << 1 typical of boundary-layer flows and characterised by the practically constant turbulent Prandtl number; and weak turbulence at Ri > 1 typical of the free atmosphere or deep ocean, where the turbulent Prandtl number asymptotically linearly increases with increasing Ri (which implies very strong suppression of the heat transfer compared to the momentum transfer). For use in different applications, the closure is formulated at different levels of complexity, from the local algebraic model relevant to the steady-state regime of turbulence to a hierarchy of non-local closures including simpler down-gradient models, presented in terms of the eddy-viscosity and eddy-conductivity, and general non-gradient model based on prognostic equations for all basic parameters of turbulence including turbulent fluxes.
We demonstrate that the current helicity observed in solar active regions traces the magnetic helicity of the large-scale dynamo generated field. We use an advanced 2D mean-field dynamo model with dynamo saturation based on the evolution of the magnetic helicity and algebraic quenching. For comparison, we also studied a more basic 2D mean-field dynamo model with simple algebraic alpha quenching only. Using these numerical models we obtained butterfly diagrams both for the small-scale current helicity and also for the large-scale magnetic helicity, and compared them with the butterfly diagram for the current helicity in active regions obtained from observations. This comparison shows that the current helicity of active regions, as estimated by $-{bf A cdot B}$ evaluated at the depth from which the active region arises, resembles the observational data much better than the small-scale current helicity calculated directly from the helicity evolution equation. Here ${bf B}$ and ${bf A}$ are respectively the dynamo generated mean magnetic field and its vector potential. A theoretical interpretation of these results is given.
Using different analytical methods (the quasi-linear approach, the path-integral technique and tau-relaxation approximation) we develop a comprehensive mean-field theory for a pumping effect of the mean magnetic field in homogeneous non-rotating helical turbulence with imposed large-scale shear. The effective pumping velocity is proportional to the product of alpha effect and large-scale vorticity associated with the shear, and causes a separation of the toroidal and poloidal components of the mean magnetic field along the direction of the mean vorticity. We also perform direct numerical simulations of sheared turbulence in different ranges of hydrodynamic and magnetic Reynolds numbers and use a kinematic test-field method to determine the effective pumping velocity. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with the theoretical predictions.
106 - I. Rogachevskii 2011
In this study we investigate the effects of turbulent convection on formation of large-scale inhomogeneous magnetic structures by means of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) for convection in solar-type stars. The main idea of this study is the implementation of a new subgrid-scale model for the effective Lorentz force in a three-dimensional nonlinear radiative magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code developed for simulating the upper solar convection zone and lower atmosphere. To this end we derived the energy budget equations, which include the effects of the subgrid-scale turbulence on the Lorentz-force, and implemented the new subgrid-scale turbulence model (TELF-Model) in a three-dimensional nonlinear MHD LES code. Using imposed initial vertical and horizontal uniform magnetic fields in LES with the TELF-Model, we have shown that the magnetic flux tubes formation is started when the initial mean magnetic field is larger than a threshold value (about 100 G). This is in agreement with the theoretical studies by Rogachevskii and Kleeorin (2007). We have determined the vertical profiles of the velocity and magnetic fluctuations, total MHD energy and anisotropy of turbulent magneto-convection, kinetic and current and cross helicities.
We study magnetic field evolution in flows with fluctuating in time governing parameters in electrically conducting fluid. We use a standard mean-field approach to derive equations for large-scale magnetic field for the fluctuating ABC-flow as well as for the fluctuating Roberts flow. The derived mean-field dynamo equations have growing solutions with growth rate of the large-scale magnetic field which is not controlled by molecular magnetic diffusivity. Our study confirms the Zeldovich idea that the nonstationarity of the fluid flow may remove the obstacle in large-scale dynamo action of classic stationary flows.

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