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Quantum systems can show qualitatively new forms of behavior when they are driven by fast time-periodic modulations. In the limit of large driving frequency, the long-time dynamics of such systems can often be described by a time-independent effective Hamiltonian, which is generally identified through a perturbative treatment. Here, we present a general formalism that describes time-modulated physical systems, in which the driving frequency is large, but resonant with respect to energy spacings inherent to the system at rest. Such a situation is currently exploited in optical-lattice setups, where superlattice (or Wannier-Stark-ladder) potentials are resonantly modulated so as to control the tunneling matrix elements between lattice sites, offering a powerful method to generate artificial fluxes for cold-atom systems. The formalism developed in this work identifies the basic ingredients needed to generate interesting flux patterns and band structures using resonant modulations. Additionally, our approach allows for a simple description of the micro-motion underlying the dynamics; we illustrate its characteristics based on diverse dynamic-lattice configurations. It is shown that the impact of the micro-motion on physical observables strongly depends on the implemented scheme, suggesting that a theoretical description in terms of the effective Hamiltonian alone is generally not sufficient to capture the full time-evolution of the system.
Gauge fields are central in our modern understanding of physics at all scales. At the highest energy scales known, the microscopic universe is governed by particles interacting with each other through the exchange of gauge bosons. At the largest length scales, our universe is ruled by gravity, whose gauge structure suggests the existence of a particle - the graviton - that mediates the gravitational force. At the mesoscopic scale, solid-state systems are subjected to gauge fields of different nature: materials can be immersed in external electromagnetic fields, but they can also feature emerging gauge fields in their low-energy description. In this review, we focus on another kind of gauge field: those engineered in systems of ultracold neutral atoms. In these setups, atoms are suitably coupled to laser fields that generate effective gauge potentials in their description. Neutral atoms feeling laser-induced gauge potentials can potentially mimic the behavior of an electron gas subjected to a magnetic field, but also, the interaction of elementary particles with non-Abelian gauge fields. Here, we review different realized and proposed techniques for creating gauge potentials - both Abelian and non-Abelian - in atomic systems and discuss their implication in the context of quantum simulation. While most of these setups concern the realization of background and classical gauge potentials, we conclude with more exotic proposals where these synthetic fields might be made dynamical, in view of simulating interacting gauge theories with cold atoms.
Ultracold fermions trapped in a honeycomb optical lattice constitute a versatile setup to experimentally realize the Haldane model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2015 (1988)]. In this system, a non-uniform synthetic magnetic flux can be engineered through laser-induced methods, explicitly breaking time-reversal symmetry. This potentially opens a bulk gap in the energy spectrum, which is associated with a non-trivial topological order, i.e., a non-zero Chern number. In this work, we consider the possibility of producing and identifying such a robust Chern insulator in the laser-coupled honeycomb lattice. We explore a large parameter space spanned by experimentally controllable parameters and obtain a variety of phase diagrams, clearly identifying the accessible topologically non-trivial regimes. We discuss the signatures of Chern insulators in cold-atom systems, considering available detection methods. We also highlight the existence of topological semi-metals in this system, which are gapless phases characterized by non-zero winding numbers, not present in Haldanes original model.
164 - Z. Lan , N. Goldman , A. Bermudez 2011
Dirac-Weyl fermions are massless relativistic particles with a well-defined helicity which arise in the context of high-energy physics. Here we propose a quantum simulation of these paradigmatic fermions using multicomponent ultracold atoms in a two-dimensional square optical lattice. We find that laser-assisted spin-dependent hopping, specifically tuned to the $(2s+1)$-dimensional representations of the $mathfrak{su}$(2) Lie algebra, directly leads to a regime where the emerging massless excitations correspond to Dirac-Weyl fermions with arbitrary pseudospin $s$. We show that this platform hosts two different phases: a semimetallic phase that occurs for half-integer $s$, and a metallic phase that contains a flat zero-energy band at integer $s$. These phases host a variety of interesting effects, such as a very rich anomalous quantum Hall effect and a remarkable multirefringent Klein tunneling. In addition we show that these effects are directly related to the number of underlying Dirac-Weyl species and zero modes.
Ultracold Fermi gases trapped in honeycomb optical lattices provide an intriguing scenario, where relativistic quantum electrodynamics can be tested. Here, we generalize this system to non-Abelian quantum electrodynamics, where massless Dirac fermions interact with effective non-Abelian gauge fields. We show how in this setup a variety of topological phase transitions occur, which arise due to massless fermion pair production events, as well as pair annihilation events of two kinds: spontaneous and strongly-interacting induced. Moreover, such phase transitions can be controlled and characterized in optical lattice experiments.
We study the properties of an ultracold Fermi gas loaded in an optical square lattice and subjected to an external and classical non-Abelian gauge field. We show that this system can be exploited as an optical analogue of relativistic quantum electrodynamics, offering a remarkable route to access the exotic properties of massless Dirac fermions with cold atoms experiments. In particular we show that the underlying Minkowski space-time can also be modified, reaching anisotropic regimes where a remarkable anomalous quantum Hall effect and a squeezed Landau vacuum could be observed.
Nowadays it is experimentally feasible to create artificial, and in particular, non-Abelian gauge potentials for ultracold atoms trapped in optical lattices. Motivated by this fact, we investigate the fundamental properties of an ultracold Fermi gas in a non-Abelian U(2) gauge potential characterized by a constant Wilson loop. Under this specific condition, the energy spectrum exhibits a robust band structure with large gaps and reveals a new fractal figure. The transverse conductivity is related to topological invariants and is shown to be quantized when the Fermi energy lies inside a gap of the spectrum. We demonstrate that the analogue of the integer quantum Hall effect for neutral atoms survives the non-Abelian coupling and leads to a striking fractal phase diagram. Moreover, this coupling induces an anomalous Hall effect as observed in graphene.
Nowadays it is experimentally feasible to create artificial, and in particular, non-Abelian gauge potentials for ultracold atoms trapped in optical lattices. Motivated by this fact, we investigate the fundamental properties of an ultracold Fermi gas in a non-Abelian U(2) gauge potential characterized by a emph{constant} Wilson loop. Under this specific condition, the energy spectrum exhibits a robust band structure with large gaps and reveals a new fractal figure. The transverse conductivity is related to topological invariants and is shown to be quantized when the Fermi energy lies inside a gap of the spectrum. We demonstrate that the analogue of the integer quantum Hall effect for neutral atoms survives the non-Abelian coupling and leads to a striking fractal phase diagram. Moreover, this coupling induces an anomalous Hall effect as observed in graphene.
118 - N. Goldman , P. Gaspard 2007
We study the spectral properties of infinite rectangular quantum graphs in the presence of a magnetic field. We study how these properties are affected when three-dimensionality is considered, in particular, the chaological properties. We then establish the quantization of the Hall transverse conductivity for these systems. This quantization is obtained by relating the transverse conductivity to topological invariants. The different integer values of the Hall conductivity are explicitly computed for an anisotropic diffusion system which leads to fractal phase diagrams.

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